Bears at Packers By The Numbers | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Chef BoiYouUglyAsHell


Casey Koehler

Bear down baby!!!


I believe that we can beat the packers. Also screw Aaron Rodgers

    O Really?

    We can only say screw Aaron Rodgers if we beat him.

Myles Mode

This video trynna make me sip that Kool Aid

    O Really?



Another Opportunity to Beat a Great Opponent, Make No Mistake about it, This is a Major Game Indeed GO BEARS ❤🏈🐻🙌


Da Bears will beat AR and GB in GB. Believe it.

O Really?

1921. History. Tradition. 🐻 BEARS..

Charles Presley

Pretty Lauren S 😎

Tony The Sicilian Guy


Bobby Shmurdq

she bad tho

CJH Da Bears


Vardman Turner

Might be another 2-0win. Bring on the rain


33 cents was the equivalent of $5.50 in todays money. how do these people not understand how inflation works!?!

Joe Gadberry


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