Drake London with a pregame catch #shorts – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Nathan Kuberski


Nathan Kuberski

Nice catch though


Who else is here to record this clip???

Drimc Smith The M&Ms Mix Fan

He’s my 2022 OROTY. Falcons pls don’t waste his talent.

    The Unova Native

    Don’t worry we only waste QB talent

    michael kitchen

    They will

    D J

    lmao. no way in hell he comes even close to ROTY.


pretty cool catch


I got this


As a falcons fan, I was so mad that they passed up garret wilson because I had never heard of drake London but he’s been looking pretty good


    he’s tallll

    Kirk Favre

    Man mark my words he’s going to be amazing


    Facts. London will be special

    Adriel Aviado

    Drake London USC. Who was a basketball player that transition into a football player. I watch him at usc he’s a beast. He might turn out to be one of the best wide receivers out there. This guy catches everything. I went to a game at usc last season and he balled out

    777Boss 777

    Drake London is nice bro

Paul Bright

Not exactly Odell Beckham against the Cowboys…

Nick Barbagallo

I immediately thought of that pre-game Julio catch on Sunday Night football showing his vert

    Tommy T

    Not even close


Love this kid


How did we choke against the Saints. London is gonna be beast this year.

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