Aaron Rodgers wins fourth MVP – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Aaron Rodgers wins fourth MVP

Packers QB Aaron Rodgers remains the NFL's reigning MVP, posting back-to-back MVP seasons.

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Bradley Pataconi

He definitely deserved it, so thankful to have him on the packers!

    Francisco Guzman

    Thankful for what? Another playoff choke? I feel for the packers fan. This guy will surpass favre as the most overrated QB to ever play the game .

    Monica Choice

    @OneMansBeats chill bruh😢


    @Monica Choice too soon?

    Monica Choice

    @OneMansBeats A bit

    Killer Champion

    @OneMansBeats u acting like uk for sure he gone which we don’t


GO PACK GO!! As Packer’s fans we can only pray to ever have someone as talented as Aaron slingin the ball for us again after he retires or leaves Green Bay. Congrats


    Nothing sweeter. Go Pack Go!!

    Raymond Ruiz

    Love from Denver. Y’all got a great one. Congrats to Aaron

    Baller Productions

    Maybe he goes there. I hope not. Maybe he does what manning did.

    Thomas Pick

    Congratulations to Aaron Rodgers for winning MVP. After vaccine-gate, I thought he was out of the running. He needs a close haircut and a clean shave, unless he is trying to look like a girl. Unless, on the team he plays on, if he is on all fours, it gives his partner a handhold while he rides ‘em cowboy!

Baller Productions

I really hope he gets a fifth mvp with or without the Packers. Hope it is with but would still be happy for him if it wasn’t.

    torch live


    torch live

    hes my favorite qb thats not a patriot one of the best of all time

Baller Productions

The best qb in the league. 🐐

    Francisco Guzman

    @Luke Schmidt back to back mvps and no super bowl appearance to show for it. This guy will go down as the most overrated QB to ever play the game if he doesn’t win another ship. I don’t think he will do it as a packer.

    Baller Productions

    Just think, How many players have won 4 mvps. I do not know of the top of my head but not many have.


    @Francisco Guzman So you’re the most valuable player in the entire league 4 times but only win 1 super bowl and your thought is “oVeRrAtEd” not that maybe just maybe he does more with less and would have won several if he idk didn’t have less? This was Green Bay’s year for a fact but too many big name injuries and ultimately it took us out. Tampa would’ve also probably been back in the Super Bowl if not for some big injuries but even then you compare the level of talented players injured between those two teams and it’s not even close. Zadarius Jaire David Bahktiari Elgton Jenkins MVS Cobb Dillon Tonyan Josh Myers ALL either out for the Divisional round or on a snap count of under 30% of total snaps…

    Jo Nathan

    @Baller Productions Just 2. Aaron Rodgers and Peyton Manning (with 5).


    @Francisco Guzman overrated? Nah, underutilized by Mike McCarthy and the organization he’s played for for so long. Packer fans love him because they know theyre lucky to have kept him (except week one vs the Saints and the abysmal Divisional round game. But even then, he had a down game but still couldve sneaked away with a W if the ST hadnt allowed points to be scored AND taken away)

Iambadkidshawn 0

Let’s go Rodgers💛💚


A lot of people really think Brady was snubbed and wanted him to win just because of how it sounds like a Hollywood ending. Rodgers’ regular season stats were still near as impressive as Brady except Rodgers had an injured team and still went undefeated against the nfc west and afc north


    This isn’t loud enough mind if I use this

    Jaehong Park

    Think it came down to being having much more “effective” season overall than Brady. Less stat padding, more consistency throughout. Rodgers only had one bad game, whereas Brady had 3 or 4 of them

James Miller

Well deserved, but it wasn’t enough this season. Just hope we can pull some magic this off-season and make another run

Teri Giese

Well deserved!Congratulations Aaron.Many may not like his views or off the field issues?But.Can’t deny that he is an exceptional athlete and 1 of the best quarterbacks I have seen in my 60 years!So disappointing he didn’t get that ring this year


Despite everything he did it once again.


He has the 2nd most all time and probably should have won it in 2012 or 2016. Whether you like him or not, gotta admit he’s a legend.

    Papa Peaches01

    Definitely should have won in ‘16.

    Jonathan Lee

    @Papa Peaches01 Man carried that team to the NFC Championship. We had Gunter as our CB1.

    Papa Peaches01

    @Jonathan Lee oh I know it. I still have flashbacks lol.


    Adrian Peterson couldn’t be ignored in 2012 and Matt Ryan played intergalactic level in 2016 so it’s not like he was completely robbed, but if they weren’t balling out he could arguable have 6 mvps


    @Colaws Sure


Well deserved, regardless of the playoff elimination, no QB put numbers up like him with the insane low number of interceptions as well. Here’s hoping he’s back in GB next year. 👍


    @M smith please elaborate on that thought. How so?

    Jay King

    @M smith You’re actually wrong Mr. Smith you know absolutely nothing about football I think you need to watch some film breakdowns he doesn’t take shots because all the receivers are undrafted bombers who cannot get open the Packers rank that glass in yards of separation when you take out Devante Adams rank


Aaron please stay. We need you. We love you. We respect you. You are the best QB the league has seen. MVP!!. Go Pack Go!

Mark Readin

Passes Brown, Brady, etc. to 4 time MVP, 2nd most in NFL history…he has underperformed in playoffs few times but mostly in career it’s been bad franchise. It’s a team sport, but Rodgers is a Champion and 4 time MVP, individually on another level..

    Attila Thorbjornsson

    True facts 💯💪💚💛


Congratulations Aaron 🏈🥰❤️

Anas Shahid 224

Congratulations Aaron Rodgers 🙌👏👏👏👏

Anthony Avila

Forever grateful to have such a great quarterback thank you for being an amazing leader for this team we really can’t lose you 🤧 hopefully Aaron retires & somehow we make some contract changes to help

Arthur Donnally

THANK YOU AARON ROGERS. You are the Best QB in the league. Go Packers Go. I’m a GB fan since 1960. I was 11 yrs old when I went to my 1st Packer game. 62 yrs of rooting, bragging, swearing, drinking, pop corn and hotdogs, win, lose or draw; I loved it all.


Well deserved. Tough loss in the playoffs but it happens and this isn’t a playoffs award. Our offense gameplan didn’t change that whole game but hopefully we get Aaron and Tae to stay for another run. We still weren’t 100% healthy as a team

Paps BuddahBaker

Well deserved, my dudes the 🐐 🐐 GO PACK GO 🧀 🧀

Gabby Jim

I truly appreciate this man’s effort for the packers!

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