Three Things: Aaron Rodgers, scouting process and defensive free agents – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
cristian Souza

Aron Roger tem que jogar melhor nos playoffs pois ele sempre amarela tem que ter coragem pois o time Green Baby PAC maior que Aaron Rogers ok




If Rodgers comes back the cap space for next year will be -100 million. It’s a lose lose situation unless we get 3 or 4 first rounds for him.

Paul Grimm

Trade Rogers

Debbie Alberton

I don’t understand if there’s nothing broken why fixed it just leave it the way it is it’ll get better just watch this year will be the Green Bay Packers if they keep all the guys that are there now Brian koodavechi don’t know what he’s doing what’s up with Jordan love let him go let him go to another team

Bryan Peterson

If Rodgers goes, Davante goes. Its that simple.

God_Laughs _At_Atheists

The Packers can’t remain viable if they keep Rodgers. And if Rodgers is traded, might as well trade Adams because he won’t be nearly as productive, so why pay him the big bucks?

Ed, the aging hipster

GB will bring back everyone on offense except Billy Turner and Allan Lazard

A Yank In The Philippines

Mister McCarren you the best

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