Head Coach Matt LaFleur press conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE







Can we stop with the ultra-conservative approach to injuries please? Flea and Doc McKenzie have been sabotaging this team from the inside for several years now. Matt let’s them completely control things. I am tired of players getting a hangnail and not being cleared to practice for 2 weeks.

    Danny 0

    lol, yeah lets let these players get life long injuries for playing ‘a game” i know they are passionate but they still get paid at the end of the day. maybe instead we’ll get an actual field instead of turf. but this take is just immoral, thats where teams go down the drain…


    yeah lets change how people’s health is managed based on a YouTube comment

Valdez Fam

If the Packers lose on Sunday vs the Lions………..then what????

    David Thorp

    Then it’s time to just tank the season and get higher draft picks.

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