Did the Roughing the Passer Call cost the Falcons a win against the Bucs? – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Sam kogan

No they did not call it on Tua. Bowles is wrong.

    Kevin Scott

    Nor did the call it on Veta Vea after similarly throwing Mariota.

    Mega Man

    They legit pulled Marcus down by his helmet

Jacob Smith

Cost them at least a chance

    jd magic music

    @Joshua Hodge oh i am NOT a Falcons fan, i’m a lifelong six decade 49ers fan! i just hate Tom Brady in all ways, shapes and forms!!!



    Josh Mc

    @jd magic music idk. I’m a falcons fan but I strongly believe Brady is the goat. I think he gets treated above the rest of the nfl on a lot of things but i still think he’s goat. I am pissed that the refs treat him like he’s God tho. Tuck rule, deflate gate, now this.

The Anomaly

Glad to see the NFL officially acknowledge this. Would’ve liked to see the same treatment for bears Steelers game last year

    Byron Smith

    @D S No there was no grey area on that play. It was not a low hit to the legs. The defender did not slam him to the ground and land on top of him. The Ref “thought” he was going to be slammed to the ground and thus threw the flag. Brady chimed in and the call stood. It was a blown call that essentially ended the game.

    Mįķə Håņčhø

    Or raider vs patriots 20 years ago

    T V

    Yeah not gonna happen. Keep dreaming

N8 Doggy

No, but it was a terrible penalty. Worth noting that the officiating in this game was terrible for both teams

    Serenity Granted

    Yes it stopped momentum

    No Thanks Bro

    The only smart comment here.


I have to agree, the ref blew the call. If Brady’s head made contact with the ground, then it *might* be justifiable, but Brady rolled with the tackle to avoid injury. It’s certainly possible that the Falcons would have lost the game anyway, but that call cost the Birds the chance of continuing their momentum.

    michael jones

    @iTry_Ty_013 NFL is sports entertainment. they favor Brady and rigg games for that fraud


    @Travis Dempster nah brady has been terrible all season and trouble scoring. Stop being a blind clown lmfao


    Watch film slowly and closely, it was ” roughing ” because for 1 – 2 seconds following brady being swung hard down, the player sits onto his legs, the player tried to avoid it, but the Ref saw it, and called him on it, because he already had done it ~ that’s ” roughing ” because even though not intended, it happened. Watch the film ~ ( and roughing doesnt only involve the head ) additional force…of other…also matters.


    could of should of, would of. The slogan of loserville. Wll I could have been a millionaire… hmmmm wait a sec… I am.

Ashton Chapman

It sure did. Falcons had all the momentum after those two touchdowns

    BOLT WRLD⁹⁹⁹

    @Someguy Somewhere cause the pats took all the momentum by making plays wich the falcons did the same thing in this game but the refs

    Someguy Somewhere

    @BOLT WRLD⁹⁹⁹ oh yea, the falcons didn’t make any mistakes. It was Patriots momentum that win them the Superbowl lol! I’m not even a Bucs fan but seeing Falcon fans whining is sooo much fun!

    BOLT WRLD⁹⁹⁹

    @Someguy Somewhere I’m not a falcons fan this just my opinion just sucks to see a team ge robbed so bad


    LMBO… yeeeUp and you could have been President of your senior class

J Costa

I’d be pissed if I was a Falcon’s fan. This was a bullcrap call that changed the course of the game.

    Logan Nixon

    I was sooo pissed about this call

    Logan Nixon

    The falcons are playing a lot better then everyone thought

    Derrick Luzolo

    As a Falcons fan, this irritated me to my soul. The refs stole our opportunity to decide it on the field.


    Ummmm… no it didn’t. that’s like saying you had a chance at Powerball. lol

Chris M

What about the money you cost the defender for a sack bonus, what about the people that bet the game, what about the people that bet on fantasy. It’s the what ifs that the refs took away and then the fact that we have replay that we could stop and say maybe that’s not the right call and fix it immediately. Instead now you have the what ifs.

You can’t go low on QBs, you can’t go high on QBs. You can hit them in the middle but not to hard and as your going down you better make sure you adjust your body and risk injury on yourself so you don’t accidentally land on the person you are tackling. And now you need to let go of the person as your spinning them down. And if the QB stays up then oh well. 😂 🤦‍♂️.


    Yeah you see you point out the problem with not just football but all of sports. Nobody cares about anything but the money anymore. And that is a very sad commentary on 21st century society. The money. Lol.

    Tyler S

    Did you start watching the NFL yesterday?


    ​@WendelltheSongwriter are they wrong though? like this just adds to the things that are slowly killing this game in general.

Robert Blackman

Calls like this gets Coaches fired because they missed the playoffs but nothing happens to the refs. I am still upset about this call

    coby suski

    So you’re just ignoring the clear pass interference the play before.

    Josh Mc

    @coby suski announcers said it was a good play. Red was 5 ft away from it. No call


    You should get a life. Then you would have something worth your time to focus on. lol

    Josh Mc

    @AGsportsnet who



Jose Gonzalez

Absolutely did. I was watching this with disbelief that a clean tackle would get a roughing the passer

    Mac Nicolson

    Same – from an Australian fan in Portugal

    Anna Vecchione

    @AstroMadeThis the defender turned his head and was Going for the ball, it’s called coverage


    @Anna Vecchione he didn’t though


    No way Jose

    Joe Heasley

    I miss when people didn’t say clean hit. When it was real football and violent and yes a hard hitting league. Only penalty should be a late hit. No other. No special treatment when the true Goat Montana was getting killed by LT

Sam G

The momentum of sacking him is what caused him to roll to the ground. Jarrett did not whip him to the ground, it was literally gravity and momentum.


    Plus the fact Jarret weighs 470lbs

Chuck FiftyFive

It appeared to me that this was a clean QB sack, that’s what I would call it.


That was a normal sack/tackle. Can’t believe they called that “roughing the passer”.

Reanna Gordon

We were missing our key players and it really showed, but we were able to get back in the game in the 4th quarter and it looked like we could make a last minute win. Idk if we would have won, but that call pretty much sealed the deal for any comeback win.

    Justin Martinez

    Who’s we? I didn’t see you out there playing. Everyone is always cheating for Brady. That’s the only way he can win.

    Rufus Goldstein

    0.20 0x8331

    lllMAD KINGlll

    Agreed.. the opportunity of another chance was there and taken away. even if we got it and loose I’m OK. but “taken” not ok

    Mr. B

    @lllMAD KINGlll Then same thing applies for the refs not calling a clear pass interference call in the 1st half when Brady threw a deep ball to the 10 yard line.

    Wuxia Games Central

    @Mr. B he had 200 wtf you talking about. He led in rushing as well

Steven Kassouf

As a Falcons fan, I feel cheated! Watched the game with a bunch of friends and we all left with the same thoughts… NFL is rigged 🤦‍♂️

Noah Bell

The officials missed a few calls that should have gone in the Bucs favor. I feel like they made that call to “even it out” for missing the others. Regardless, it was a bad call and doesn’t feel like a real win


Refs make mistakes throughout the game, but this wasn’t a mistake. It was actually a solution to a mistake, which was actually a play earlier that was an uncalled Pass Interference call which should have been called against Atlanta committed on Scotty Miller (the second PI non-call on him in fact)

If you don’t think Refs know they make mistakes mid-game and try to fix those mistakes with other penalties such as this roughing the passer call, you don’t understand today’s NFL

Raphael Towers

This is when we should have someone in the booth to agree or overturn to call.


    who is this WE???

Pettys Family

I’m a falcons fan and this makes me sick. I genuinely can’t believe that the refs will do anything to make tom brady win. We had momentum on our side and then the refs gave them a controversial holding call on aj terrell and then the roughing the passer. We could’ve won that game.


    You can’t be SERIOUS. If you are a Falcons fan you EXPECT to lose.

jeff whitehead

Being “unnecessarily thrown” to the ground like that, they shoulda made Brady come off the field and into the concussion protocol.

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