Carl Lawson Strip Sack, Quinnen Williams Fumble Recover & Stiff-Arm | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Quinnen stiff armed Hill with the power of those NY state taxes !!!


    🀣Not that easy to excape the tax collector. In the end Hill still had to pay… through his nose…

Nick T


Disregard Papa

Watching tyreek get manhandled gives me unimaginable happiness hows picking the dolphins over us feel now u wife beater


Favorite play all game.

Isaac Santana

Building better tomorrow building better today building better future offensive line man first joe douglas

Isaac Santana

Zach flats flats flats flats flats Cheack down Cheack down Cheack down Cheack down Zach Wilson


How bout them taxes Tyreek?? Lmao

Andrew McAllister

What was funniest Hill getting Launched by Quinnen or MC Trolling Waddle with the Waddle🀣🀣🀣

    Eff Googull

    I would give the shove on hill the edge just cause all the BS Hill been talking. But that MC waddle was amazing lol

Joel C

When Quinnen ran over Tyreek it was like Smoking a joint on the beach and getting ridden by 1970’s Wonder Woman Lynda Carter.

    Eff Googull



    nice play……..but I think you might need some therapy if ANY play in football makes you feel that good

Robert β€˜S

I could watch this clip all day long

Giovanny Gallardo

Jets Who?- Tryek Hill

DeWayne Blue

Tyreek Hill got TAXED!


How ya like them taxes ? Take your receipt

Jay Holt

Come for the strip sack, stay for the truck on Tyreek πŸ˜‚


0:46 best part, sit down πŸ˜‚

calvin watson

That’s how a big man suppose to treat a little fella…get the hell off me.

Anthony Palladino

We squished The Fish.

verge tibbs

Jets Tax

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