Raiders Fall to Bengals at Home, Turn Attention to Cowboys on a Short Week | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Raiders Fall to Bengals at Home, Turn Attention to Cowboys on a Short Week | NFL

FOX5 Las Vegas' Vince Sapienza, Raiders analysts Marcel Reece and Eric Allen recap the Las Vegas Raiders' Week 11 loss to the Cincinnati Bengals at Allegiant Stadium.

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We’ve seen Carr, now let’s see what Mariota can do!


    @DogSlobber Gardens mariota cant pass😂🤣 you really just say that , bruh so him throwing those passes in the charger game leads you to believe,,, HE CANT PASS , he throws one pick , just one pick and he gets all the helm , but carr can fumble and throw picks that cost us the games and better yet hes a second half meltdown, always fighting back to regain control , we cant do that and where always needing help , but ,,,,, YOU DONT WANNA GIVE MARIOTA A SHOT !! Cuz he cant throw 🤔ok …. Very good excuse.

    DogSlobber Gardens

    @LOYAL 2 THE SOIL bruh there’s a reason the Titans started winning the minute they got rid of him.


    @DogSlobber Gardens ok a busted up offense and defense and mariota was pushing that team to a playoffs , when tahnehill has a full throttle offense and defense, yeah thats makes a lot of sense 😂🤣✌🏽


    @DogSlobber Gardens oh and bruh there’s a reason why the dolphins got rid of tahnehill, i wish people would stop saying that , you gotta understand Mariota didn’t have the team that Tannehill has right now so y’all got to understand it and then if mariota Does play Tia are you taking over for car we car has a team they can’t even do anything in on a fence because why because Card can’t be allusive enough he always panics

    DogSlobber Gardens

    @LOYAL 2 THE SOIL Nariota’s a glorified runner and this team cannot run the ball. You’re nuts if you think changing one player is suddenly going to make this team a contender. The entire organization is messed up.


7-10 at best lol
im over this season. refuse to allow yall to ruin my sundays

    Haley Wrubluski



it’s like we forget how to win man, it happens every year and it’s just embarrassing at this point

    Muppet Patrol

    Keep repeating it, but I doubt the brain trust will take heed: we need a big former player as head coach announcement. This team and fan base need a huge lift. Another vanilla hire from the outside won’t cut it. In difficult times AL always looked within.

Kailua Kidd

Raiders lost the game in the first quarter when they couldn’t convert a turnover into a touchdown. Out coached and outplayed.

    Kailua Kidd

    @Gabriel Fair enough, but it seems the Raiders are always settling for three instead of getting the TD. They let the Bengals off the hook.

    Imagine Wagons

    @kamui Cage bruh, it was 1st and goal on the 5… have to score a TD offense sucks


    @Kailua Kidd the play calling just shows no faith in the offense. We hardly ever went for vertical plays instead opted out for an ineffective run game and check downs. Carr has shown time and time again that he is proficient at throwing a deep ball. Including this game with that 3 play drive to Waller and Foster. The play calling is trying to force our team to be something we aren’t.

    Kailua Kidd

    @Zzepellin. I agree, the best drive was when Carr threw the ball downfield and scored on three plays. There’s still time, but they have to be willing to gamble. Be creative.

    DogSlobber Gardens

    @Zzepellin. I agree. I was really hoping that would change after Gruden got thrown out, but clearly Olsen hasn’t learned anything.


Another November meltdown
So what else is new raider nation 🤦‍♂️


Carr is done. This is it, he has had to many chances. He has never really been fully what he was prior to the injury. Our defense still needs alot of help. Josh jacobs has gone back two steps.

    Constance ELISE

    Josh Jacob need to go .. just a whiner and always injured….

kamui Cage

The score was 16 -13 in the 4th qtr Offense should have scored more points

    Raiderz 4Life

    If @NFL wasn’t rigged after Gruden getting fired wanting to sue the @nflcommish then the Ruggs and Arnette thing it’s not in favor of the @NFL wanting @Raiders to win now or later look at the holding penalties from olines @Raiders defense play every week


    NFL has it in for Al Davis’ legacy… they are ruthlessly discriminating against the raiders

    Flex Money



    Their defense isn’t that good.

    Corners play ten yards off the ball… easy first downs for the other team.

    I don’t understand that concept.

Good Comments

Every time I feel sorry for the fans, her, Raiders and him, I would imagine I’m driving 100+ MPH on city streets. someone is going to get killed.


@ 3:01, his knee is clearly down and we grabbed his face mask. That would have been a waste of a challenge


I appreciate these guys being able to keep that energy and attitude up despite how the past 3 weeks went. IM READY FOR THE NEXT GAME

    James Duarte

    Real talk its exactly what raider nations about. Faithful win lose or tie.I hate when raider fans talk about our team bad especially carr

Jon Hendricks

Season is over. The team always collapses after the bye week. They might get one more win for the season.

Alex Hurtado

I think the same way many people think here. Carr should go out and let Mariota to get a chance, we might lose as he might be without rhythm but with Carr the way he’s playing we are done for the season. The problem, we don’t have a coach figure to take this decision, so we are done!!!!!

    DogSlobber Gardens

    Every team in the league knows that Mariota can’t pass and the Raiders o-line can’t open up lanes for the running game. This season is over.


I really think the Derek Carr needs a break from all the BS is going on man
His a good dude but is time to se Mariota shine and we still have a chance RN4L

    DogSlobber Gardens

    Yeah, DC seems just completely depressed. Watch his body language on the sidelines, sitting by himself staring off into space. In the post-game conference he was weaving back and forth on his feet like he just wanted to run away.
    Mariota isn’t going to win anything but maybe at least he’ll still try? He’s basically Tim Tebow – another running back the D has to keep an eye on. Mind you, this team can’t run the ball worth a spit, so…. *shrug*


    @DogSlobber Gardens ever since he got injured he has never stop playing straight for 7 years taking the blame over and over some of the players have to take pressure off his shoulders but no one step up
    Is a lot to take in even a professional players can say F all this but no instead he said it starts with me and ends with me Gezz man 😔😔

Chris Waytek

I feel sorry that two Raider greats have to explain another late season collapse. AWEFUL!!! Sorry Marcel and EA!

Gambit X

As much as I would love to suit up for my Nation and help the cause, but all I can do is watch, it is what it is.


Idk what’s harder. Being a Raiders fan or being these guys reporting our losses

Tito Dalporto

The only thing that will wake up
Carr is Mariota being put in. If Mariota is playing that will wake up
Carr more than anything else!
It will kill him inside to see someone
Else plying his position!

FireStorm1697 Kel


Clifton Bolden

Steve Smith I remember the game on Monday night vs Denver where he scored on two 35 yard swing pass after being down 24 to 0 Raiders won in OT 30 to 27 great game for Steve Smith.

Sergio Sausedo

Defense can’t stop the run. Same problem for the past 20 years!!

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