DT Grover Stewart Mic’d Up Week 8 vs. Washington Commanders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Patrick Plummer

Badass big man


Frank cannot call plays


    @Anthony Ramos so your judgement like I’ve been saying of a coach is how many times he’s appeared in the playoffs and won lol. So like I said you and others are spoiled and greedy lol. So tell me that means mostly every coach in the league is horrible if we are basing it this way this ain’t highschool sports were one guy runs all lol. Finally some fans and media say he needs to hold his players accountable but when I ask people like you to get off Frank’s nuts and hold players accountable since they play the game and it’s there job to execute and there are experts saying great offensive scheme and game plan but you no bodies don’t see it hmm wonder why and then you think your whining matters lol . Did you happen to see that our new young QB although he did great for his first week missed 2 wide open TDs, did you happen to see our defence give up 10 points in the last quarter with 9 min left in the game, and did you see the fumble by Sam and JT oh and did you see in two or more great plays were Pittman and TE were supposed to block but either moved out the way or they just completely failed to blocked if that’s player execution and that’s holding players accountable just put it on the coach cuz that’s gonna solve the lack of player execution then you and people with your view are not going to see playoff wins or any wins for a while. Your lucky a man like frank chose to be our coach when we were dropped by the one we wanted like an ugly girl at the bar lol. Every season he has been here we have had a winning record even though we have never really given him one stable QB or team and now that we have a team built and now that we are trying to get and or figure out the QB issue now people are like he’s horrible lol you try having a new player every year execute your plan that is just learning it or that hasn’t really had the time to mold in to it. When you are a coach or executive in the league or a player that’s when your opinion or those of other fans may matter until then nothing ultimately you say matters why because you don’t pay the bills nor do you control the position the people with the jobs are in so let’s dial it back learn the game, watch the tape then maybe if you have the experience or knowledge go get that job and change things and make your calls until then stay soft behind a key pad and a screen just running your mouth from no experience or knowledge like most fans who just listen to other people and the media and there own opinion with out factual data. Did you ever think if he was a bad coach or play callers his own hall of Fame players may just call him out on it or like most jobs other staff to get your job may just throw you under the bus lol. Know what you all are talking about before you just spout off. 100%


    @Anthony Ramos oh and if playoff wins is the only thing that determines if your a great coach then I guess Bill Belicik is the only great coach in the NFL because he’s the only one who consistently has won the playoff game that matters so go be a patriots fan lol. Good bye unloyal fan run run

    Anthony Ramos

    @James so you are okay with mediocrity?????? This is the COLTS!! We’ve had a winning culture since the early 2000’s. I’m sorry but it’s been the same since 2018! SLOW starts to games, unprepared every damn week, Frank’s stupid play calling decisions that cost us games. So many scapegoats for Frank but when will HE BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!

    And you call me an unloyal fan because I’m tired of my favorite football team being mediocre every year under Frank?!? HE IS THE PROBLEM!!

    Since you love him so much, you tell me why we shouldn’t fire Frank??? I can’t wait to read what you say


    @Anthony Ramos I’ve been a fan since the 80s lol it’s not the worst I’ve seen and it’s not mediocrity because of one coach again that’s where you and the media trying to pitch propaganda and agendas is wrong expecially in pro sports all the staff gets payed just like in a fortune 500 company the staff as a whole makes calls and decisions not just one person I don’t care who says what. And if you can’t handle losing you will never be a true winner. If you want to or think carouseling coaches and great players is going to fix the issue and bring back a winning culture then your ignorant of the facts would you like a longer process of rebuild for a great team that’s already had yrs of one.


    @Anthony Ramos well we aren’t going to fire him because that’s what irsay said and I’m sure he understand office work and football better then you or any other fan with a personal issue with Frank or uneducated opinion or an opinion they adopted based on others views and opinions. I listen to the guy that owns the team not it’s followers. I’m just obviously more loyal of a fan and obviously a fan that’s seen worse so I’m not complaining about fixable issues


Haha first using Carson Wentz as the scapegoat, then Matt Ryan and now Marcus Brady.


    Wentz wasn’t the best, ryan is a turnover machine, but I do agree with you on brady though

Chris ForTheCross

Taylor Heineke- The Legend Continues.

Anthony Ramos


Grove… keep doing your thing man!! All us Colts fans have you seen you grow into the dominate player you are today

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