Best Moment of the Year Justin Tucker | NFL Honors – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Facts still the greatest field goal I’ve been alive to see.


    @wakingthefalln 7x same brother


    Same here, sheesh.

    dc chilin

    Ravens flock


    @wakingthefalln 7x same here. It was legendary

    Render unto Caesar What Is Caesar’s

    The Leg of Life!!!!

Anonymous GOAT

It was truly an awesome moment and I remember feeling bad for lions fans when I saw it live 😭😂

Jackson Pierce

Hell of a kick

Sean Stand Up

As a Raven I love this video, this team, this organization, and Sam Koch’s hands. Thank you Justin Tucker.

Ian Burke

That was incredible


It’s only expected that the NFL’s best moment of the year is a moment where the refs allowed a delay of game without penalty

    Andrew J Calhoun

    Yall weren’t making it to the playoffs this year anyway. What difference does it make 🤣.


    @Andrew J Calhoun who the ravens?

    Andrew J Calhoun

    @Dee Not even close. I’m talking about the 3-13-1 Lions.

    Bryce Campbell

    There was no delay of game. If there was, the coaches and fans in the stadium would have gone berserk. It was an error with the at home TV broadcast, there was about 3-5 seconds on the gameclock when the TV gameclock hit 0


    @Andrew J Calhoun Who’s “yall?” I am not associated with the Lions, nor do I root for them.

Clark Mitchell

“There has to be some divine intervention.”

As a Lions fan, I can confirm this.

    Adrian Marcolini

    Yeah divine intervention always comes in clutch to screw over the Lions lol

    Robbie Lewis

    When I heard that I was wondering “is he saying God hates the lions”

    Then I thought how cursed the lions franchise is, and then i was like, yeah god hates the lions.

    shawn bopko

    tuker has the leg

    Tee MONEY

    oh so it was “divine intervention” that was holding down Matt Stafford all those years

Joseph Jenkins

Best kicker in the NFL. Period!

    Lisa Nadine Baker

    Add the word “ever”.


Although he mentioned it, HE DIDN’T THANK THE CROSSBAR

Capt Hitmarkah

Cook: “Hey, you REALLY think you can make this?”
Tucker: “If it’s up then it’s stuck.”

    Private Poptarts


Korean Jesus

I love how he named so many other players on his team and pretty much gave himself no credit. Classy af, truly deserving of this record

    Gluck Gluck 5000

    its cool, i mean he made it a big deal, its just a field goal, not like any real team effort beyond his defenders went into it. he has a good work ethic and tries hard at his position.

    Big Brain

    everyone he gave credit to deserved it other than god


Goosebumps 🥶still

Logan Charles

Best kicker in the NFL, when it all set and done he will be the best kicker of all time.

Luke Wayson

He was the GOAT before that kick…
He was the GOAT after that kick
The record is simply another milestone. First ballot HOF




I was there. It was an legendary moment.

Ryan Sigler

As a lions fan my heart was broken in two that day but I’m better now


So humble, giving so much credit to his teammates and to God. Beautiful.


The goat with the golden leg proud of you Tuck. Go Ravens

Megan ✨ Tαρ мє t0 ѕєχ ω!тн мє ✨

“There has to be some divine intervention.”

As a Lions fan, I can confirm this.


2:45 – “Nick Moore, our long snapper. Sam Koch, our holder and punter… Just way to do your job!” Best recognition for a player, ever!

Gotta love Justin Tucker giving all the recognition to Special Teams and the players that most people never pay attention to.

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