How Do the Vikings Get Some Respect? – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
David Nelson

The Vikings would have to win two straight Super Bowls to get respect from a lot of the national media. And that might not do it.


    That fact that is true… lol. Even 2 wouldn’t rly do it but I do think 3 would solidify some respect


    People would make excuses on how we won them if this were to happen


    @KB43 “Vikings vs _____? More like _____ vs The Refs” 🙄 I can hear it now.

Gerson Crispin

They have my respect already


I don’t agree with schrag’s here. What happened in the past has nothing to do with this years team. Even if a lot of the players are the same, they got some different mojo going on. I like all the other takes


    Plus those loses he brung up were on the road . This game is at home.

Conor Leonard

The reason the vikings arnt trusted and have high viewership is not because of the team but because of the team bias of the media and the nfl towards teams like Green Bay, like they are awful this year yet they get more coverage than the Vikings

    Mr. Misanthrope

    That and “Americas team”


    Yeah, they mentioned this in the video…


    Exactly, if Kirk was playing on a different team but with this record things would b different but it’s no surprise that Mn doesn’t get the recognition


Lots of great points made. I think the lack of respect is a conglomeration of all of those points. Like it was mentioned a couple of times, we Vikings fans respect our team so that’s all that should matter to us.

    Adam Volk



    @Adam Volk SKOL!

Sam Wilcox

Thank god the media is finally realizing how little they’re giving credit to teams like Vikings and titans


    It’s still the media’s narrative when they say “wHy aRenT VikINgs REspecTeD?!” Not because they “realized” there’s no respect. They control the narrative. It’s nothing new.


    Titans don’t get enough respect, I agree with you there. Tannehill, despite his faults, can throw a pretty good ball.

Sam Wilcox

I think people have to stop looking at the logo and look at the players and coaching.

The Vikings have brand new coaching and staffing. Literally everything changed. And look how they play now with virtually the same players.

It’s not about the logo it’s about each season, player dynamics, and coaching/leadership.

Varun Vallury

greatest GMFB segment ever, and there have been a lot of em #youvikethat

Maximus Keene

a sb win would definitely change the overall view of the vikings. they’re the best team statistically in the nfl to have never won a sb. meaning throughout it’s history, it’s been a lot of close games and heartbreaking losses. winning the big one would show that the vikes are elite, not just a tough out or a challenge for another team


    @JAKEDOWN999 i love my Vikings, but goddamn we have what seems to be the absolute most shitty luck in the big game.


    @kraziasian1 41-donut lmao, there is so much pain in our history

    Cole Trickle

    And bullshit refs like the first hail mary, which was the worlds most blatant push off and no refs care. Really hard to beat teams the NFL has decided will win. Like, real hard. Been that way for decades.

    Cole Trickle

    @Goose Losing playoff games really shouldn’t be called pain. Pain is the Lions, please, I wish presective to all Vikings fans.
    Also, I would rather be a Vikes fan than a Bears fan. At least the Vikes have a chance most years. The Bears fluked into one SB 40 years ago and have been absolute garbage since. They have had one run since then? That is pain.

    Thomas Sankara

    @JAKEDOWN999 Biggest choker in NFL History


As a Vikings fan. Let them be the underdogs. It’s fuel for the fire. Blow the cowboys out of the water. Every game they improve on offense and defense.

Austin Lee

Idc if no one respects us, we’re winning and that’s all that matters to us fans. This team is completely different than last year. We may have a bad history, but we’ve also done great things as well.

    American Viking

    your goddamn right!!! We gonna keep winning and winning and fighting and clawing back in games. SKOL!!!!!!

    Douglas Weeber

    @Evan Galinsky I love having kirk, he’s prolly 5 times better than whatever bum qb your favorite team has. I’ll ride with kirk til he retires and be happy


    @Evan Galinsky Yeah, Allen’s injury was sure bothering him something awful. You could tell how much it was hurting him by how he kept initiating contact with defenders at the end of his runs instead of sliding. Nice try, but that excuse doesn’t hold any water whatsoever. His right arm was the injured one, right? And he’s right-handed, right? And he was chucking the ball around all game long, right? But hey, keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to cope, bud 👍.

    Dadson worldwide

    They are telling you if you’re not voting or ideologically like them that wont promote you. Christian conservative nope back to who is

    Rickey Jones

    @Evan Galinsky yeah and as a vikings fan kirk gets it done he would be the Vikings G.o.a.t we will be happy with who ever gets it done. He looks good enough unleash Dalvin in playoffs. I like us being the underdogs… and doubted.


Only discussion people have on the Vikings are “are they actually good?” “When do they get their respect?” They’re bound to lose a game or two still, maybe 3, idk, and people will immediately shoot them down. Just like how the packers were immediately shot up for winning 1 game despite such a poor showing all season, only for them to get dominated by King Henry and tannehill.


    Fr!! They love them some cheeseheads

Suited Up

We gotta win the superbowl and even if that happens they will still say they weren’t that good 👌


    And….they’ve only won one SB. smh

Hoon Choi

Kyle actually makes a great point about kirk cousins. No matter how well he does, all credits will go to receivers and other factors. In contrast, if the Vikings lose a game, its always Kirk’s fault and we will hear that same old story of how Kirk will never win big games, even though he already proved that he can win big games. These media and all the kirk cousins haters really needs to be rational and accept the fact that he’s been balling out this season. All the close games that we ended up losing last season is mostly our defense and Mike Zimmer’s fault, not kirk.

    hobo nolen

    He balled last season Imo but people just love to hate Kirk

    marvin Gipson

    They hate the man cause the money he makes simple

    Hoon Choi

    @marvin Gipson that is true, can’t deny. i worry it’s gonna affect us being able to keep J.j in the preseason. no matter the cost, he is a MUST keep

Nick Fifis

The team doesn’t care about if anyone gives them respect we do, but it’s sad. I’m sitting here in Philly and the Eagles haven’t gotten much respect from the media at all as fans outside of Minnesota are giving no respect to the Vikings and even laughing at them. They’re both 8 -1, that’s a hard thing to do in this league no matter what team you are or what your schedule is. Put some respect on their name and did she say they’ve one of the longest playoff droughts in history? Not long ago they were in the NFC championship. They got destroyed by the Eagles, but they still got there.


The difference this year has been KOC. He has that team fully bought in on his system and from everything I’ve heard, they all love playing for him. Seems he’s instilled a “never die” attitude in the boys. Shows how badly they under performed last season under Zim as well considering the roster is pretty similar this year. Zim looked beat up and broken and so glad they moved on.

Yuliya Samoylenko

“Respect from who???? You’re gaining the respect from all the other teams!! Enjoy these games! Don’t worry about the outside world who has no impact on the games you’re playing. Turn off the noise…keep going. Minnesota you’re doing it, you’re the top of you devision. Continue to win football games & enjoy doing it.”

So well said!!


    It seems like all the media can focus on is the average stats so therefore the Vikings are “average” and “lucky.” And yet they are finding ways to win like scoring TDs after turnovers and getting stops on 3rd and 4th downs or the kicker getting a FG when he needs to. With KOC and the veterans, they are blocking all of that crap out and winning one game at a time. Love it!!

Chris Eckhoff

This is the first legitimate segment where I think they hit all the great points on why the Vikings can’t get respect. They’re still in prove it mode because we’ve seen them do it time and again and have come up short every single time. I’m a die hard fan who isn’t ready to go all in yet. I don’t blame the rest of the world for feeling the same! I just don’t wanna get my heart broken again 😂

    John Lilly

    Just be happy ur winning I remember my panthers 15-1 run it was amazing even if we didn’t win a super bowl it was my favorite season of watching panther football


    Exactly. I love what I’m seeing so far, but…I’ve also been following for long enough to know that, until they have the lead and that clock is at 00:00, it’s not a sure thing. Time and time again, regardless of who’s coaching or who’s on the roster, the Vikings have proven that just when you thought they were a sure thing…

Petta Donato

She’s way off on the Vikings making it to the playoffs in the 90’s. In the 10 years from 91 to 2000 they went to the playoffs 8 times including 2 trips to the NFC Championship game. Dennis Green was a great coach!

    Paul Bolin, M.D.

    She’s referring to championships. The last time a major sports league team won a championship in Minnesota was the Twins in 1991. A Minnesota team hasn’t even *been* to a championship since then. They came within an overtime point with the Vikings in 1998 and 2009 (overtime games). They came within a series with the Twins in 2002 and the Wild in 2003. But it’s been all near-misses since 1991.

    Unless you want to count the WNBA (that, they’ve won several).

steven kappes

Finally! Someone actually talks about the elephant in the room. Finally somebody tells it how it is, from the mouth of the national media. There’s something about the Vikings that the national media hates and it’s ridiculous. Thank you for at least mentioning it.

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