HIGHLIGHTS: Dameon Pierce’s TOP plays | Houston Texans vs. Los Angeles Chargers, Week 4 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dan Best

Peirce and pitre have been elite

Platinum N Gold tv

He will be the face of the franchise if he keeps it up 💥🤘🏿

Andrew Cruz

I can’t wait until Christian Harris plays against the jaguars

    Beast Mode loading!


Marcos Camelia

Falar com o Sr. António é como viajar 4.fo/SUSUU no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de vida…um poço de resiliência e um sorriso genuínoj que nos abraça sem nos conhecer.


Who thought it was a good idea to hire a lady football announcer? I mean, what football fan asked for that, LOL?



    Rasheed Norman

    She’s not bad at all. I’ve seen far worse men announcers. Why does it matter that much to you?


    @Rasheed Norman it sounds like a softball game

    Tiger Gee

    Who cares football is football. Enjoy the play on the field

Rhys Cruz

That leg move is so nasty

N Lee

As a DAY ONE fan of the Texans franchise; finally good to see hope again in the running game. It’s pivotal and vital for that offense to succeed.

cp digital

The Texans won’t win more than 4 games this year but at least they have a ROTY candidate in dameon pierce


Female announcers make the game sound like wnba


Great performance by the rookie, Rex was ok but c’mon.


Harriston earned his keep

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