Steve Smith Learns EVERYTHING That Goes into Coaching an NFL Team | Most Interesting Jobs – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Steve as our Wrs Coach would’ve been 🔥🔥🔥

Rashon Kelly

Wish Steve Smith would be a wide receiver coach for my giants 😢

    MetalBoi 1

    Facts our wrs suck

amare Logan

With this man’s intensity he’ll probably be one of the few great players that would make a good head coach

Laramie Clement

Learn what it takes to be an NFL Cheerleader 😏

Norman Radner

I could watch SS talk about playing the position of WR all day


This is going to be one of the best series of all time


9:05 for anyone who is new to business Management. Fantastic quote!

reymond lopez

SMS is a wealth of knowledge. He would make a great WR coach. I would love to see him on the Giants. Also: Brian “big balls” Dabol is coach of the year

    Samuel Duplessis

    He’d be a great WR coach for sure. If TV doesn’t work out for him. I’m sure coach Belichick would bring him in or any of Steve Sr.’s former coaches would 100% want to bring him in.


I want to see the coaches of a team having a horrible season. Would love to see how they keep the morale up.


Smith is my favorite Wr of all time!!!

Erick Garcia

WE NEED MORE STEVE SMITH SKITS!! This is beyond entertaining.

Joshua Rush-Garrison

Can we give Steve a job as WR coach while he’s there?

Samuel Duplessis

Coaching is such an interesting job in sports, especially dev/position coaches.

Behind The Fiends

God I’d love to have him as the WR Coach on the Giants. Imagine the tough love he’d give to these overpaid (KG) WR


Man oh, man, the New York Giants are stepping into the modern era of football. As a fan, I’m wearing 😎because the future looks bright!


I would love to see Steve Smith Sr. as Head Coach in Carolina. Hopefully, this series is just training to transition to something like that. “Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack”….I see what you’re doing Mr. Smith!!


Stephen Smith, so many Sunday night highlight clips on ESPN in the day!

Xero Solar

I’d love to see merch production and the fan shops, all the parts of travelling (booking hotels & flights, packing, managing food and supplies during away games, etc), food & drink served during a game, mascots, medical staff, draft scouting, filming commercials, the booths behind the games (especially Redzone), scoreboard and play clock management in the stadiums, security, cleaning the stadiums after a game, gardening the field, and last but not least, the production of these videos we are watching on YT

Cheers, Steve Smith, you’re doing great!! I love this series already!!!

Daniel Nigra

I want to see the behind-the-scenes within the organization every day. This is fascinating stuff and I want more of it


“Greatest player and person to ever come out of the panthers”. Lmao. Even the equipment guy hates Gettleman

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