Devin White on Who Would be the Best Horseback Rider on the Team | Ultimate Teammate – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Richard Johnson


sophia _23

Get live 45

Chris Maile

Need the defense to get healthy. Go Bucs

Caleb from Blood

Country boy life isn’t a choice


Sign me up for a pair of those boots. Even though I normally don’t wear cowboy boots, I guess I would try a pair if it’s from our main man Devin! Go Bucs

J Word

Not go lie..he’s nothing playing great like he was last year but I hope he turn that around asap

Marcel garcia

Definitely the best horse collar’er


    That wasn’t a horse collar!

    Marcel garcia

    I calls em like I sees em

Opi Okapi

Love you Devin 💗🧸

Kenneth Sarvis

Madden22 💪🏿#45

John Smith

D. White loves horses, but that one handed take down on Winston was not even close to a horse collar tackle. He was so strong that Winston was injured.

Robert Antoinetta

When is the real Devin white going to show up on the field?


Depends on what you’re doing while riding horseback. Are you playing polo? herding cattle? Or racing in the Kentucky Derby?
I can definitely see Scotty Miller being a jockey in the derby!!

Mysterious Man??

Sooooo devin tossed winston like a haybell. Got it haha

Mike Ruzza

Dev is such a nice young man and full of joy!! I’d love to meet his parents one day. He’s fun to listen to; and great job by Casey talking with him. Haha Thank you both!!

Neal Schieberl

Love you Devon!!! Class, cool and collected, but fierce on the gridiron. This team is the only one that has a chance at three in a row. And I’m planning on going to that one. Keep being you and don’t get hurt. The team needs you.

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