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Billy SBC

The Jets lost a game on a rainy day that they were not favored to win anyway. In comparison, the LA Rams come out on opening day after winning the Superbowl earlier this year and get destroyed by the Buffalo Bills 31-10. Funny how no one is saying they should bench Stafford and call up some practice squad player who did really good against 3rd String competition in preseason…

    Montana Artwell

    That’s because Stanford is already PROVEN he was a great player when he was with the 🦁 and jus won a super bowl with the 🐏 so obviously he going to get a pass……but the 🛩 done nothin

    Nikky NFT

    everyone seriously overeacted that our mess of an oline and 84 year old qb wasnt able to push the ball down the field against an elite ravens defense


    @ Billy SBC — Since you’re too simple minded to understand. Allow me to explain why:

    The Rams have consistently performed at a top tier level for years now, always in the running for a championship. Culminating in winning the Super Bowl earlier this year, as you stated in your comment. *Thus, they get the benefit of the doubt.*

    While in comparison, the Jets have consistently been a bottom feeding team, wallowing in their folly, amoungst the dregs of the league. *Therefore, they DON’T get the benefit of the doubt.* The term “Same Ole Jet” exists for a reason.

    Easy Peasy! Not that hard to understand. _(ツ)_/¯  

    Btw, save the excuses, The Ravens also played in the rain that day. Getting blow out on your home field, with months to prepare is UNACCEPTABLE! Is being competitive and not embarrassed too much to ask for?  
    Stop With The Stupid Excuses! 🙄

    Billy SBC


    You’re the one making excuses, for Stafford and for Aaron Rogers who also got totally blown out on sunday. What you say is true, any team can have a bad day, it’s just that you’re a Jets fan and you’ve had enough bad days so your reaction is to rip up the script and start all over all the time, well not this time we don’t… The Jets lost a game they weren’t favored to win in the rain, and that is all there is too it, nothing else, your expectations mean nothing, the facts are what they are. The Rams got blown out, were never in the game from start to finish, but they get a pass and the Jets don’t? No they don’t get a pass… that was a far more belittling and embarrassing loss than the Jets loss was. The Bills absolutely mastered the Rams in that game, but are they calling for Stafford’s head? No, and we’re going to push on to the next game and go with Joe Flacco too. GO JETS!


    ​@Billy SBC Based on this rambling, word-salad response to my comment, it’s obvious that your *reading,* and specifically your *comprehension* skills, are very poor. There is absolutely *nothing* in my comment about “ripping up the script and starting over.” You are simply *projecting* what the voice in your head is telling you, as you’re reading. Stick to the actual wording.

    And again, your excuse that, “The Jets lost a game they weren’t favored to win IN THE RAIN” is just pathetic and weak. The Ravens played in the rain, too! And as for the rest of your babble? See my original comment, again. But this time, please try to understand it better, in its full context.  

    The Jets are a perpetual clown show, the Rams are not. Facts!

Tony Alexio

We want Strevevlor!!Flacco is flat,white sucks.

    Nikky NFT

    what happens if saleh starts him then he throws like 4 picks

    Kamal Ajelero

    @Nikky NFT lmaoo his gonna ask to get cut


Thank you. That’s all that we ask…..


Butter fingers!

Red Man

Definitely not a number one receiver he need to be the 3..free Denzel Mims


Strong #2, not top tier because he’s not a game changer and that’s ok.

Broadway Money 🟢🎭

This my guy but he’s definitely a #2 wide out

Nathan Fuller



Mike drop…I mean, ball drop.

    House of Redemption Interlachen


Giovanni Aliaga

I’m done with this dude, a lot of drops last two years. Let’s see Mims and Wilson on the outside, also, Flacco should be on the sidelines, bring White in, we all know they are not the answer but White showed last year he can win.

david broadhurst

How bout catching the dam ball?

Franklin hodge

We need Mims out there


His career is trending down! We need Mims in the game! Look at the number 2 receivers in our division Gabriel Davis, waddle and the TE at Ne! He doesn’ compare to them! Get Mims in the game and let him perform!!!!!!!

Che Carter

Alligator hands Davis

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