Nathaniel Hackett on Pat Surtain II containing DK Metcalf: ‘He rose to the challenge’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Imso Dc

He a Shutdown cb

Ken Reather

Damn good coach

    Robert Kauk

    I fully agree.

jak kal

terrible coach…seriously he is so lost…kick a 89 yard field goal i would have understood if it were at the end of the half…but you bring a qb in here and you kick!…dont talk to me about fumbling twice at the goal line that’s part of the game….the coaching staff will be the death of us….Let’s ride!

    Daniel Rodriquez

    @ZigZaG Productions let’s bet then

    Jawan Powell

    This coaching staff will be fine. A bunch of negative nancies in here

    Mario Lewis

    @Jawan Powell A bunch of Karen’s, Chads & Tyrone’s.

    Cam Forbes

    it was 1 week calm down smh

    Trevor Saunders

    Get your fair weather bs tf out of here. Find a new “perfect” team and jump on their bandwagon…
    Vic fangio and Vance Joseph had great preseasons and 3-0 starts but ended in flames…
    ☮️ 🚪 👋

Antonio Stark

WTF with that Last game play….????
Senior HC…..😡😡😡😡

Divine Comedy

this guy gonna be fired by week 10

    Patrick Smith

    Put money on it


    This guy gonna bring Bronco playoffs Back

    Jawan Powell

    Wrong smh

Daniel Rodriquez

He’s got a lot of potential as a head coach.

    Dshaun Whitely

    Thts wht im saying people is questioning him like my guy this is is his first season as a head coach trying to fix a broken team in week 1 people needa chill out we really don’t have to panic till like week 4 but we have to win this weekend so we can tie with the rest of our division

All Fast Food Chains 94

Seahawks country let’s fly!!! 💙 💚

    Sky Griffin

    Go get yours! All the luck..


Hackett is a nice coach he will be missed!



    Robert Kauk

    He has coached one game. One game. Fans are already thinking he won’t be around? C’mon. He needs at least 2 years to prove himself. He has great energy. Great enthusiasm. He just needs game coaching experience. Coach will be fine. Broncos fans tolerated Vic Fangio, Vance Joseph, and John Fox for multiple seasons. Hackett is a much better Coach than ANY of those guys. Let’s give him a chance! Go Broncos!

    Steven Seal

    @Robert Kauk I don’t know about being better than any of those guys yet especially John fox! John fox made it to 2 SuperBowls as a head coach and the other guys have way more of a resume than Hackett . I will 1000% take Hackett over Vance tho lol. I hope he ends up being better than all them plus more


Awful lot of injuries from 1 game smh

Roland Connor

Let’s Hide!

Wesley Hamer

One game and the fair weather fans are freaking out already. 😆 They will be great. It takes time. Go Broncos!!!!!!!!

Jency Saldana

Surtan didn’t do nothin vs DK😂😂😂

    Jeffry Perry

    Dk didn’t do nothing on pat either, had like 35 yards lmao

    Joe Shawcroft

    What? He held DK to 35 yards.

Ironman KMSA

I’ve never seen so many bandwagoners. If you are a true fan, you don’t cut and run after one game.

last king

One game It all good

last king

Let’s ride

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