Robert Tonyan: ‘I’m in a good spot mentally and physically’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
vanessa moseley

So happy he’s back and playing 💚💛💚💛💯💯🔥🔥

    RJ MacReady

    lets get it girl Go Pack GO


My favorite tight end on the Packers love this guy miss you last season stay healthy

Rodney Sperberg

Love the guy, hate the man bun.


    Disagree I think he’s the only guy that can pull it off well

    joy flow

    Yeah I’d take the bun over the mullet anyday lol

Teddy Zamba

Bobby, has Arodj asked you for input on his ‘man bun’ and have you offered Arodj tips on the ‘man bun’ formation…?…thanx man…!!


He has the ability to shock the league. Hope he goes out and shows up.

James Smith

Was so sorry for you last year, getting injured just when you had so much momentum going for you. Best Wishes for a healthy season.

Johnny O

I love this Dude a Ton….😉😊😇😎he should be more of a “go to” guy than ever as we spread the wealth around…GO PACK GO


The most underrated nfl players. He’s an elite TE hands down.

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