Coach McDaniels’ Postgame Presser: ‘Like the Way Our Team Fought’ | Week 1 vs. Chargers | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Richy Carrillo

Come on man, Carr needs to be just a little bit more mobile. Sitting in the pocket after getting sacked, just to get sacked again is crazy

    lightning shoop



    “ just a lil more mobile”
    This is who he is…. No mobility or awareness. He is awesome pre snap, but is blind, deaf, and scared when the line isn’t perfect

    Richy Carrillo

    @SouthernOregonReps they would build a better line, that’s a good answer

    Richy Carrillo

    @M Magnificat I don’t really think it matters, he can beat all of them. Just wish he’d move a little bit lol

Phillip Mahoney

I love Carr, he’s a Raider for Life. But he also cost us this game. Heartbreaking loss…

    Derek West

    @LOYAL 2 THE SOIL you obviously missed my first response!


    @Derek West bro I’m saying in all in all , regardless , it some what of an excuse when you say this ranks him having one of his worse games category , im not giving bruh no slack , cuz he does this to us every year , he will go on a 3 or 4 game losing streak which I hope that won’t be the case this year. Then he goes on winning 4 or 5 straight then we are in need of help to get in the playoffs , carr needs to start winning now not later NOW , let’s hope that our defense don’t take a crap then it will be another season like last season .

    Derek West

    @LOYAL 2 THE SOIL I thought the entire team was playing at a slower speed than the Chargers. The D played better in 2nd half but there was little to no pressure on the QB. I expected more from this team starting with Carr!!

    dimitri cruz

    @LOYAL 2 THE SOIL that is Oline fault if your QB feels like he pressured to throw the ball and doesn’t have scan down Oline needs to do better, ball security is Carr fault he needs stop force feeding and start throwing the ball away or scan down the field, you lose as team and win as team.

    HAM my

    Agree. Everybody can have “BAD DAY”, that happen to Carr 🤷🏻‍♂️

Alex Bojorge

I agree with Isaiah.. 100%
Carr needs to step up .. Raiders could win .. too many turnovers


Be better Carr 3 ints, Tunnel vision for Adams. Forgot about Renfrow/Waller.Need a quicker release in pocket, Took too long still. Be better O line, Be better D line, Herbert had all day to throw. Middle couldnt stop the run. Be better Mcdaniels, offense looked like last seasons.


    Dink and dunk let players be okay makers

    Brandon Riddlesprigger

    No it didn’t….Gruden had us number 1 in offense first four weeks of the season….

    Willi six

    @Luke Parodi you and must have watched two totally different games

    Luke Parodi

    @Willi six How so? Did throwing it to Adams not lead to success? If Carr makes a better throw on the long bomb, Adams finishes with over 200 yards and 2 TDs and we probably win the game.

    Willi six

    @Luke Parodi as i said we were watching two TOTALLY DIFFERENT games

Oscar Ramirez

I think i could speak for the whole nation that this one hurt on a deep personal level because it was the first game of the long awaited season and because of who the opponent was and everything else for that matter.. I really hope this was just a minor stumbling block on the road to our success in this season and that we can truly make an impact like we all hoped for..

    Max Smart

    Chargers have put together a better team. Both sides of the ball they are the better team.

    Bill Lozier

    @Max Smart The Chargers have Herbert. He a franchise QB.He beat the Chiefs twice last year. The Chargers picked up Mack. Hell yes they are absolutely very good. You know what else? They are the Chargers so no telling how far they go. The week one against the Raiders is one which they certainly should have won by 20 but nearly lost until Mack & the D closed the threat. The AFC WEST is gonna be awesome. I won’t count out the Raiders at all but the team that appears to be very lethal again is the Chiefs. Mahomes plays like he’s always behind.

    Bill Lozier

    @B Ostiguin yep. Raiders flatly got beat up. 16 games to go. Seahawks beat Broncos. It’s just one game. Plenty to improve in week two against dysfunctional Cardinals. Raiders should win that game at home. Thursday Chiefs or Chargers will have one loss as well so no panic RN.

    Bill Lozier

    @Kevin Kaatz 100%. I believe that teams realize how long the season is with 17 games. Raiders showed improvement on defense that we haven’t had in ten years. Right the ship this week against a very troubled Cardinals team and we are 1-1. No worries…yet. lol

    Max Smart

    @Bill Lozier that’s a good assessment!


Carr needs to learn how to use his legs, instead of standing around and waiting to be sacked if his receivers are covered

    dimitri cruz

    He’s find he’s pocket passer when he did use his leg they broke his legs, if run the QB he can be hurt, he needs to stop force ball and throw the ball away.


    9 seasons and Carr’s still a rookie

    N H

    Bro cut him a brake. Yall switched out your right tackle like 3 or 4 times. Bosa/Mack tortured the OTs the entire game.


    You right bro

    Ashley Lynn

    Yeah but he’ll never be a runner. Chucky tried to instill that part of the game for him. He won’t do it ever since his ankle was broken. That’s exactly what made Gannon so dangerous. He would always move the chains with his legs and his QB sneaks were crucial too.

Derrick Pino

There were more good signs than bad, IMO. Gonna have to go undefeated at home in the division to have a real shot at the playoffs, but it’s doable. Hopefully when they breakdown the film they can, at the very least, find out who they want at G and RT. The OL will not be good with the players we currently have, but they will at least be better then they were today if they can gel.

    Alex W

    Undefeated at home? Lmao. Record isn’t that great at home. Not gonna happen.

    T. Riddler

    You are not beating the Chiefs at all this year trust me on that

    Phillip Mahoney

    I feel you. Wish we were rusty against an NFC contender and not a division rival Annointed to win the SB though… need an answer at RT. Need Carr and McDaniels to spread out this offense.

    George Jones

    No there was actually a lot lot more bad than good!

    Luke Parodi

    I too feel like there was a lot more good than bad. The biggest fix that needs to happen is the offensive line. On defense, our pass rush needs to actually get home instead of just getting pressures. We hardly hit Herbert at all today

Heart 34

Carr has lanes to run for the first down on numerous third downs. I know at this point it’s not his game but it’s the only way we can be a super bowl type team. Carr has to move in the pocket better. He’s a stationary target back their and it’s not all the o-lines fault. Plus numerous under throws for big plays and TDs.

    Ethan Tenorio

    imagine if we had someone like a Mahomes, Jackson or Allen lmao. Our team would be super bowl contenders easily. Carr just needs to move ffs like just go or hes gotta release the ball quicker. Look at why Brady is so successful cos he gets the ball out quick always. Carr was legit just drowning in the pocket cos of no movement whatsoever.

    Gold Tau

    It’s like Bosa told y’all. He scurred.


    Look at the fake Raider fans only pointing out Carr like he was the only one playing bad smh

    B Turner

    Exactly. If he can’t be mobile, management needs to find a quarterback that can move and throw!

    Rafael Garcia

    @Jr Gomez Z

War Rogers

I can tell Carr had Adam’s on his fantasy team

    East Bay Original Raider

    And still sucked


Line didn’t hold up to a crazy defense, Carr was too locked on Adams, I think play calling needed to move Carr more, screens and only majority shotgun formations. Hopefully this a kick in the mouth that wakes them up


    Yep. Carr over looking wide open receivers to make sure Adams gets 15-20 targets

    Andrew McCallum

    You focus on adams because he’s the best Wr in football. Renfrows great as well as Waller. But Carr needs to run when the pocket brakes down. He’s so good/great when he has a clean pocket. But when he gets pressured, I mite was be playing qb. So inconsistent. And always fumbling when he gets, I’d guess he fumbles 50% of the time he’s hit.

    Christian Gonzalez

    They need to use number 13 maannnn

    Daniel Keenan

    If u go back and look at all those sacks,4 of them was on Carr, he has to stop holding the ball like that, 3- 4 second maxs, run the dam ball Derek, or throw it away. It’s only week 1 and they can clean that up. When u have a new offense u should get a few plays under ur belt in preseason.

Wayne Aquina Jr.

The Chargers have an offensive line the Raiders have a offensive lineman! 🏴‍☠

Christopher Harvey

Trying to force the ball to adams was the problem, tunnel vision

    AyeJay .N

    Exactly, Carr forgot he has more then 1 reciever out there smh.

    Christian Gonzalez

    Honestly he actually forgot about his slot receiver you know

Dorail Crayton

Our first team hasn’t played in a year and we have been thru MUCH worse than this… So I’m not about to go off the deep end because of this loss… The Chargers don’t like us because of last year… We will see them again don’t worry… I do believe next week won’t lose…🙏


    It’s all emotional, this game will become a thing of the past when we dominate teams this year.

    Ernesto Gastelum

    the Chargers never liked the Raiders lol


When there’s only a few minutes in a game I always assume carr will win since he’s great at comebacks this one stung

    Daniel Echavarria

    I think bad play calling…you know Mack’s coming in hot…chip or have hb help with him give Carr another second or two🤷🏼‍♂️ but still had a chance to win with 3 int and missed throws im hopeful

Rusty Nail

Three interceptions, two fumbles for Carr. Hard to win games that way. Don’t tell me this is one game! This is eight years and one game.

    DC 34

    Yep agree

    Sione Maafu

    Nobody is going undefeated bro that’s the truth

Silver Wind

Humbling loss, there’s a lot of work to be done, the season is long. I am optimistic that the team will bounce back next week.

    Fred Flintstoner

    Nope.. We stink…………………….AGAIN!

    Bill Lozier

    Humbling loss? What? You mean the Raiders are overconfident? Not hardly. It was sloppy play mixed with really bad throws with some resilient effort by the defense. Build on a loss. The Raiders are very talented. Get a win this week at home is important. Cardinals are falling apart. Play them with purpose and should get a win.

    Silver Wind

    @Bill Lozier No I didn’t say the Raiders were over confident, but then again maybe they were; the fact of the matter is that we could have beat the Chargers.

    As a fan (I can only speak for myself) it was a humbling loss simply because I feel we have an extremely talented roster, and I expected us to win this game, I wasn’t expecting us to play as sloppy as we did (in hindsight I should have expected a lot of rust but the talent on the offensive side of the ball may have blinded me a little bit, I should have had the understanding that they still need some time to gel and get real time reps.)

    The Chargers beating us hurt, but I’m already hyped for week 2.

    Bill Lozier

    @Silver Wind ok got it. When you use like humbling it insinuates that someone was cocky or overconfident. I expected a Raiders win too but it the Raiders weren’t humbled. The starters hadn’t played all preseason & its another new coaching staff. We just looked out of sync and the more they play together it will get better….or let me put it this way. Had the Raiders lost to the Seahawks I’d call that humbling but the Chargers are a legit SB contender.

    Silver Wind

    @Bill Lozier Well to be fair it is possible that our team was over confident, we’re not in the building after all, but the probability that they were over confident isn’t as realistic as them being rusty more or less.

    Yeah I was insinuating that I was extremely confident that we would win week 1. Not to discredit the Chargers, but I don’t see them as an unstoppable force. I’m excited to play them again, that mid season game will tell us a lot more than week 1.

    I dunno what I would call it if we lost to the Seahawks, I wouldn’t call it humbling, I would use the word embarrassing. Saying that though you have to give Geno Smith his flowers, they wrote him off and he didn’t write back. That Seattle defense ate that terrible Donkey O line too, but yeah a loss to Seattle isn’t humbling in my opinion, the broncos should feel embarrassed.

    Edit: Gramma (eh I try at least)

Mike Rodriquez

As long as I’ve been a Raider fan I’m still waiting to see carr use his legs and get out of that pocket….. been like this since day one… can’t be focusing on only one receiver….

    Christian M

    I mean his first couple season he used to but since he had gotten hurt he hasn’t ran like he used to

    Nicholas Preciado

    @Christian M since he’s been hurt he has PTSD in the pocket.


    He’s never ran consistently in the NFL why do you guys continue to ask for him to do it? That’s not his game, he’s not changing his play style 9 years into his career give it a rest.

Daunte Wimmer

We will be fine. 1st game of the season,with new coaches,in a new system,with a new oline,and starters who mostly didn’t see a single preseason snap. Got punched in the mouth early. Good. Now let’s bounce back next week 💪🏽

Big H

We abandoned the run so early. Jacobs did not get enough touches! They were splitting Jacobs out as a WR in the first quarter leaving an empty back field. I actually think the line did a decent job against the Charger DLine. CARR HAD AGES TO THROW and still got sacked several times.


    Coverage sacks – really good coverage downfield and Carr was trying to force it.
    Just week 1 though – definitely things to build from.


Every single thing went the Chargers way and we could have won ?
Wow !!
We’re a great team that was out played by a great team.
No mystery

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