Steve Wilks talks about the brotherhood of the players – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Tony Pascarella

Finally can hear the question asked!


Wilks is our guy. Tepper, pay this man what your paid that college clown! Keep Pounding!

Rocky Sharp

Leader of men! Our coach of the future

Jimmy Britt

I hope Steve gets a real chance to become our head coach at the end of this season.

    Nova Life

    @Leah Miller just stop, you dunce. I said “imagine if”, I didn’t say he should have one. Obviously you lack the ability to stay within the context of a conversation.

    Leah Miller

    @Nova Life Listen you facetious narcissist ah, I am capable of following a conversation. You are incapable of being able to have someone disagree with you and not maintain your cool. You’re one of those people who has to be right or you get upset.

    I just hope the Panthers keep proving that they are not as bad a team that the league has forgotten to continue respecting even though it is the O-line that caused their problems years ago getting a #1 pick hurt until his arm couldn’t play no more and a great RB hurt up until he had to leave to not get his career destroyed hoping he can build the accolades he should have made already (Cam Newton and Christian McCaffrey).

    Sometimes a #1 pick does not turn out to be able to flourish in the NFL. Sometimes a guy who is rated much lower turns out to be just what the team needed. Just ask the Seahawks with Gino Smith.

    Nova Life

    @Leah Miller so you disagreed with “imagine if he had an unquestionable #1 QB”? You slow AF and are just talking in circles… You didn’t disagree with that because I didn’t state a fact or an opinion (but that takes the ability to comprehend context to understand).

    Imagine him with an unquestionable #1 QB is simply wanting to see him with a legit starter. It has nothing to do with everything you are pulling into the conversation, but again one would have to have clear understanding of how to stay within context to comprehend. You assumed I was saying “all he needs is a good QB and he’s winning the superbowl” but again my comment was simply “Imagine him with an unquestionable #1 QB” and I followed it with a fact, Wilks in his presser said he’s not committed to PJ for the full season. You can add to your imaginary argument, I’m done because again, you lack the ability to stay within the context of what’s actually being said. Have a good day little girl.

    Leah Miller

    @Nova Life Listen, you facetious narcissist ah, I didn’t actually disagree with you but stated he still needs to continue to build the O-line and get a WR and TE plus keep building the defense.

    You’re the one going too far and with that, I will say goodbye. Btw, I have a college degree and am a writer so you can stuff your argumentive self right up your butt!!!

    Nova Life

    @Leah Miller 😂🤣 yeah, ok.

Matt Webb


Shane Hawk

I hope this gentlemen got big pay raise for becoming interim HC and all the extra stress and responsibilities that come with it. Steve is exactly what we needed!

Thomas Waters

I would really like for Steve Wilks to be named permanent Head Coach for the remainder of the season.Forget the interim head coach label.This is a leader of men.

Davonte Norwood

This who we been missing 💯

Tye Beach

This is the coach we need and deserve. I know Tepper said he needs to do something incredible to win the job, but he hasn’t had much to work with and has completely changed the mindset around this franchise right now. It’s night and day when it comes to the feeling in this city. Wilkes deserves his shot at seeing what he can build with the peices he wants to bring in. He knows what he is doing and it is clear the players are rallying behind him. Give the man the job!

    Eric Harrison

    I agree … They have played better under his leadership …


I’ve said it before but i really like this guy and the way he answered that David Newton comparison question… he gets a standing ovation

Dr. Hulk Woods

I hope they give him a chance to coach these boys as the head coach.

Donte Grant

Even wit the lost we’re still better then we’ve been in the past couple of years! #CoachSteveWilks #KEEPPOUNDING


Sounds like a great leader

John Jefferson

This man is a great coach.He was blackball I. Arizona.He deserves to be the Panthers next Head coach.Listen Mr.Tepper.please.

Jebb Garrison

Coach Wilks has brought the 🔥 back to Carolina.

Jacob Myrick

I was at the game in ATL and it was wild, this guy has the makeup of a real football coach. Had a 4th string QB playing Mahomes.

David R

PJ Walker is a great QB of course he’s gonna be our QB1 for the rest of the season! Hopefully he can be that guy for the long term and he can help get Matt Corral ready. The season ain’t over and the NFC south is a tight race still. We can still do this! Keep Pounding!

John Dichtelmiller

Steve Wilks needs to be our Head Coach. There may be others better for schemes and planning, but he is no less than the best at keeping the roster united and with their eyes on winning.


Absolute class from coach Wilks to open up with a message of condolences to the Zimmer family. He is the coach this team needs.

Raffels Videoblog

I just love it when he says “and with that I take your questions”.
Pay this man, give him the job longterm, put your faith in him because he is exactly what the Panthers need.

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