Packers Daily: Keeping the band together – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Packers Daily: Keeping the band together

Wayne Larrivee helps breakdown the 2022 free-agency picture as Packers GM Brian Gutekunst takes the podium.

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Harrison Kotlarek


Dustin All Day

Go pack go 🧀

klay Thompson

Rodgers Ig post breaks all of the million packers fans across the world I hope it’s not the end , Green and yellow forever

Hi Bye

In my prospective Rodgers likes to joke around and get everyone pumped for him to retire but I don’t think he’s going to retire


    I don’t think he will retire either, just move on from GB.


I don’t care either way I’m over it

    Thomas Ortiz

    Me too lol


    @Thomas Ortiz 💯 it’s pathetic


    Yes, he is gone.

Alex & Alicia Davis

Just a question. By moving all this money and creating void years on contracts, doesn’t that put us in even bigger cap problems in the foreseeable future?

    kevin le kebbles

    No, the cap will explode, the issue isn’t about keeping guys, you can keep anyone forever, the issue is it becomes incredibly hard to add any free agents

    T Dunleavy

    Its all a non issue. Look at LA


    Alex, yes. Eventually the team has to absorb the cap. It gets worse when pushed down the road. At some point in the near future GB will be in a complete rebuild.

Papa Peaches01

Remember that time when he drafted a QB while the best QB in the league (as proved by back to back MVPs) was on the roster? Ya that was fun. Geuty has to go all in now because he, and everyone else, knows he majorly crapped the bed.

    Professor Cakes

    Yea gutey the man who built the first roster to ever go 3 straight 13 win seasons crapped the bed. Oof. This take aint it chief

    Papa Peaches01

    @Professor Cakes This same roster is gonna win 7 games without Aaron my guy.


    Sound like the rodger farce story hmm

    urbugnme today

    @Professor Cakes took over a winning organization…

Paul Grimm

Trade Aaron and build a complete team!

Matthew 21:22

We’re in a mess because of poor management. The gm really blew it with 4th round pick in the first and moved up. A head coach, really an OC, who can’t hire and pull the plug on a joke he hired as a st coach, with only him being interviewed! Shrewd! That cost us the 49ers game thanks to pepe lapew. So if Rodgers leaves, and I wouldn’t blame him, I’m done with this current organization until real competent people take over like when Wolf & Holmgren or a Lombardi. This franchise was blessed and cursed because after Holmgren left, they rode Favre’s and Rodgers coattails into the ground and the world knows love is a bust, untradeable & worthless. The only positive thing they’ve done is hire, finally, a REAL, ST coach. But without Rodgers, it won’t matter. But mm and bg aren’t going anywhere. Like love, no one would want them.

cristian Souza

Vamos ser campeão o Green BAY


at :31 in the video ..What is with all the puppet strings attached to the players?

Spectacular Snakes

Go pack go


Aaron Rodgers will play with green for the last time but everyone is going to have to commit, if any injuries at least 3-4 weeks off any torn ACLS forget it. Superbowl 57 is in Arizona represented by State farm I pray hope green Bay wins it all in 2022 I believe in Packers please won yr 5th trophy and hope Aaron wins his 2nd ring.


    Give it a rest. Packers been choking for ten years straight. Same story every year. I’ve given up. Let’s just have a firesale and go 6-10


    @howdyusa You don’t even need a fire sale for that, Jordan Love will give you 6-10.


    @NFLClip2019 I can understand them losing in 2014 and 2016 playoffs but 2019,2020, & 2021 are no excuses for them losing because missed calls, blown opportunities, etc… People like to jump to conclusions about them choking in playoffs and yea but people assume the Packers are in rebuilding state now.


    @arronjames777 Yes and I don’t see Rodgers returning. I also think we could see 5 plus years of poverty for the Packers.


    Hope and believe won’t help 😔. Aaron can’t he’s a joke. And the NFL is way too Rigged

kyle kattner

Ar-12 10-11 playoffs!! Love #12🙉

    Pond Slobs

    Actually he is 11-10, With a wildcard Super Bowl run and victory. Also the PACKERS are 11-10 in the playoffs with Rodgers as qb( team game). Fact is you must not watch much football. If you did you would know that all three phases of the game mater in big playoff games and several of those losses had nothing to do with Rodgers. When you score 45 points and still lose a playoff game. Hmm team game. When you are a shoeing to be in the Super Bowl if you can cover a onside kick to end the game.hmm team game


I say the man A-Rod comes back and takes care of unfinished business and shuts all these people up. One thing we need is a lethal passing attack. Adams is the best but we need to draft a superstar wr player that’s field ready 🤞


Rest In Peace Mister Mark Lanegan. Second Hopefully if the fourty whiners Don’t make the playoffs we May have a shot for the NFC championship. Maybe just maybe.


How do you keep a band together when certain players want too much money and the players that want that money ain’t even worth it. Aaron is a joke in the playoffs

Teri Giese

Think he really would love to get himself another ring!He seems to absolutely LOVE Green Bay and his team.LETS GOOO PACK!!!!!

God_Laughs _At_Atheists

Keeping Rodgers means, not resigning most of their free agents, or signing up other free agents, and still get, and stay, under the spending cap. Rodgers has become a liability for the Packers, and it’s too bad… it looks like Gutekunst and Murphy don’t realize that. The Packers has many positional needs, and they can’t address them if they keep giving Rodgers all the money. And Adams will become a liability, too, because there’s an upcoming draft that has a lot of great WR prospects. Trade Rodgers and Adams for a ton of draft picks, and hope that Gutekunst doesn’t trade them away in the draft.

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