Lamar Jackson Throwing Dimes! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

That entire drive was one of the best theyโ€™ve had all year. Great start vs a solid defense.

    Affluent BIG Slime

    Will agree. Very efficient drive. It’s almost like Lamar’s plays better when he doesn’t have to focus on Andrews or Bateman.

ZEN Broskii

Lamar is crazy


W W W. I just love Lamar Jackson. He’s one of my favorite quarterbacks.

Affluent BIG Slime

TE and WR are hurt and he still makes plays. While other QBs like Herbert,Burrow and Allen live off excuses. 1 player goes down and the wheels come off๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Lamar Carry’s a team and franchise. They need carried

    No Thanks Bro

    c’mon man. Herbert’s offense is hella injured right now. All those quarterbacks you mentioned are great just like lamar too.

    Affluent BIG Slime

    @No Thanks Bro EXCUSES. Lamar offense has been hurt for 2 years


    @Affluent BIG Slime facts ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Cavaleer Mountaineer

    He’s playing BETTER without those two because he fixated on them, Andrews especially, and defenses knew it. Go back and watch that first drive against Tampa. He was so focused on 89 that he threw into double coverage, incomplete, but completely ignored a wide open #80 underneath. Look, I’m the biggest LJ fan but the film and results don’t lie. Defenses knew his favorites and he still tried to make it happen. Now, they have no idea where he’s going to go. And the results are speaking for themselves.

    Jeremy DeCaro

    Trust in Jesus Christ….time is short. John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    Luke 13 3 – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
    John 3:3โ€œ Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.โ€


Bro, thereโ€™s no point of even trying to stop Lamar๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


    LJ8 ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿฅท

    Brett Ramsey

    He’s not even that good. Running backs who are quarterbacks don’t make it far.

    Elijah Williams

    @Brett Ramsey stay off the drugs

Markeece Graham

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚I never thought this Jackson 2 Jackson connection would actually happen in Real Life.


B-But heโ€™s a running back ๐Ÿ˜ข

The Twinkie Boys

โ€œPretty good for a running backโ€๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ’œ


That TD pass was so damn clean, Likely looking like a rising star

Henry Davis

He has improved a lot from last year.
Whether that is enough to put the Ravens in the SuperBowl who knows.

    brad turner

    Most definitely not


    @brad turner WHy is it guys with the whitest names hating on lamar in this comment section, “brad” brett” , etc. lmao

Cavaleer Mountaineer

BRILLIANT playcalling by Roman. I think Lamar has turned the corner. No 89, no 7? NO PROBLEM. If he continues at this pace he will EARN $300M guaranteed.

    Jarrad Bruessel

    @Casey Budden because he can’t run and pass. He can’t pass while running.

    Casey Budden

    @Jarrad Bruessel yes he can do you not watch him lol

    Jarrad Bruessel

    @Casey Budden um he missed 3 passes while running in this game alone lol.

    Casey Budden

    @Jarrad Bruessel okay and heโ€™s not the only qb dat misses passes did you see josh Allen vs the jets

    Jarrad Bruessel

    @Casey Budden yes josh had one bad game, but he also hurt his elbow that game and was sacked the most times out of any game this season at 5. Plus that’s only one game where he has played shitty. Meanwhile lamar we can look at just about any game and you will see examples of him missing guys wide open. According to next gen stats lamar throws about 12.1% of his passes attempts into coverage or tight pockets, which ranks 33rd amongst 39 qbs who have at minimum 75 passing attempts this season. Meaning he will not take risks. He mainly only passes to guys who are wide open. Meanwhile he still is 10th in interceptions. 87.9% of the time he only throws to guys who don’t have a defender within 1 yard of them, and still he is tied for 9th in interceptions. He is 13th out of 34 qualifying qbs for highest interception percentage according to football reference. He is 16th in passing attempts, but there are 9 qbs who have played fewer games than him. He relies mostly on his running to get him down the field. That’s great for him during the first like 59 minutes of the game, but do you think the patriots come back from behind against the falcons being down 28-3 in the super bowl if lamar is the one passing? Hell no. He relies too much on his legs. You are down 1 point, 13 seconds left on the clock on your own 10 yard line, need to get down the field into field goal range, who are you trusting? Mahomes or lamar? Mahomes every time. Because he can do it. Lamar you can’t trust to do it. Aaron rodgers has hardly no receivers at all to pass to. Yet he still threw a deep ball to christian watson a rookie in the first game. He dropped it. But did the stop rodgers from targeting him? Hell no. Does all of the dropped deep balls stop rodgers from throwing deep and only throwing short? No. He still does it. He still will take the risks. Because he trusts his arm talent. Lamar you can’t trust his arm talent. Allen can run if he wants to. He did his first couple of years. He ran a lot. But then he got his throwing motion fixed which helped a ton with his accuracy. He realized he didn’t need to rely on his legs to get it all done.

Shota Omori

Haven’t seen Jackson in a while, but I see a big difference in his throwing motion/mechanics. It looks less awkward and more smooth.


Lamar turned into a true dual-threat quarterback and I’m all for it

    Andrew Ambrusko

    I wish Baltimores front office was a little more aggressive at going for wideouts, this is lamars 5th season and all he’s got to throw to is a 12 year vet and a TE ๐Ÿ’€

    bobby boucher

    guess he wasnt when he lead the league in passing touchdowns?

    T O

    @bobby boucher lol yeah. Definitely wasn’t a true dual threat when he set the record for QB rushing yards and had the most passing TDs in the NFL that same season…

    Jarrad Bruessel

    @bobby boucher um those 36 tds wouldn’t put him top 3 the next two years after lol.

    Jeremiah spears

    @Jarrad Bruessel still lead the league that year over every active qb so now excuses

Falcon 1

Crazy good play design, getting the defense to bite on a disguised bootleg is insanely hard to do when you think about how much discipline an offensive lineman has to have to not go upfield. Iโ€™m surprised that pass wasnโ€™t tighter than it was.

Philly Jackson

Heโ€™s an MVP for a reason, reason enough Hurts can be ๐Ÿ’ฏ


I saw the stat about Lamar having an NFL record 7 career games with both 200 passing yards and 100 rushing yards. The most anyone else has had is 3. And Lamar is still so freakin young too.. if he stays healthy, it’s crazy to imagine how high he’ll set the bar. He’s such an exciting QB to watch. We haven’t seen anyone like him since Vick.


    He will be the Tom Brady of dual threats when he retires most likely.

    Star Destroyer

    How about Justin Fields


What a touchdown!

Gregory lp

Passing TD! โœ… It’s DIMES.

joe smith

Congrats to Lamar on his 100th touchdown pass to 4th round rookie Likely who is actually playing like a 1st round pick.


What a perfect throw & catch!

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