Go inside the locker room for Steve Wilks’ victory speech after Atlanta win – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

God I love this team. I hope wilks stays as the head coach. Keep pounding.

    Artiss Barbour

    I so too boss. A few more pieces and a true QB and here we go!!!!


I hope Steve keeps the job as Head Coach.

    fets luck

    @Travis Bowers II receivers have been pretty good when getting the ball but go off lmao

    El Nigga

    Well then he better start winning

    Jay Washington

    @fets luck did you not see how PJ played last game and not to mention the weather conditions last night. There was no need to throw the ball 30 plus times when you’re averaging 5 yards a carry.

    All-Father Chito

    @fets luck I agree like people don’t understand the couple of teams we managed to beat, are some of the worst teams. It has been proven you’re not going to win much playing conservative.


    ​@Jay Washington most of the throws were just simple screens behind the line of scrimmage. he doesn’t want the ball going that far. he did a great job as coach


Great win last night!!! Keep Pounding got damnit!!


    A got damn gree!

    Matt White

    You got damn right!!!


What Foreman said is true credit go to the O LINE for doing a GREAT job.
I hope Steve Wilk get the job.
PLEASE KEEP FOREMAN. Like if agree.😄👍

Travis Bowers II

Respect to Wilks and go off Foreman!! #KeepPounding

ȚЯΙᄂᄂ - RIP Young Slobe

This team is fighting for Steve Wilks…The didn’t care for Matt Rhule


Head coach Steve wilks

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Keep pounding!!! Starting to feel like a football team again. I hope they keep Wilks on as a head coach.

Zack S

Shoutout to the offensive line in it’s entirety! Such a huge improvement from the previous season!


    you mean last what 5 years and some

    Joshua Reynolds

    I love this oline starting lineup now. Bozeman was the last piece needed

Gabe Sheaffer

Damn coach show Derrick some love lol he played at a high level last night. If he played like that every game he’d be top a 3 d lineman

Sean Cannon

Steve Wilks is our guy.

Keep that man.

    Andy Bales

    U do recall the most embarrassing game ever last week, right? A “win” against Atlanta doesn’t mean much


Clear difference in leadership in coaching

    Andy Bales

    I will agree there, but this team has a lot to work on…ALOT

Mike Northern

I really hope that Steve continues to win and they give him the head coaching job. I think he deserves it, he has passion and needs a second chance at a head-coaching position. the team seems to really respect and like him and that goes along way in the locker room and in the field!!! Let’s go Panthers.

Cloyd World

Wilks is that guy. He has brought a sense of belonging back to Carolina, he knows what success in Carolina country looks like and he’s getting it done. Give him a year Tepper see what he does in the draft

Jon Hosey

Steve Wilks could literally win out for the rest of the season and go to the playoffs and some people would STILL want a new guy in here. If you haven’t been impressed by what he’s been able to do with LESS than what Matt Rhule had on the roster for 2.5 seasons then you probably don’t even know what sport you’ve been watching. He’s the walking, living, breathing epitome of #KEEPPOUNDING! If you don’t like the guy, just say so.

    Andy Bales

    I’ll agree with u on Wilks..I do like his attitude he brings..however, starting an undrafted QB over a former #1 draft pick isn’t real smart…common sense…Mayfield has much more potential, especially with a much better coach now…just wasting potential, by not starting a possible longer term QB


Huge turn around man. Yall continue to get better and better each week from now on and hit harder,offensive line keep blocking and making holes for Foreman,defense continue to bust through the other teams. Whole team come together and do ya thing. 🙏🏾🙏🏾

kevin jeter

keep wilkes as head coach ! dont let him walk this guy is all about smash mouth mffing football run and defense

Andres Mitre

That’s the leadearship we need on our team!, no poker faces, a good coach that can tackle the current problems without just going bla bla bla

Leah Miller

They performed well this time. Just keep it consistent and they will be fine and feel good about themselves. My hope for the best to turn it all around.


Steve Wilkes might just end up being the coach
He is showing how much he loves this team and wants to win a I love it

Everyone said the Falcons were gonna win and I doubted them and I was right they were wrong because I knew we were gonna win on Thursday Night at home

Keep Pounding

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