Cole Kmet discusses Bears-Packers rivalry | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE



Let get the Dub on the road boys practice hard and you play smart

Terrance Williams

I need Cole 2 get involved against the Packers

    Chewy Ernesto

    He won’t, soft af

    T'Chala Uchiha

    He’s been involved, assisting the OL. I trust what Luke has going on so far. If he believes he’s more useful on the Line to secure the win, we may just have to sit tight. There’s a lot of football to play, and againt weaker opponents. For now we may have to grind it out.


    @Chewy Ernesto he’s gonna have a solid day


    need all of the playmakers…Mooney, DMo, Kmet

Brandan Morris

dang why does Cole look like a young dad 😭

Poke Drake

This guy reminds me of Ashton Kutcher ….

    Thomas Gena

    Ashton also doesn’t block?


Gotta Beat GB! Kmet better get open on a hopefully dry field

Barry Turner

CONTINUE to BE “the pride and joy of illinois”—to the LAST play, HUNGRY BEARS, BEAR DOWN!!!!

O Really?

We have a REAL chance here to beat the Packers. A real chance.

Yu Toob

Didn’t even know Cole was from here, BEARDOWN!!!

Julian Mckeithan

Need him to play well

Amahd cole

Give cole kmet more playing time

Seth Butler

It looks like these reporters are holding Cole hostage….Jesus.

Demar I hear it Demar I like it

Their WR room got significantly worse, our secondary got significantly better. Their infamous O-Line is now weakened with injuries. We now have an offensive coach who knows their coach’s playbook (and who isn’t dumb as rocks). They-re 0-1, we’re 1-0. If the Bears were ever to have a chance, it’d be this Sunday. BEAR DOWN!

    Corey Rowe

    We had this exact situation in 2012 when the Bears won their opener while the Packers lost their opener before a week 2 primetime battle. Everyone probably remembers what a disaster that game ended up being for us. I’ll be shocked if things end up being too much different now since Green Bay has never had an 0-2 start in the Rodgers era and we literally never beat him under any circumstances.

    Demar I hear it Demar I like it

    @Corey Rowe clinched the division on his head in 2018 tho…

    Corey Rowe

    @Demar I hear it Demar I like it it’s pretty embarrassing we had to settle for a split that year with how bad they were tho


Cole didn’t play great but after halftime when he was asked to block more he did that he showed he’s here for this team, I hope it doesn’t rain so we can see this offenses’ & Kmet’s potential

Tyree Powell

Bear 🐻 Down 🏈

Alex H

Cole gotta step up your game from last week.. you can do it!

m rodriguez

I am tired of hearing its an honor! Time to play big boy ball and start making huge plays! 🏉

Jesse Eats

Cole needs to come out and destroy some corners and backers

Thomas Gena

Someone has to tell Cole Kmet to “hit somebody!” Hit somebody — anybody wearing a Packers jersey!
Stop dancing around out there, big fella. Strap it up, and crack somebody!
We’ll tell you when to stop.

AJ Shaw

Four words – Throw the ball, Getsy.

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