Sauce Gardner’s Best Plays vs Broncos | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Lost in the Sauce!

Reid McEvoy

Geez, that last one may have been PI ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    Arkham Knight

    If the wr n cb are both handfighting they let it play out

    N8 Doggy

    No, he wants receivers to handfight him


    Nah, Sutton was trying to push him off. Gardner wasnโ€™t beat. He kept his coverage. Broncos receivers were physical all day.

    The refs told the receivers and secondary that they were going to let them play it out.

Reid McEvoy

“Scoring is down in the NFL. Way down.” All thanks to one Ahmad “Sauce” Gardner.


    Scoring is way down in the NFL because QB play has been horrific this season.

    Chewy Suarez

    @Mark no itโ€™s because more than half of the teams O line is really bad this year if weโ€™re talking statistically

N8 Doggy

Dude plays amazing with his hands, heโ€™s soooo good

Hugh Janis

I think whether or not that last clip was a PI is determined by who is officiating the game. MC II had a rep that looked almost identical against the Fins, and we got a call for PI.


    Yup, and the call on MC II was a nonsense call.

Isaac Santana

Building better tomorrow building better today building better future offensive lineman first joe douglas building better future

ู…ุฑูŠู… ุงุญู…ุฏ{ู ู ูฉูฆูงูงูกูฅูกู ูฅูฆูฃูฆ}

ุงู„ุณู„ุงู… ุนู„ูŠูƒู… ู‡ุฐุง ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿปุฑู‚ู…ูŠ
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He’s already better than Revis

    Dave M

    Revis is his Dad

    John Hanx



That #1, boy!


Let me explain to anyone calling that play a PI.

1. The refs told the receivers and DBs that they were going to let them play it out
2. Gardner had Sutton blanketed. #1 got his head around to the outside to see the ball. Thatโ€™s the only way the ball could go because Gardner had inside leverage plus Safety help.
3. Sutton tried to push Gardner off. Thatโ€™s where the hand fighting began
4. Gardner didnโ€™t interrupt Suttonโ€™s route
5. Gardner didnโ€™t interrupt Suttonโ€™s hands at the catch point.
6. Itโ€™s also important to look at that play at game speed. The ref was right not to call it.

This is a nearly textbook play. More pass plays should be handled by the refs this way instead of these nonsense PI calls.

Nick H

Absolute animal. He already looks like the best CB in the league right now. And that’s so rare for a rookie


Sauce is the truth! Both CB’s are nice!

Pablo Escobar

Like 3 of those plays are dpi

stephanie williams

People still sleep on Ahmad sauce Gardner๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ’ฏ

S dot E

He needed to put this type of play on film to put the league on notice. Dont get lost in the Sauce. We really have 2 CB1s pick your poison

Eric Murcia

Donโ€™t get lost in the Sauce #1


He Special! Next Great One for sure

Stephen Ciccone

This kid is already a top 5 corner in football. Absolute stud


The extra bat away of the ball on the Sutton play is just next level

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