Highlights from Wild Card Playoffs | Chiefs vs. Steelers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dewayne King

Let go Chiefs

Ricardo Masvidal

That first quarter was giving me a heart attack and then the offense turned it on after the fumble

Arrowhead Ftball

The Chief’s with a slashing runner with great vision is exactly what we’ve needed since Kareem left. Look out. Clyde who?

    Andrew Boyce

    He’s got the cut backs like Jamaal Charles. Makes a dude miss everytime.


    Kareem?? Forget Kareem.. Damien Williams real LIV MVP


    we won the super bowl the year after kareem left. you people need to forget about him and move on.

Wade mulligan

Amazing game

Ed V


James Rowell

It’s amazing how resilient we are. When the switch is flipped, it’s an offensive on slot.

    Tracy Hall

    .. “on slot” ?? 🎰 😊

    No yankee, no brim


Jerry Porotesano

I was excited when we signed McKinnon and im so happy he finally got a chance to show everyone what he did in Minnesota back in the day. What an awesome runner

    Bradley Gilmer

    Coming from a Niner fan – where he just languished on I.R. – and never did anything For us- Dont get too excited…But he did come back from some knarly injuries- he looked very explosive…

Stephon Raimey

The Bill’s are next!

Andrew Rodgers

im not a steelers fan but if this is Ben’s last year playing its nice to see one of the greats in one last play off game


Vintage Mahomes welcome back! I feel very sorry for Hardman though, desperately wanting to make that breakthrough. I hope he does it against the Bills.


    he’s working his tail off and running as hard as he has since we drafted him. no need to feel bad, he’ll keep getting chances and good things will keep happening.


Nothing sweeter than watching the big- mouthed, cocky Steelers get pounded. They’re so tough at home against weak teams and then when they play away against good teams they ain’t all that anymore. BTW did that biggest big mouth TJ Watt play?


Hill dancing was hillarious..


The underhand flip is really underrated since anyone past the line can’t see that the ball has been move at all.

    Chris M

    Its really perplexing why more teams don’t do that.


    the way mahomes pump fakes to manipulate the defense before doing it makes it even deadlier.


    @Chris M Imagine a softball pitcher, probably turn that into a 30 yard pass.

D. De

Greetings from Germany ❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛

scott boehmer

Little know fact but Mahomes broke a record for most underhanded touchdowns this game.


i really dont understand how we keep winning


Chiefs fan from Pittsburgh here! The somber faces at work today made me smile from ear to ear

Chris M

When the Chiefs “flip the switch”, in a game, it reminds me of the movie “Upgrade”, when the AI takes over.
Great movie if you haven’t seen it.

Braska! through the Games

I feel like they’ve been keeping Jerrick McKinnon a secret all year just to step up the run game in the playoffs. RB#1 in my book!


What a fun game–so glad I bought that ticket.💖💖💖💖💖

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