Coach Bisaccia Recaps Loss to Bengals, Talks Early Impressions of Dallas | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Chuco Suarez

Commitment to torturing fans

ken boggess

It is fair to say that Marc Davis has absolutely no clue how to run an organization. As Crazy as Al was, he knew better than to put his kid anywhere near the business side of things.

    Andy Torres

    Been saying this, it starts from the top…

    Reminds me of Dallas how it’s taken Jerry Jones 20+ years to get a 2 playoff wins.

    They kept Jason Garrett as head coach for 10 years before he was fired because he was juuust good enough to have hope and faith as their guy. Like Carr.

    Same boat. Same story. Cut ties with Carr.

    C J

    Al Davis had our team shitty for years and years. Good try though

randy solis

What do you feel you did well this week. Punting was the first thing in mind?? Seriously RICH!???? WTF, thought AJ did some goods punts! OMG your the special team’s coach but come on man.

    id memo

    He is just a bandaid. Don’t blame him. Blame DC for playing like such a wuss and Greg Olson for calling lousy plays.

    John B

    There’s nothing else to be proud of or speak about!!

Chef Boy RG

Nice draw play on 3rd and 7 πŸ‘Œ

Jermaine Hughes

Man I love the raiders but these several loses have been brutal we need better execution.

retro Savy

Less short passes open the playbook

    Anthony Carver

    So they can go 3 and out some more

Only1nation HQ

That first turnover starting off the game at the redzone, touchdown! No excuses!!

    Anthony Carver

    @SouthernOregonReps it’s actually one game. He has scored in the redzone more than Mariota in the last decade

    Anthony Carver

    @SouthernOregonReps also has a higher Redzone scoring % than Patrick Mahomes

    Anthony Carver

    If you want a redzone quarterback the best redzone scoring percentage is from Cam Newton and Ben Roethlisberger.

    Oohhse Da God

    @Anthony Carver they are both Better than Carr!! Mariota is better than Carr!! and Carr lovers are ruining the Raiders and Carr is not elite! he came from a shitty college and when Reggie drafted him he was supposed to be a bandaid not a full time QB which he gave us 8 years of trash

    Anthony Carver

    @Oohhse Da God okay whatever you say. Even though he has nfl records and franchise records. Already know you were hating Carr years ago so don’t really change my perspective


So sick of these boiler plate answers, this coach is soft!!! As are my Raiders, just tired of not having somebody within this organization with some balls to put the hammer down!!!

    John B


    Anthony Carver

    @B M I’ve seen him have get mad with his recievers yes. I mean he also has a 4th string wide reciever as his number 1 so how much can you really expect. WR carousel every year never had a 1 or 2 be the same since Crabtree and cooper which was only 2 years.

    B M

    @Anthony Carver NAH YOU HAVENT HOMIE…HE WAS LIKE “oH sHUcKs gUISss…wE’LL geT eM’ neXT tIMe” LMAO!! βœŒπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

    Anthony Carver

    @B M I’ll timestamp games for you where he yells

    j.k.woryon MBA

    Man what are you talking about…Del Rio criticized Carr and all of sudden everybody started bitching like the world was going to end

BeatBox 88

I vote double tight ends for the rest of the season!!!!!!. Jackson runs deep routes, renfrow mid. Monrou and waller short passes. We’d have AT LEAST 10 yard pickups everytime. Olsen needs to get more ballzy ASAP!!

    damian mcintosh

    I’ve been calling for 12 personnel since the start of the season foster and waller would be hard to stop


    Exactly. Line Waller up as a WR, Foster as a TE, and Renfrow & Jackson. Defense can’t double team everybody. Pick your poison.

    Andy Torres

    Especially because our full back is OUT and our run game SUCKS. Keep one to β€œblock and release” to go out for a pass, just like Kelce did to us, he shredded our defense.

    One short, another goes for the deep ball

    Robert Pena

    I would like to see them utilize that very hard to defend if called right πŸ’―


    I’ve been thinking that same thing. I loved when the Raiders played Casper/Chester killing teams together… moreau’s too good to be sitting and our receivers are too lame to be playing other than Renfro…

Randy Hanson

The game vs Dallas is a turning point game one way or the other.

    jay fairman

    Dallas might blow us out

    Randy Hanson

    @jay fairman I don’t think so. It will be close

    David Venesky

    It will be ” THE OTHER.”

    jay fairman

    @Randy Hanson yeah just how the bengals game was supposed to be close Dallas have a better defense and offense plus at home this could be a blow out


I knew the game was over when they failed to get a TD off that first turnover ! Season is done.


Listening to this guy bisacia I feel that we are going to lose thursday nite

    DogSlobber Gardens

    He seems like a real nice guy, but he sounds like Eeyore. No fire. Just sad and boring. There’s a reason this guy has only ever worked on special teams and nobody ever heard of him.


Bisaccia is no head coach, Olson is no offensive genius. He has plays and doesn’t consider matchups or changing things up – hell he barely seems to consider throwing the ball

Harry Callahan

The coach see’s great energy, no wonder we’re losing 4 straight come Thursday. Weak leaders bring stupid prizes WTF!

Thomas Latimer

Need a real Coach again


The timing of the defensive penalties were back breaking. On top of that the offense did not execute on 3rd down or in the end zone. We gotta get aggressive, execute, and attack this Cowboys team after they played the Chiefs in a short week

David Venesky

I can already see the press conference after the loss to the Cowboys.
1. Derek Carr will say “Put the blame on me.”
2. Derek Carr will say” we couldn’t execute in the Red Zone ”
3. Derek Carr will say ” We were so close to making some real game changing plays ”
4. Then he will say he is fed up with this crap
5. Finally, he will say he wants to be here when something great happens.
6. He will also say the short week didn’t affect the team.

    Ser Winzzalot

    And then the following year he talks crap about previous team….im tired of this dude…he never keeps the ball to run on option plays NEVER…INSTEAD WE PUT IN HEISMAN TROPHY WINNER MARIOTA TO RUN IT.

    Anthony Carver

    What do you want him to say

    David Venesky

    @Anthony Carver something different because I am sick of listening to the same thing.

    Anthony Carver

    @David Venesky He could just say he’s there so he won’t get fined

    Anthony Carver

    @David Venesky then don’t listen it’s a sport he’s gonna talk about the sport. There nothing he could say that will change anything

KenDeezy TV

Can’t wait til we have a REAL COACH & QB AGAIN !!! 😀

Carlos Alfonso Gonzalez

Penalties have been part of the DNA of this franchise. Eric, when you played for the team, the penalties were also there. The team was better and had the talent to overcome them and still win, but the penalties were there! No Raiders coach has ever fixed this cancerous problem.

Kerry Williams

You went out and got DeShawn Jackson for a reason. USE HIM

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