Derek Carr, Coach Bradley and Coach Olson Presser – 11.22.21 | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Armando Cardenas

Please don’t hire any ex players we need new people

    Muppet Patrol

    Art Shell did just fine. Better winning percentage than Gruden.


    Dont worry. Mark Davis will look at all possible decisions, and make the worse one. It’s what he’s always done!!!!!


I just have this feeling nothing is going to change Thursday.

    Duck MuthaFukr

    They gonna blame it on the Short week


    That’s not true… old Rich is going to take extra notes so he can explain exactly why we lost to the media!!!

    Jackie Chun_420

    It’s gonna be a tough game going against a tough team, but we can win if the offense plays better. O-line is struggling with the pass protection and run blocking. But if they can call better plays on offense we have a chance. We can beat and lose to any team. When is Mullen coming back?

    John Espo

    @Jackie Chun_420 Good luck.

    Jackie Chun_420

    @Marcus Holloway 😂

Steve Frank

We need coaching…. head and offensive…. getting out coached and out game planned…. and play calling is horrible… and the answers in press conferences are always the same. Like canned speeches to pacify the fan base

    Jeremy Hitchcock

    Olsen is not a good play caller. Was to conservative!

Bandoy C

can we stop with running the baLL 3 times in a row and calling the game as if Carr is a dam rookie?? Olsen’s play calling frustrates me to non other.

    Jackie Chun_420

    Definitely need to stop running the ball 3 times in a row. Need to do smarter play calling. More play action, a balance of short, mid and long passes.


    That’s Carr doing them stupid audibles

    Jeremy Hitchcock

    And there lies the issue. Saw it coming from a mile away.



    Clintony Cartero

    Bcuzz Carr is in his 8th season with 3 years dealing with Gruden we cannot blame no one but Carr if he’s not requesting what he likes to do and putting his input on the O and stepping up NOW he NEVER will….

The Mind of James

The first words that would’ve came out my mouth, “Derek you seem a lot different than yesterday.”

    Andy Torres

    After yesterday’s presser…”he gon cry in the Carr” 😂 bet he shed some bro tears after the game and let his emotion out. Onto Dallas

    David Sosnowski

    Yea he was heated yesterday

    Rooster CB Radio Connection

    His body language and manner of answering questions has changed drastically. Lots of frustration. He hasn’t been quite right since that giants game


    @Rooster CB Radio Connection Carr plays well when everything is perfect. Once theres a distraction on or off the field hes toast.

The Mind of James

I’m a raider fan but I enjoy my mental health a lot more. It’s like a person you love but have to separate yourself from. Because you’ll be stressing for the emotions your investing. Like a one way street

    EJJOHN 23

    Couldn’t agree more man


    @Quintis Collier Yeah but at least since 74 we had the Superbowl win over the Vikings in 76…then Plunketts 2 SB wins in the 80s… gee gads 20 years since Gannon…. that’s 2 decades of losing ball and revolving QBs…remember Donald Hollas? Had to be like 15 of those kinda guys…

    Dennis Decaesar

    Twll ne about it, one game this year i could relax the eagles game the rest im stressed the f out!

    Jonathan Bassett

    Yup.nwell said


    @Dennis Decaesar lol…right with ya brother… This teams aged me over the years. At least the silver hairs added blend Raiders style with the black it used to be lol

kopr cord

I’m starring to think our quality control coaches need quality control coaches as well.

    Jay D

    For real

RellieBoe Gaming

The things is that, we have a good team; we just not, utilizing our players right and they have no momentum.

    Calvin Mak

    Unfortunately, that can be said with many Raider teams in the past, including the late Al Davis era when we had Kerry Collins and Randy Moss.


    That starts with the quarterback

yah hawkins

I’ve been a RAAAAAAIDERRRR most of my life (43-55 years) and it’s not fun anymore for my mental health! I wish I could cancel them like I did Facebook and Instagram 🤦🏽‍♂️


    Plenty of things to do on a Sunday besides watch mediocre football.

    John Espo

    Go with a better franchise. A more consistent and competitive team. One with a way better front office. Pitt or New Orleans maybe?? I’ve been a fan too long to switch up now. It is what it is.


    I watch college ball more and been going to our local High school on Friday nights. Sick of all the politics in pro ball anyhow. No loyalty anymore…I’m old enough to remember pre free agency. It was a much better and fun game. Teams stayed together, rivalries meant something and players never said the word “brand” God I hate that word. Nothing says individual and not team like the word brand.


    Also 50 years or more fan but now do not get all upset as I age

Sego Ayah

I liked trips right. I liked pass in the back field. The ball to the right hand allows back to control the ball (if righthanded). Leaves linebackers to cover back. One man covers deep. Opens alot of halfback pass and screens. I loved it.

RellieBoe Gaming

The Bangles game, showed me how much the NFL is rigged; the Refs kept failing to call penalties on the Bangles, but called everything on us. I knew the game was over when the refs marked Josh Jacobs short of the first down. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

    💖LaylaTheUnicornGirl 21💖

    The bengals game??? Bro it’s been way longer then that! Probably since al davis sued the nfl 👍🏽


    I said the same thing. The crazy thing is CBS thought it was a first down and had changed the down on TV to 1st and 10. Only for the officials to call it 4th down and us send out the punt team.

    Dino Ruiz

    Seen that too with the questionable flag on Moehrig, missed called when Moreau was held and other plays I’m forgetting 😡


    AGREE..100%.. It kills me to admit it, BUT..ITS ALL RIGGED, Ref calls & non-calls…PATHETIC!!


    @💖LaylaTheUnicornGirl 21💖 Now Gru’s suing the NFL so we get another 20 years of manufactured bad luck.

Jayy Rocc

If Carr plays we are gonna lose 😢😢

Jayy Rocc

Only person that’s doing a great job is Gus Bradley and his defensive crew 💪🏾

    Matt G

    We still gotta find a way to stop the run

    j.k.woryon MBA

    @Matt G no defense is stopping the run if they are on the field all game

    Bigun Nunya

    If that were true, they’d stop the scoring. The defense is horrible. Allowing too many points.

    j.k.woryon MBA

    @Bigun Nunya if the defense is on the field all game yes the other team will score because eventually the D will get tired. We have kept teams close until the 4th qtr and the offense can’t even convert a 3rd down


I’m a raider fan but I enjoy my mental health a lot more. Following this team is no longer healthy for any fan. These dudes are literally taking the mantra: Win, Lose or Tie Raiders till I “DIE” to the extreme. I will probably be dead before this team wins a single playoff game. I’ve been a fan since 1970.

    Tim J

    Remember the kings of Monday night. The memory is slipping me too


    @Tim J Used to be “never beat against the Silver & Black on Monday night.” Gosh, that seems like when the entire world was a better place too

    Eric S

    … sad

    Scott Moore

    Same here. It’s old. They need a complete revamp starting with Mayock and Davis!!!


The whole team is checked out
They were smiling and laughing at the end of the Bengals game
While I literally crawled up into a ball on my bed all sad n stuff
There’s a few players on this team that don’t deserve these past humiliations we’ve received, and neither do our fans.
20+ years we’ve had to deal with the losing mentality from this organization.
I’m mentally checked out for the rest of the season too….
Greg Olson, you have to be very thankful on Thursday that you still have a job…. thank and praise God

    j.k.woryon MBA

    The whole team hasn’t checked out if your holding teams within 1 score up until the end if the 4th quarter. The offense needs to be held accountable and it starts with Carr


I remember sitting in the parking lot of the Oakland Coliseum with my wife following the LAST Raiders night home game. We stared at the lights and talked with each other for two hours. Such heartache. Through the years we watched Raiders fans age, hair turned silver and knew that we’d be that couple someday, slowly walking up the stairs after a game at the O. %#$K Libby Schaff.



Eric Llamas

Some other teams are doing worse, we’re not too bad still fighting 💪🏼 Go raiders !


Carr has happy feet and it’s been that way from the beginning. Collapses under pressure. Put in Mariota and change things up

    Mr Chicano

    Actually not from the beginning but definitely after his injury when he rolled his ankle!!!

Claudia Balaeff


Dawson Steffany

Shake it off boys..come back swinging harder on Thursday 💪🏾💪🏾go Raiders 🤙🏾🤙🏾

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