Lovie Smith meets with the media | Houston Texans Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Luke Loeser

Hopefully this will be Smith’s last game. This team has quit on him and he knows it.

    madwrestler 145

    Last game?

Ronell Toliver

The Texans going to be 2-15 the whole squad missing tackles and looks like they have just giving up.

    madwrestler 145


Anthony garcia

1st overall pick next year but this guy is soft AF

Keynan Mcgrew

lovie to damn nice get mad

George Jackson

If coaches are blaming themselves every week get new coaches team is bad top to bottom they knew king Henry was going to run over and over no answer at all hard to watch

Davis NECK mills

Lovie inherited a bad team he should be here another 2 years with a better team each year and he should be better each year yes we do need improvement everywhere but we do need need a QB most of all to build a team around we should have won some games this year with decent qb play but yeaa hope we get BRYCE YOUNG 1st then build around him


    Sean McVay also inherited a bad team

    Davis NECK mills

    @Kade correct but he at least put pieces in each season and got results every year we should have some more wins if mills wasent garbage goff sucked but he won games we dnt have a qb to at least win games we should be better next year with a qb and new faces of rookies just watch bryce will elevate this team

J. kedesh Turner

🤔🤦Please Help wanted need QB and a lot more opening available

MrMr Reptiles And Gaming

I really wish they get a coach with some fire in him r her because Lovie not it just look at B Cooks he can turn it on at anytime but he don’t want to play for this coach

Randy Aguirre

He high on life lol

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