Matt Nagy: Media Availability | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Thank you for everything guys we fought to the end I can respect that

    John Smith

    if you ignore the fact that the Bears didn’t show up for the first quarter……………sure, Chicago played most of the remaining 3/4 of the game

    NAFTALI Walkin

    Refs cheated all game didn’t call face mask Steelers kept grabbing bears face mask


    @NAFTALI Walkin bro we see you in the comments. If you think there was facemasks that weren’t called make a video.

    NAFTALI Walkin

    @Dwilk50 there are photos

Brandan Morris

Santos is still the 🐐

    bob lob dob hob rob

    santos for mvp

    I Can't State an opinion on the Internet

    Yeah bro just dont got a big leg but is accurate


    @I Can’t State an opinion on the Internet he wouldve made 60 yds


    @bob lob dob hob rob Why did Nagy sabotage his kicks made streak instead of a hail mary which had about the same chance or better? Nagy is a clown.

    NAFTALI Walkin

    Refs cheated all game didn’t call face mask Steelers kept grabbing bears face mask

Bboy B3000

Atleast we are guaranteed not to lose this week 🙂

    JC Mula

    Bruh ravens waiting for us when we get back. Hope da guys don’t slack too much mack should be back after the bye hopefully!!💯🐻🐻 everyone saying mack doesn’t affect games just look at the defense without his presence the pass rush is just a few ticks slower or longer getting to the qb but we still been turning up! Glad quinn bouncing back we needed it badly.

    Charles Allen

    Naggy will find a way to lose on his off day on what I don’t know

    Michael Zorn

    Damn guys we ain’t the Lions 😂😂

    Charles Allen

    @Michael Zorn with Matt Naggy coaching he could easily turn the Bears into the Lions on any given day, you never know what team is gonna show up under Naggy coaching

    NAFTALI Walkin

    Refs cheated all game didn’t call face mask Steelers kept grabbing bears face mask


Fire Tony Corrente !!! Don’t let him ref another NFL game!!! Pace needs to be on the phone with goddell. We need sky judges!!!

    NAFTALI Walkin

    Refs cheated all game didn’t call face mask Steelers kept grabbing bears face mask

    Michael Survilla

    Plus Fields got hit late, 2 times without a penalty.

    Michael Survilla

    We do need sky judges. It’s amazing to me , that Marsh got
    fined 6k. What about that guy on New Orleans that taunted Wimms
    and Miller and got them thrown of of the games. When your taunting
    to that extent and don’t get fined that’s sad. I’m not saying Wimms and Miller were right, but what a double standard.

Pat Ormond

Nagy should be a politician.Talks a lot and says nothing.



John Smith

Let’s go Bears! Pace and Nagy…. just go.

    daniel dehaan


    Thomas Gena

    Thanks, Ryan Pace — for a number of great NFL Draft selections

Reality Bites

Our Rythm in the first half was clownish, I would try to end the week of practice to be seamless to the start of the game. Play scheme felt jumbled at best. Justin Fields gained super control of this. Kudos

Jeremy Earl

Need more of that play action though

Maurice Clemons

This is not the first time, Refs seem to mostly give bad calls in regards to the Bears.

    Jim Naz

    in the words of Mike Ditka, the bears are the Grabowskis, and still he and the rest of the management built the finest football team in the history of the league. That will never happen under Nagy, and Pace.

    Maurice Clemons

    @Jim Naz You’re right about that Jim, and we would have repeated as super bowl champs if it were not for the late hit the Packers Charles Martin put on Jimmy Mack!


I’m better with accepting a loss when the Bears are actually competitive. Last night they competed against the Steelers and the Refs.

    NAFTALI Walkin

    Refs cheated all game didn’t call face mask Steelers kept grabbing bears face mask

    Christian Mondesir


    Thomas Gena

    Thanks, Ryan Pace — for another great NFL Draft selection– especially, Justin Fields!

    James Martin

    Amen. My mantra

Michael Jones

Sometimes you just want to see your coach stand up for you and call it like it is! Come on Nagy, take one for the team and call the terrible referring what it was


    lmaoo stand up for yall fakes?? stand up for the players by yelling & cussing on the field at the refs? yea that happened.

    George Mavrogenes

    Totally agree Michael. Take the fine!


spineless, he shouldve had his players back


4:40 A HC who had ALL OFF SEASON to learn and asses his QBs strengths, gets on a podium and says Heading into Week 3 the coaches didn’t know what Fields strengths were gonna be 🤯🤯🤯


    In agreement, Nagy has demonstrated the worst neglect and shameful on his part as a head coach. For someone who usually say I have to watch the film, that’s all he needed to do to learn Justin’s strengths. Better yet, how about asking Justin “ what are your strengths and what would you like to work on and do?”

    Thomas Gena

    Thanks, Ryan Pace — for another great NFL Draft selection — Justin Fields!


    @Thomas Gena I’ve always said and will always say, put any COMPETENT head coach in Nagys position & they would flourish with the talent on this roster

Oliver Lacey

When Lovie was the coach , and Rod Marinelli & Vic Fangio were the coordinators they preached turnovers & no loafing. Why is that changed? No forced fumbles or interceptions. Plays are out there to be made but they just aren’t making them

    Thomas Gena

    So true. Throw some “Peanut Punches.” What do you have to lose?

    Brandn vsworld

    this defense has no talent at DB outside of JJ. 1 good lb. Mack covers a lot of flaws in the dline. they struggle when he’s gone. this isn’t the same defense.


As head coach you better say it how it is.The refs gave the bears 16 penalties & let the Steelers get away with everything.


    So your going to
    Ignore the countless false starts on the tackles ok cool

Peter James Asah'El Israel



That first half is on Nagy. Fields made the adjustments during the 2nd half.

Ahmed Muhudin

🔥 Nagy… I’m done after the ref talk

Big Black

I agree…The throw to Graham was unbelievable, only Dan Fouts, Dan Marino and Warren Moon can make that throw!

Danny Lechwar

Oh god I hope we can have a good week of practice, that would make all the difference 🙏

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