Browns vs. Lions Game Day Hype Video | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Robert Hazen

Please run the ball. Run screens, tackle, and cover


    and for God sake, show some pressure

    Edward Gaines

    Honestly I’d be more worried about Baker losing the locker room, and his players quitting on *HIM.*

    Robert Hazen

    @Edward Gaines yeah that could happen but he seems to be a good leader in that aspect. I would like to see him get his surgery. He is getting beat up and really needs to heal up. Maybe play for another team

    Robert Hazen

    @Edward Gaines couldn’t agree more with you.


We’re not hype we’re worried and concerned


if we can’t beat a back up QB, then Joe Woods HAS to be fired

Edward Gaines

“Game Day” though? It’s Saturday!


There is no hype with this team. They are an absolute embarrassment !!!

    Edward Gaines

    But your user name says “LET’S GO BROWNS!”

Ben Shihadeh

All I wish for is that the ghost of Freddie Kitchens doesn’t prematurely revisit us again.

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