Matt Rhule gives injury updates before Sunday’s game – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Shaggynat yt

Go panthers

Jacob & Kelsey

I’m hopeful that this season is going to pick up! We got this. Go Panthers.

    Jairus Barringer

    I’m with you, continuing to be hopeful but week 2 is gonna be a big indicator of things to come. We have to bring this W home, otherwise I think it’s a well known fact that Rhule needs to go

    Rodney Covington

    They got this no we

    Rodney Covington

    @Jairus Barringer they got to bring them w home

    Demetres Blakley

    @AP exactly 💯


    @Jacob & Kelsey 9 mins into this Giants game. You still loving Rat Mule?


Please rhule don’t let us down I really want to trust that you’re our coach of the future so go out there and whoop those Giants #KeepPounding

Dorothy Williams

Let Marshall in more he is a very good ball player

Kevin Hurley

Wish moton knocked out Rhule would do the team a solid

Mookie Davis

I hope they practice tackling all week wrap up drills no arm tackles

    Demetres Blakley



He is constantly saying they have great players. Yet he’s constantly preaching what it means to be a great player. Wouldn’t a great player already know how to be a great player?

    Tommy Chitpanya

    I understand what you saying,, but he is just giving simple recognition and appreciation to the players. There’s some head coaches like andy reid and bill belichick who you have to earn the recognition of being great. For those old fashioned seasoned type of coaches

    Geoff Owens

    @Tommy Chitpanya And Mike Tomlin

    T Thompson

    @Tommy Chitpanya stop defending him.. Damnnit!


    @Tommy Chitpanya Naw he’s just simply giving people like you the runaround. Rather than take responsibility for putting a subpar product on the field he contradicts himself in order to make excuses. Again, he gives the players recognition for being great, then says they need to learn to be great. How does that make sense to you exactly?


“Great guys” yet can’t win. What’s that say about the coaching? I will give him credit where it’s due. Ole fool…I mean rhule never runs out of excuses

Demetres Blakley

This hasn’t achieved nothing but, ruin our lives the past 3 years smh😤

Jeffrey Haverkos

Oh we loose Sunday but are team is getting better ???Three years latter same speach

Jeffrey Haverkos

Tedder our head coach gm and macoodudu sucks please for us fans and our good players send them up the road from me a girls flag football team they need a full staff that’s just perfect for them!!?

Brad Holt

I don’t know if I can trust a coach that comes out doing the same thing year after year expecting a different result.

Ethan Myers

Boy you all playing for jobs Sunday, time to nut up what you think? Stop playing on the playground and time to do your job real simple


What’s this I hear about you and Phil Snow? You two will not cause us to lose Brian Burns Or Jeremy Chinn!

Bruce Fulton

Higgins always gets open for Baker


Everyone is yelling fire Matt Rhule but no good answer to who they should replace him with

    Andrew S

    I’ve got a “Hang In There” kitty poster that would probs do a better job

Nunya Dambidnes

M.Rhule is like a stepdad you don’t respect. We need a hard nosed fundamentals coach. Hope he turns it around this week. So far he hasn’t in his pro career. This is the pros. You got to prepare with detail. And you got to execute. Do what works for the roster. And for Pete’s sake put an emphasis on form tackles.
Dabol might end up hc if rhule gets canned soon.
Lets give Bruce arians a call.
Or beienamy.
Just thoughts. Anyone else have any HC suggestions?
Hope rhule just gets it together.
This is the best roster we have had in sometime I feel like. And we are running out of time to capitalize.

    Samuel Smith

    Bro we have 16 more games


    @Samuel Smith how have the last 34 gone?

    Samuel Smith

    @TJ yeah youre right, fire him

Antwan Lynch

Uncensored on YouTube has great panthers content really funny


Watching this Giants game. Y’all embarrassed yet?

Quincy Spielberger

Until Tepper brings on a professional coach the Panthers have no chance at playoffs or a superbowl. They simply do not respect Rhule. These are professional athletes. They have worked hard to get to this level. To have Rhule as their coach is deflating. Rhule would make a great coordinator he just isn’t a pro level coach. He was awesome in college he just needs a half dozen seasons as a coordinator before pro athletes will respect him.

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