United States Air Force Officer tells the story of his Steelers fandom | SNU Traditions – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

United States Air Force Officer tells the story of his Steelers fandom | SNU Traditions

United States Air Force Officer Brett Seiling shares the story behind his Steelers fandom

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I commented first

Blue Crow

Since Fetterman won…wonder where the open air injection sites on the north shore will be…haha santurary city…my santurary city eagles beat your sanctuary city Steelers…



Robert Curry

On this Veterans Day Holiday in America, God’s Blessings to all the Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces and took the Oath to defend this country of ours at MEPS. #HereWeGoSteelers 🏈🏈🏈🖤💛


War criminal


Bet those innocent civilians you killed had families and favorite sports teams too.

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