Darnell Mooney on playing the Ravens: ‘We have to go 1-0 this week’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Oliver Lacey

Why stay away from football instead of submerging yourself to get better. The power of small gains. I remember when it was maditory for skills to get together before and after practice to get on one page.


    You need a mental break with anything, plus Mooney seems to put in way more effort towards his craft than others — spending his first check on a passing machine, doing offseason workouts with AR, spending extra time with Field’s even before Justin was a starter.

    seetsele mashungwa

    It’s a job and he took a mini vacation what’s wrong with that? Training when mentally fatigued won’t produce any small gains

Oliver Lacey

11-6…. bless your heart youngster

    Harold Simpson

    So if you don’t believe that as a Fan, why root for your 🏉 team, I mean seriously as fans I guess myself included we can be so pessimistic at times.

Harold Simpson

That’s what’s up Mooney as fans we think of Football as not a job, I wonder how many of us go on vacation from our job, but focus on the minutia of our work other than checking your email so it want pile up on you.

Good for you Mooney, I hope all the players did the same thing.

Te Bobo

Bear Down when you come to my town
Bear Down when we Midwest bound
Bear Down cause we ain’t no haters like you
Bear Down to a team that’s greater than you

Jon Jones

I was hard on Mooney because I will never understand having speed and not being able to get open. With fields ability as a QB, Mooney should be tearing it up. I see a great future ahead. No reason not to have success.

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