Every Catch From Zay Jones’ 120-Yard Game – Week 17 vs. Colts | Las Vegas Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
David Skarica Addicted to Profits

He was great today way to play zay

Terrance Taylor

I spoke it into existence last night in my trucc ! I just remembered how hard he has been working for this opportunity to really show case his God given abilities! & damn zayyyyyy u didn’t let me down !☠️☠️☠️☠️


Phenomal play from Zay. Glad he was able to show up


I’d say him and Renfrow are the MVPs of the game, well done.

Gabriel Ramirez

This his first 100 yard game? 🔥🔥

Marcos Lopez

He’s really stepped up the last couple weeks. Really good to see


    To see a guy play his best football of the season during big games is meaningful going forward.

Philip Alonzo

Zay and carr always have had good chemistry

Willie Ross

I’m so happy he finally getting an opportunity to showcase consistently. I bet they’re glad they didn’t get rid of him.


One other thing I have to say is that this is how they have to use Zay. Earlier in the season they kept trying to use him as a deep threat when he’s more of a slot receiver. He’s not a superstar but when they use him the right way, he’s a solid compliment receiver.

    Victor Rodriguez

    Exactly! They wanted everyone to try and replace Ruggs, but they can’t. Everyone needs to be used for their skill set.

    Michael g

    @Victor Rodriguez I say raiders keep zay Jones and renfrow even bryan Edwards they gotta use Bryan more and I really want the raiders to draft a wide receiver they need a top wr in the draft last legit wr raiders had was amari Cooper and Nelson algholor

    jabeorn roberts

    the guy can be a superstar in the slot position… Raiders just used em incorrectly

Lyle Disco

Great game Zay! You had Madden in you today!

John Sabilla

Zay Jones all professional zero drama receiver.
Raiders did really well getting him and Renfrow.
Also, RIP Antonio Brown’s NFL Career.

dominique 5

I’m so happy to see Zay Jones playing well, he’s a great person and works his tail off

Here's Johnny! with a y

The MVP of this game is the heart of this team. We ain’t finished yet.


ZJ – Stepping Into Greatness.

Gabe N

All that hard work in the summer paying off for Zay

Brandon Anaya

Hopefully he keeps up the intensity that he had today, Imagine a defense having to worry about Renfrow, Jones, and a healthy Waller!!??!! 🏴‍☠️

Phill Mo

Everyone made plays when we needed too.. Let’s tighten up some loose ends & get into the playoffs 🙏🏻


I am beyond thrilled to see Zay Jones have such a huge day. I think that he has stepped up so huge since that final drive against Cleveland. He had me a bit crazy lots of times this season but I cannot say enough for what I am seeing from him. A huge part of the win against the Colts!

Harry Callahan

Zay is taking advantage of valuable experience. He makes the catch, takes the hit, holds the ball and bounces right up for the next play. Availability is Zays best friend, well done!

Jarrad Dahl

Zay i always believed you just needed a chance and you could have games like this. Proud of you man! Durable as hell to man, you took some big shots on the lower body and you just popped up like nothin. Keep it up, raider nation!

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