Bears bye week recap with Dan Pompei | All Access – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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    No body cares


    @POTATOECHIP what a troller..why even take the time to reply?


    @Plank who cares about being first


Bears suck


    Refs Suck Lol

Andrew the Anomaly

We should be 4-5, we’d still be in the race. Considering how tough our schedule is 4-5 isn’t too bad going into bye. And with how well our offense has played lately I’d be confident we could ride a decent record to the finish. *IF* we were 4-5.

    Brandon Dorsey

    I’m sorry but being in the hunt isn’t desirable this year. Nagy isn’t the right man for the job, and we don’t need things to be close enough to give George enough reasons to keep him.


    If the can beat the Giants Vikings twice and lions. That’s 7- 10. If we could steal a game maybe from Seattle or the ravens. That’s 8-9 maybe the last wild card spot. Nagy should still be fired with a loosing season!!

O Really?

Recap???? How bout a real head coach? We all know that’s the issue!

Keith Cosentino

To have a journalist on and not ask about Nagy and Pace is terrible

    Oliver Lacey

    The Chicago media has been subpar to say the least

tj _

Look forward im not looking forward to much. Except for Justin fields playing with cohen and monety should be a good trio


    I wish they would play Rodney adams for a game

    tj _

    @ChicagoFan4Life the preseason isn’t really a good representation for wrs just bc the corners are not startere


comments/views kinda low for a fanbase who’s sick of clicking the HC press conference & tired of hearing the same thing yet keep clicking back 🤔
unfortunate you fools who said trade AR “who can’t get separation” yet who’s coming off two back to back 1k seasons won’t hear why you don’t & what that does to the lockeroom.


Does Aaron Rodgers roll out and take off from time to time, Dan? If he took ANY of those hits that JF1 took, would he too be ignored? No? Thought not. Be serious.

William Amy

Why the referee don’t do none for Justin fields


How we looking in the bye week? Win or lose so far?



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