Prepare for Week 9 vs. Green Bay Packers | Hy-Vee Chiefs Insider – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Focused Productions

Chiefs need a SOLID win against a “Rodgers-less” team! 31-17 with NO TURNOVERS to gain some momentum for the Raiders! 5-4 baby!

    Kenny Higgins

    Mahomes is becoming the biggest waste of a Billion dollars in the NFL!! All he can scrape up is 1 TD in the first half. If #12 was playing, they’d be behind the Packers!!! Mahomes isn’t playing as good as some of the rookies, and they aren’t making all that money!! WHAT A WASTE

Gary Petty

Chiefs Kingdom keep loving our boys win, loss or draw!!

KCC Kingdom

May we please go back to being a functioning football team?

    KCC Kingdom

    @DT2PZ0 let me ask you this, do you LIKE seeing the chiefs lose?


    @KCC Kingdom no

    Kevin F

    Not happening this week. I see the chiefs stinking it up and making Jordan Love look like Rodgers

    Goat Jay

    @Kevin F exactly I got the same feeling the defense won’t stop a nose bleed and they going to turn the ball over

KCC Kingdom

Goals for tomorrow:
1. Win convincingly
2. Don’t turn the ball over
3. Stop Aaron Jones, make Jordan Love beat you
4. Don’t let Sorenson on the field

    David P. Eutsler

    @Nashville Choctaw Great comment agree completely.


    @Nashville Choctaw with all due respect to Mahomes he is nowhere near the level of Rodgers and that’s saying a lot because Mahomes is a great quarterback. But if Rodgers was playing in this game against that chiefs defense the packers would beat the chiefs by at least 2 or 3 touchdowns.


    Number 4 🤣


    jordan love likes to throw deep passes, and in college he threw alot of picks stop the medium passing game with cover 1 or cover 4 man


    blanket davante

James Rowell

No Rodgers doesn’t = Easy game. Stay on the gas for 4 full quarters.

    Chief Belief

    Except its Reid. The hole staff has been absent so far for much of it.


If we don’t bench daniel sorensen we lost 😐 this man sucks dude bench him

David P. Eutsler

Love that piece on Tim Grunhart


Chiefs have a problem with this new GB “QB↪Love” you better believe, Love is gonna go out, giving it all he’s got, to make a name for himself during Aaron Rodgers absence.

    Ryan Carr

    Which could be detrimental lol

Benjamin Wachold

They’ve gotta bring it against the Green Bay Packers. Bring their A game, especially the offense. I wanna see Patrick’s best game, focused and comfortable. I’d like to see them run power the whole game and take the intermediate passes working down the field. Take the deep shots when necessary. They can’t turn the ball 🏈 over that needs to stop in this game.

G- Rock Tha Israelite

Chiefs can’t afford another lost

Jay Fisher

We need continuity on offense. Pick a wr 2 and stick with it so 15 can get some confidence in his other receivers. Spread the ball to EVERYONE so they will make the effort to get open. Watching film you can tell the other receivers loafing because they don’t think the ball is coming their way. Commit to running against light boxes. Force that other safety in the box, and then bombs away! Go Chiefs!!

Alexander Sage

How much would yall bet that if the Chiefs win this one that all the show analysts put the chiefs back at the top of their rankings and predictions?

Tav the beast 15

Another great episode‼️

Chiefs will Chief

I truly believe we can turn the season around and win these next 3 games because the Nfl overall this year has been wild….. but if our main guys can stay healthy we will finish strong despite us looking dysfunctional first half of season 😅

    Chris M

    We will know early. If Sorenson steps on that field, its proof management isn’t serious about making necessary adjustments. The moment he does, make no mistake, the season is lost. Guaranteed. Sure there are other problems, but Sorenson is like a butcher knife buried in the Chiefs chest. Sure, there are some other injuries, but until you pull that knife out, there aint no healing.

Victor Manuell

Cmon Guy All The Way From Texas Supporting Kansas City Chiefs LETS GET IT DONE CHIEFS KINGDOM 🤴…


It’s incredible how Big Red restrains his reactions whether it’s touchdown or loss, everyone around him reacts but him. Amazingly smart indeed.


    So lucky to have him in KC. Big Red forever!

warren bannister

Go back and put your mindset back to 2018 and 2019 when everyone always doubted you (as they do now) and show them how wrong they still are.


Play smart Get a big W 🏈💪 Go KC


I remember 61. He was great. Creed “I must break you” Humphries really reminds me of him. Lucky to have them both. Congrats Tim. Well deserved honor.

Shirley Park

Go Chiefs. You can do this

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