Head Coach Matt LaFleur press conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jerry Wanty



I don’t understand how pathetic these press conferences are. How difficult is it in 2022 to have adequate microphone coverage so we can actually hear the questions being asked?

Jon Swanson

I like the way Gutey has developed the direction they believe the team should go.
Seven first round draft choices on the defense and at least four brilliant free agent signings and the development of these players.
I’m just a little shaky about WR, then again who isn’t.

    Scott Francois

    David is not coming back anytime soon and even if he does he’ll lose a couple of games even after that because of an injury and who knows what will happen with him. So do not count on him being back anytime soon and again if he does come back he will definitely get hurt again

    David Niehoff

    The greenbay pup listers.


This GM is a dope

Andruw Paden

The sexiest head coach in the NFL is back at it again

Kenny Lier

Why doesn’t Gut give Rodgers the credit he deserves. Pathetic

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