Darren Waller, Hunter Renfrow, Denzel Perryman & Maxx Crosby Media Availability | Week 8 vs. Saints – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Alfonso Perez

Looks like Waller will be playing this Sunday


    @JUST LIFT what r u talkn bout bro he’s right. I mean unless he’s 100 percent i wouldn’t push him to play this game. Let him heal so he’s ready after these next couple of easier scheduled games cause we’re gon need em after


    @JUST LIFT don’t need em getting hurt while he’s still healing

    Aaron Anderson

    @JUST LIFT don’t project your life on mine. Get some help like Waller bro. I hope you both get the desperate help you need. Obv you can’t even use your real name. Who is being negative? 🤡


    @REALMiLLITANT Dude, he’s not talking about his injury. He’s saying he’s relapsed.. Read his comment bro..


    @JUST LIFT oh nevermind. I read the wrong comment

Telesfor Lucero

Hard too have to wait until Sunday for week right but nation go RAIDEERRSSS

Brandon Moore

Let’s just hope Darren waller shows up

    Derek Galloway

    Hamstrings are tricky injuries, I truly hope this isn’t a year-long injury plus the Green Bay Packers are trying hard to trade for Waller


    @Derek Galloway get the adams pick back and another 1st. Lol


    Waller always Shows up…. the question is if he’s gonna Show Out….. He Mentally gives up that’s why it all crumbles… When his mind is strong and clear, you can’t stop him unless he stops himself like what’s been happening

    Special Agent E. Bunny

    He’ll show up to collect his check. That’s about it

    Brandon Moore

    @Special Agent E. Bunny that’s my fear

Raider Trader

I really want to see Maxx with the sack strip fumble TD


    I wanna see LeCarr jackson run a lil mo

    Mike Cabrera

    @RAIDERS😈 Hahaha .. right!?!


    It could possibly happen some day especially with his long arms when he tackles he’s always trying to knock 🏈 out of QB’s hands for a strip sack fumble for a TD or someone else grabbing fumble running into the end zone for a TD

Luke Parodi

I hope Waller has a great game, but the honest truth is, just having him on the field makes us a better team. Defenses pay attention to him even if he’s not going off

    Cory Rider

    Then how come we been winning games without him. 4 straight at the end of the season. Balled out against KC and won last week.

    Noel S.

    @Cory Rider they won because without him there are still studs available.
    His addition only deepens the threat we present to DC’s. Waller is a threat all around, just hasn’t been involved due to injury. (Not saying you) People out here creating a conspiracy. Lol

    Special Agent E. Bunny

    Waller isn’t a good blocker. The run game is much better without him


    Hopefully WR Adams can play Sunday because supposedly he’s sick plus some of the other players hopefully it’s not COVID problems & just a mild cold


    @Special Agent E. Bunny he’s a lazy blocker better to have tight ends that can block & catch 🏈 especially for how much money 💰 they are paying him he should learn to be a better run blocker for running game

Dusty Phertz

Thinking about going on a hunger strike until 28 gets his bag. Give him 2 bags, overpay, come on, lived in a car and pops took care of the fam and didn’t split. Wanna see Josh by pops an even bigger house and a lambo – he deserves it.

    Albert Martinez

    Your gonna be on a hunger strike for awhile they don’t care what us fans do other than show up to the game other than that they can careless nobody from the raider organization will even see your comment

Brandon Pando

MAD MAXX 🦅🦅🦅 Set the standard 🏴‍☠️☠️

Muhammed Macdaddy

Truly hope he’s at 100% and healthy..Waller knows he owes the team and the Nation…Good deal..

Celia Ballesteros

Waller ain’t ever gonna catch up to Travis Kelce at this point, his presence alone could set up some explosive plays for #17 though

Galaxia X

I feel good about Waller coming back, …

Eli Caekaert

If Crosby scores he should dunk it on the crossbar like megatron

Dorail Crayton

I can’t wait to see Waller go out there and ball.. I believe in him by far and to hell with the haters… There are no place in the nation for ppl like them… I’m going to that game on Sunday and will take plenty of pics😎


    Agree 100%. Waller is fantastic. He bas been battling injuries. With the new look offense behind jacobs, wallwe cam go off

John Benz

Need these back to back wins. Chargers starting to fall off time to catch up…

Watts Raider

My Boys Let’s Get It. Let’s go on a streak

J ere

A D. Waller sighting. It’s looking like just might be a go next game. Right on!

Rusty Nail

Rod Marinelli sure had a huge impact on Maxx, he’s mentioned him countless times. I’m thankful Maxx got to play for that old salty Vietnam veteran and happy to hear they stay in touch.

eric kogen

Truth is Waller has not been available the last two years but has put out lots of music. Not sure what his motivation is at this point. As Crosby said, “at the end of the day you have to show up and do your job”

Ramon Matias

Waller for a DEEP TD in this game. Mathieu stays on adams

Andrew Cota

It would be nice to see Waller go off his first game back 🏴‍☠️💪

Ethan Robbins

Move waller to WR and keep playing moreu/horsted.

The blocking from them has been on point.

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