Devin White: Still Have a Lot of Football to Play | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Defense needs to wake up been mediocre all year

    no clu4u

    Mediocre ????? What team you watching ??? Bucs are on pace to be WORST DEFENSE IN NFL HISTORY
    Better check the numbers .
    They are not a good team at all .
    They done .

    no clu4u

    @david selawsky Worst pass defense in the NFL.
    BEFORE THE INJURIES . On pace to be WORST DEFENSE IN NFL HISTORY. Check the stats .
    Bucs are hot garbage .


    @no clu4u calm dude no there not


    I think mediocre is a bit generous, frankly.


    @no clu4u Don’t be silly

brent webster

Oh well ya still got the most diverse coaching staff in the NFL.

    P W

    BA get awards for that!

    Antonio Brown

    Bucs get out coached routinely

Francisco Guzman

They sound like a broken record. Enough with the excuses. Now they might have lost vea as well.

Chris Walls

We lost to good team but we come back ready like champs

    Anthony Davis

    good team? is that a joke? the worst team in the nfl just dropped 30 on our defense lol

    Chris Walls

    @Anthony Davis our defense isn’t healthy we are not healthy either but I’m rolling with Brady and bucs repeat as champs

    mark P

    @Chris Walls mann a healthy D was getting smoked too let’s be honest Davis and sherm not that good

    Aaron Campos

    Washington is not a good team lol

    Chris Walls

    @Aaron Campos we saw them in playoffs last year Brady bucs will get on roll about this time of the year

Lon Landis

Let’s work on defense.


I need more from you Devin….you are not causing enough havok in the game sir….WE NEED TO TIGHTEN UP, 19 PLAY DRIVE TO CLOSE OUT A WIN, YOU SHOULD FEEL THAT IN YOUR CHEST!!!!Lets bounce back fellas!!!!

    Rob Graffy

    Dude had 15 tackles and 2 sacks. He’s not a DB FOH

    david selawsky

    @Rob Graffy and a few crucial missed covereges on 3rd down

    Rob Graffy

    Ya’ll are redumb

    K B

    18 tackles, 2 sacks, 3 TFL…”I need more from you Devin”. You wont get better production from a LB than that.


    @K B Key moments are what matters. What´s a sack on first down worth if you give up a 10 yarder on 3rd and 9. He just does not make plays when it counts.

Opi Okapi

Love you Devin 💗🧸

david selawsky

Of coarse there is a lot of football left but youncabt keep playing the same way every week. Cant cover anyone. I mean Heineke Looked like Dan Marino. What are we doing? D line cant contain and now Vea out there goes our aura of not getting run on. It cant get any worse. When it rains. It pours!

    Humberto Nuñez

    Last season Heineke was a game time decision and he pretty much caught our D by surprise but today there was no excuse we had 2 weeks to prepare for him, he looked like an MVP candidate

    Binit Aryal

    @Humberto Nuñez because he is bozo

Dwayne Richardson

He has been terrible this year. Flying around with no control! Be a leader like #54 and take this D on your shoulders! Stop pointing fingers and look within first! That is the most proud I have seen you this year and it was about walking away because a guy pushed you!!??! Come on mannnn

John Smith

White’s head is not in the right place. He thinks they have something to defend this year. That results them in mentally they have something to lose. But last season is finished. They have accomplished nothing this season. And they need to bring that that hunger that they want to win it all. It seems they have loss that.

    david selawsky

    They have lost it. Im not seeing it.

Keith Johnson

This “it don’t matta” attitude is what is hurting this team. Every press conference, they give the same platitudes. “We just need to play betta!” Great, you said that three times this year. Eventually, they’re going to have to believe what they’re saying and execute what they’re saying. Right now, this is sounding like a broken record with no real promise.

    mrchillwill ford

    What else are they gonna say lol

Hung Pham

The defense is not together. If they keep playing like that, they have no chance for playoffs… Brady can not carry the team with no help from D.

Arthur Horne

BUCS let’s go we human we can lose games


19 play drive let that sink in.

Aaron Campos

They put WFT in 3rd and long situations and still couldn’t get off the field, I want nothing more than to see the Bucs repeat but they just look bad!!

Phon Xieng

He needs to tackle better and stop wiping falling and letting tight end run pass him

Dean Giusti

Here is the poster boy of the Bucs defense this year.
They layed down and that’s the worst thing u can do in this league. This team ain’t going anywhere this year.
What a utter embarrassment.


Soon, you wouldn’t have a lot of Football to play if you let your opponents use up more than 11 minutes! Lol


I love the Bandwagon comments on here. So, when the Bucs are playing well and are in the playoffs these same people will be back to: omg Devin and the Bucs are the best!

    Sycotic Forever

    Well considering like 90% of the fanbase hopped on the bandwagon in 2020…

Wayne Waimotu

D White is on fire!!!

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