Packers Daily: Touchdown target – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Packers Daily: Touchdown target

Mike Spofford recaps the return of Robert Tonyan in this edition of Packers Daily.

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Henry Proctor


Daniel Akinyele

Go pack go


He was having a slower start but we desperately missed him last year

    Eric packers

    Jose deguara wasn’t much and Mercedes Lewis is veteran leadership

Mick Crocodile Dundee

Now give Alexander an extension and get a WR please

    Michael Harris

    And sign merciless back

    Mick Crocodile Dundee

    @Michael Harris yes!!


    @Michael Harris fr great and smart edge and he will ply on a cheap deal I’m sure

Spencer Bobrofsky

Hopefully he can be a Mark Andrews kinda player this season for us cuz we need him to be! A solid young WR in the draft and Tonyan could be pretty dominant!


Allen Lazard should be put into TE


    So then we would have no wrs?

    Desmond Smith

    @S00NERFAN918 believe it or not this passed season lazard balled out the last 6 games because Matt put him in the TE position after the Tonyan injury

vanessa moseley

I’m so glad he is back. Truly missed him


I hope his return is quicker than Bakhtiari’s!


    He’s 70 lbs lighter so there’s some room for optimism


That shoulder check on Bosa was beast mode worthy, he made sure he knew were Bobby was on every snap afterwards.


Hope he has a quick and full recovery!


Really hope he can bounce back

Tim O'Keefe

Everything works for a reason. W/o the injury we prob would not have been able to afford him. He will be a magic when he returns mid season. Still need some juice at TE. I bet the draft a guy.

Dave Burkitt

I have no doubt he would of been the missing link to a win in our journey could of been last year

Ken Lichtenberg

8 games 18 catches 2 tds last year thats hardly setting the field on fire. Hope he wasn’t a 1 hit wonder. Or maybe A rod should just throw him the dang ball??


I think if we had him in the playoffs we would have gotten pass the the 4winers

    Kevion White

    Him and mvs was definitely missed that game


do one of these for darnell savage 🙏

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