Brian Gutekunst discusses Packers’ offseason – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Tommy Callahan

Thank you Gooty for a job tremendously well done this past year!

ahmad dais

horrible audio. i couldn’t hear half of the questions. I know there are challenges with covid… but c’mon. CC was disabled too so i couldn’t rely on that.

    Trebor Jobe

    I had subtitles…

Shane Saunders

In Gutey we trust.

Bruce Wayne

Please try to get Russell Wilson to replace Aaron Rodgers

    Brandon Fisher

    You’re kidding

    Bruce Wayne

    @Brandon Fisher whats ur plan after one more year max since his “last dance” season didn’t pan out


    Wilson for Rodgers 😂

Bruce Wayne

As a packer shareholder I would like Russell Wilson to be QB for green bay

    Alex Ya boy Ally G


    Brandon Fisher

    Yeah makes total sense 🤡


    Hey at least Russell been too two Super Bowls . Aaron can’t even get back to a Second Super Bowl. Aaron ain’t helping Green Bay he’s gotta go

Too Old For This

Gute: You know, I’m not going to speak in hypotheticals
The very next question: Hey Brian, is there a Scenerio in which…


How to answer questions about a lose the NFL forced upon a team who would have walked over the rest of the league without thumbs on scales must be a terrible thing for GMs and coaches as well as players.

Lashay Smith

Feeling so sorry for aaron Rodgers i know how much he don’t like this man and he cant get away from him🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    Brandon Fisher

    Do you even listen to anything Rodgers says

    Lashay Smith

    @Brandon Fisher yeah he love his teammates and Matt Lafleur

Colin Kusar

What a poor job, man! Salary cap, Love career… Please, go away!

    Brandon Fisher

    Wah wah wah 🍼👶


So much packer fans are tripping. Aaron isn’t helping anymore. He’s not worth the pay he can’t win in the playoffs. I’m so hurt for my packer family and nation. I hope Green Bay fines a new winning QB that can win in the playoffs and get us back too the super bowl

    Christopher Karlecke

    Woof. What a simpletons statement


    @Christopher Karlecke 🤡

    Christopher Karlecke

    @B100Packer4Life boy, this conversation didn’t get even stupider

Jesse Reyes

I think it’s time to move on from Rogers and Adams I still think we can win the North with love under the helmet are defense would be solid easily we can have three first round picks this year go pack go 🏈

A Nuclear Family

I mean, this guy’s doing great and building a championship team. The players just gotta execute at crunch time. He made a mistake with Love but he’s been A+ everywhere else


    Jimmy graham

Bryan Peterson

I’d think the play of Da’Vondre Campbell immediately showed how that position had been undervalued.

Brandon Lozano

Half of you have opinions and have never even played football.


Dude is a mastermind

Brent Fox

At least we got Douglas back, hopefully we get the Smith brothers, and Campbell back

Zachary Barnhart

Time to not go into dunce mode in the playoffs. We are on the right track fixing our special teams all around.


If you don’t pick us some receivers this year you’re done in Green Bay.

Vincent Bernal

Draft a reciever each year and develop them.
Not only in one year. Now you’re bound to make desperate drafts for recievers that can’t replace Adams.

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