Tom Brady on Areas of Improvement, Looks Ahead to Ravens | Postgame Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

this is a tough loss – but I won’t lose hope – LETS DOOOO THIS LETS GOOOOOO

The Bike Watcher

This loss stings, with New Orleans and Atlanta losing, this would have been a nice pad on the division. Seriously our inability to score touchdowns is very concerning going into what would normally be the halfway point of the regular season. We have to figure it out, now. Tough to watch this team right now. Let’s go Bucs, right the ship!

    Adrian Metzler

    This ship is sinking

    erik puka

    The divison is over. Atlanta is winning it 100%

    Mike M

    Brady’s done, the Bucs need to move on.

    James L

    @Mike M Yup, he looks defeated. Too Old — No one cares about him any more

    The Bike Watcher

    @James L the entire offense looks defeated. How many dropped passes have our receivers had this season? Our run game is basically non existent. Of course Brady looks tired, he has to get rid of the ball faster than he’d like to because the Oline is missing some key pieces. I do agree in a sense though, his head doesn’t seem to be in it like it usually would be, but hey he is 45 and his homelife is in a real bad way right now. It’s not just Brady it’s the whole team. Coaching, play calling, and execution are definitely factors as well.

One Italia

I love Brady, I feel for him – today especially. These questions are grueling. Trying to find the right answers, the proper words, what’s right to say, what not to say, it’s tough. But through it all, week after week, question after question, answer after answer, if I hear the word “execution” one more time I’m gonna scream!

    Justin Pereira

    @Eric Mendenhall heโ€™s to old

    Eric Mendenhall

    @Vstar5 last few weeks he sucks. not just today.

    Kinnu Singh

    @Eric Mendenhall you have no idea what youโ€™re watching if you think heโ€™s been bad. the offensive line has been the problem.

    Brandon Hayes-Taylor

    @Eric Mendenhall you haven’t watched the games. He hasn’t been laser sharp. But he isn’t turning the ball over. And outside of TDs, his numbers still say top 5-10 QB.

    Trang Nguyen

    @Vstar5 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Brian Lohse

What he’s going through is one of the most brutal things you can go through in life. He wouldn’t be human if it didn’t affect his mindset.

    James Whyman

    His choice….


    @Melanie Buford she married him and then started working on him to quit something he loved. With all she has, she still wants to call all the shots and be the one who rules .

    Melanie Buford

    @BJane58 so youโ€™re Gisele? Did she tell you? I didnโ€™t think so.

    Brian Lohse

    @James Whyman James how a divorce affects you is not a choice dude. I’m not making excuses for him he just going through a tough time.

    gomelia chester

    @Aurynn Larissa I agree ๐Ÿ’ฏ

drjones Keane

This is a strange season. It wouldnโ€™t surprise me if they beat the brakes off the Ravens next week. Thereโ€™s still time. No one has taken control of the division. Still, I would like to hear the debate tomorrow between Skip and Shannon. Getting my popcorn readyโ€ฆ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿฟ

    Melancholy Puppy

    It wouldn’t surprise you? I’m so close to betting on the Ravens because I don’t see a world where the bucs win other than having home field.

Lucky Penny

We still are behind you you Brady ! Iโ€™m disappointed but hopefully the team can just continue to work together ! You honestly need another Gronk and Jenson. We have very good players I know we do! The guys just have to believe they are the best retrain their mind set go out there and know you got this and will win it

Lucky Penny

Hang in here bucs turn it around and start believing in your selves again we have really good guys just know you all can do it ! Iโ€™m
Sorry Tom has to keep going out there to explain the losses heโ€™s not used to this

    erik puka

    Do what ?
    This season is over
    This is a 5 win caliber roster


    This is week 7 not 17 erik

    erik puka

    @Goatly it only can get worse

Mark Shey

Goes to show you that no matter how stacked your team is, if you don’ t play well as a unit, you can’t win.

    Roarbert Bearatheon

    Not stacked where it counts: O-line. Canโ€™t run without run-blocks canโ€™t pass deep without pass-blocks. Simple as

    Kevin Kozak

    The team is not stacked. Thats the problem and its time to wake up and realize the QB is 45


    Stacked with injury riddled and past their prime players


    @Kevin Kozak bad coaching and terrible o line but of course ur pea brain says itโ€™s Bradyโ€™s fault

    Champagne Lanier

    @FeaR he’s the goat remember so he gets the blame

Alexander B

Iโ€™m not making excuses for Tom. But heโ€™s right about the execution. Forget about the drops from the receivers, theyโ€™re at times not even running the right routes. Also I know we keep beating this to a drum;but the offensive line needs to continue to improve. If they canโ€™t create lanes for our backs to run itโ€™s going to make it hard, if they donโ€™t give Tom the three seconds he needs to hit a receiver and for the receivers to find their spots itโ€™s going to be difficult. Brady really is the least of our worries. Our defense especially in the secondary starting to collect more and more injuries, which led to a lot of the runs in todayโ€™s game. Last week they couldnโ€™t stop several third and longs. We need to get healthy bodies back. We will turn it around. Go Bucs! Go Tommy!

Mike D

Not having Gronk this year is a huge hit. Even when he wasnโ€™t producing TD โ€˜s and receiver production he was a great blocker and diversion. His absence is obviously hurting them this year.

    Television Archives

    At least he has a happy marriage………………… Oh, Never mind

    How's Smith

    @Television Archives ya with hes teammates

    How's Smith

    @Champagne Lanier yes your way to slow I agree it donโ€™t matter what you think your trying to say it donโ€™t matter you still have to wake up to you being you a Karen or whatever your step mom taught you . There is only one goat .

Sam Lewis

This loss to the Panthers absolutely stings! It really hurts! It stinks to lose in general! But sometimes we all have to lose, I know that! But to lose like this is just pathetic! I mean to two mediocre teams, they both played better than us! And we just can’t execute in any way at all! Not on offense especially! And its so fustrating! I hate it!

We NEED to right this ship immediately! And if we don’t, things are going to continue to get worse! And I don’t to see this happen with this team!

And to you Tom,
I know that you are going through some very difficult things right now! But you just need to be yourself because I can tell, its hurting this team really bad! And I feel like you are not all in like you act like you are! But thats just me!

I have been a fan of yours since I was a little girl! And I’ve seen you do some amazing things! I hope that you and the team turn things around and make an incredible run!

If that happens…we will have witnessed some ๐Ÿ things!

But as of for now, I’m very concerned for you guys!!!!

Lets go Buccaneers and right this ship!โค๐Ÿงกโค๐Ÿงกโค๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ

Tom Terrific!



    There will never be an 8th โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ..EVER !!!
    Greed always has a bad ending

    Sam Lewis

    @vernon2112able True! And maybe Brady is getting what he really deserves!

    Dimebag Cody

    I hate to break this to you but the Panthers are better then the Bucs. Y’all are just as mediocre as any of those teams. You should have the same record as the Panthers if the refs didn’t bail you out against Atlanta. The difference is our players got heart and fight in them.

Daily Gripe

Tom really looks sick. I feel for the guy and hope he can hold it together considering everything that is going on in his life right now. Probably would have been best to call it quits this year. Praying for you Tom๐Ÿ™

    truth hurts

    What planet are you living on ??๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
    Tom Brady is going through a divorce and it’s bothering him..

    Kamel Kadri

    @truth hurts yeah that’s exactly what he said, isn’t obvious enough for ya ???

First Last

You are still the greatest Tom. No matter how this all ends, you have been the greatest example of what a competitor, teammate, and positive role model should resemble. No one can take these things from you. God is the Greatest.

    Mike M

    You blaspheme God by calling TB12 the greatest.


    @Mike M he is the greatest of all time, he needs his team to step up cause at this age heโ€™s not in his prine anymore

    Mike M

    @BradyOT no longer the greatest I mean yelling at team mates, throwing tablets, and not scoring a single TD or any points until garbage time against the worst team in the NFL… lol.

Byanka Mexia

Brady. My full heart to you. Youโ€™re maneuvering through a real personal letdown and thereโ€™s no real way to compartmentalize that. Itโ€™s impossible that it doesnโ€™t spillover in the field. The comeback will be glorious!

    j drayton

    What letdown?


    Not if Giants or Philly make it


Is it just me, or is he not looking well physically and has aged considerably this year compared to last? I imagine the marital situation is a huge factor in this, but I’m wondering if something else is going on outside of that too. Whatever it is, I hope he is going to be ok, not just from a football status, but from a human status.

    Angela Hester

    He looks unwell

Extreme Offset Rims

No other QB like this guy, Jesus! my respect all that way, what an example I hope they get it together, but if they donโ€™t he will go down as the Best quarterback in the history of the NFL.

Margaret Testa

Tom you are the greatest QB in all football fame even when you lose, you still are best and don’t worry about your wife i’am su re she will regret her decision, she should support you that’s what we do, till death do you part. Take care of yourself, think positive,! Rest and get stronger!! You have sooo many fans even when you lose!

Alexander B

Why do people keep asking why did he come back? Maybe he realized he was pressured into doing so and then realized that he would just regret that and be resentful. If his wife is truly not being supportive of him during the season thatโ€™s really unfortunate. It has to be emotionally hard to deal with. We believe in you Tommy!!!!!!!!!! Go Bucs!!!!!!!!

Nate Luther

This has been a very compelling season for Tom. Tuning in each week to try to see what he is really made of… We all face adversity and struggle. How we respond is what matters.

I am Who I am

My heart goes out to Brady, to have idiots constantly insulting you, while youโ€™re navigating a very personal hardshipโ€ฆ. thatโ€™s got to be very tough. No matter what, no one can take his good character and GOAT status from him.
โค๏ธ the Bucs, hope it all clicks very fast.

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