What Caused Antonio Brown to Leave the Buccaneers Mid-Game? – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Caleb_ _MTZ

If this is actually how it went down, then I’m on AB’s side this time. If they sent him off the sideline for a bad reason, might as well put on a show for them


    @Derrick Burwell he quit he was fired afterwards get the facts straight lol

    Derrick Burwell

    @Rigormortis The coach told him that he was cut, that’s why he reacted that way.
    Here’s another fact for ya:
    Brown is officially still a member of the Buccaneers as of Monday night. Tampa Bay did not cut the former superstar wideout, instead electing to keep him on the roster – for now. 👍🏾


    @Derrick Burwell lol 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 he was not told he was cut in the middle of the game you clown 😂😂🤣🤣


    @Derrick Burwell the fact you said “here’s another fact “ thinking you just confirmed a fact is hilarious 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 he was not informed he was cut till after the game


    @Advocatus Diaboli Yeah yeah jumping jacks is DEFINITELY equally as stressing as playing fb

David Richardson

Hard to believe a SB caliber team wouldn’t take a players safety concern seriously. Especially when there is a bonus on the line and the player still doesn’t want to risk it. The truth usually lies somewhere in between.

    Vertical Yetti

    @NPC if he would of stayed home then he would of gotten fired because the team cleared and he was good but during the game he reactivated his injury. He was ready to start off the game but tweaked it. The coach was forcing him to get back into the game but he was hurt. Get educated kid

    Dats a paddlin

    @MaCeo Millions I have a hard time believing they would risk ABs health for the 1 seed. They won out on the road last season and didn’t risk his health any other time. Let’s see what the people involved have to say.

    H H

    @Bud Knightz well I’m pretty sure the players had something to do with the way things ended….

    Bud Knightz

    @H H Just like in this case


That was probably the hardest thing Antonio Brown has ever done running out of that stadium, and all the fanfare was his way of coping.


    @Rusty Shackelford I mean his health is a valid excuse wtf is ur issue?

    Mike Wells

    @Ricky Sanchez athletes yes, immature adults, not so much lol

    quiyon brown

    @Brudda you need to do better research and not just watch Netflix documentaries


    @quiyon brown false.


That changes up the scenario a little bit from Sunday live and right after the situation. Everyone thought he was being crazy, but dude just got cut and was told to leave. So he did it. The only question I have for AB is if you didn’t feel healthy enough to play on that tender ankle, why did you dress? And did you maybe not want to go in when the team was down by a good amount at the time? And…AB seemed athletic and ready to go while he was jumping and running around heading out the stadium?

    Alex Lasky

    @Jan Bengston congrats on the soccer btw

    Shakrat Dosunmu

    They make u dress..,I can’t believe how naive ppl are to the NFL…I have had quite a few friends in the NFL…They freaking micromanage you and yr life….r u kidding me??

    Alex Lasky

    @Shakrat Dosunmu that’s what I’m saying

    Roots MA

    @Top notch Taj Mahal He took pain killers, but they eventually wear off


    Maybe everyone has an opinion, but shouldn’t share. Here’s looking to 2022 and a better Society.


AB ankle miraculously looked fine when he was seen running and prancing off the field.

Then again, did Bruce and his coaching staff treat AB differently vs Gronk etc. when they were dressed but injured and defaulted to the players opinion if they were able to play. Was there a double standard?

    Andre Noble

    Running vs making NFL level cuts in direction. Big difference, MD.

    RubiconKLBRUTO Rowman

    Above all, HOW MUCH money is worth when you might ended up getting injure permernantly even though it is commonse retorical question? I am for 100 percent stand by Ab’s decision! I ask you to read my commment though it is a bit long, you might find entertaining indeed. Ty


His ankle looked perfectly healthy when he ran off the field and abandoned his team…… and with that being said he has the right to put his health over anything and could possibly have a lawsuit against them.

noah london

this actually makes sense if it’s what really happened. football is a brutal sport and the only one with a 100% injury rate. what seems “minor” to a coach could be major to the actual player. no money is worth injuring yourself to the point you’re not useful to the sport in question and more so to your family and to yourself. Antonio, if this is true…you did the exact right thing and shame on the ” coaches ” who apparently didn’t give damn.


    then wtf is he doing on the sideline? is he there for looks?


    Since when is football the only sport with a “100% injury rate”?


    @noah london – Interesting that we have not heard from the trainers or team doctors. I take it they approved for AB to go back into the game.

    Ku Jo

    Almost every sport has a 100% percent injury rate

    RubiconKLBRUTO Rowman

    Above all, HOW MUCH money is worth when you might ended up getting injure permernantly even though it is commonse retorical question? I am for 100 percent stand by Ab’s decision! I ask you to read my commment though it is a bit long, you might find entertaining indeed. Ty


Wow, this video depicts a different story than every other story. Almost seems like the NFL is trying to save face in light of a highly problematic individual’s actions.


    I doubt that.

Andrew Palmer

Wouldn’t it have made more sense if the team told him he couldn’t go and play any more? That would help explain his antics in the endzone. Antonio was perhaps jumping up and down to show them he was healthy enough to keep playing? This whole story is bizarre.

    K Von

    Running full speed and cutting is different from just jogging off the field

    Dats a paddlin

    This story don’t even make since. They literally never forced him to play hurt any other time when he got hurt. Why would they force him to go back in against the Jets of all teams to possibly get hurt right before the playoffs??? Did ABs PR team tell this guy that 😂. Who is his source???

    Dats a paddlin

    @Dajami well I’m black so how am I racist??? I just ain’t bias because someone is the same race as me. I’d say this no matter what he looked like.

Evil dead

I think AB taking a stand here brings attention to the fact that many players in the NFL are being pressured or forced to risk their health/body and career for the betterment of the team/business. It’s immoral and unethical to force a human being to do a job they feel incapable of doing. If a human being isn’t ready then they shouldn’t have to feel it’s either do it or it’s my job. That’s why we have health and safety boards, labour boards, unions , human right acts and so on.
I bet this goes deeper then we know about the abuse players endure in the NFL.

    Mothy Gryphon

    Please. Tell me of one player. Just one, that doesn’t go in to football as a career not knowing the physical risks. Do you think teams draft/sign players from under rocks? They know perfectly well the risks and what may be asked of them and they get well compensated for those risks. I mean, what are people these days advocating for pro football? All kinds of contact rules that go beyond reasonability, don’t make em run, they could pull something. Sounds like we need to scrap tackle pro football and start having players play flag walking nerfball. Jesus.

    Mothy Gryphon

    @RubiconKLBRUTO Rowman no doubt that question was answered by AB very early in his playing career and chose to play a sport that he may get hurt in.

    Ian Cox

    @REM1956 doesn’t make it right or not something we should strive to change


    @Ian Cox I didn’t claim it was right. You speak as though you and I have the power to change how the NFL does business? It’s been like this since the beginning. We have no say in the matter. The team owners and their profits are the final say. The idea of an ethical or moral structure to the NFL is a facade’ they sell to the public.

jermaine 86

I was forced to play with a torn groin my whole senior year in high school…now at 35 I still deal with that injury n it ruined my college career and a chance to go pro…

    Edward Moulaison

    How much you wanna bet I can throw a ball over those mountains…

    Kate Russell

    Could you have gone easy or would that be punished?

    jermaine 86

    @Kate Russell It was a torn groin that required surgery…a surgery I never got…

    jermaine 86

    @RZ UNCUT shiiii I had every school you could think of at my games…Steve spurrier, Chuck amato,skip holtz,etc ..came to my school in person and talked to my coach right infront of me at the lunch table n talked about my future,as I sat in silence star strucked cause its illegal to talk to coaches as a recruit…it was just a lot of pressure…and alot of bad decisions was made…but I don’t even think about my high school days…I’m sure there’s alot of athletes past/present that’s forced to play hurt or misused to win games n make the coach look good

    jermaine 86

    @Edward Moulaison 🤣🤣🤣 I’m not one of those bro…

Randy Dargartz

In my experiences with physicians, the person knows his own body and can feel pain when the doctors can’t. If a player does not feel up to par to play, they should respect the player and let him sit out until he feels he can play

    Stashi 01


    Isaac Mitchell

    @Sandra Dutch Lane Miss not only is Goblia

    Shakrat Dosunmu

    @Martin Are you serious?? Please with all of the concussion stories that the NFL never likes to discuss..,Cmon how many players have played with a concussion because coaches push them or felt pressured to do so because of competition…please

David Parkes

Judging on his behavior I’m also wondering if some kind of head or brain injury played a part in this, cause even with sore ankles, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a player act this way.

Jack Erickson

As a college athlete I want to thank AB for bringing this issue to the forefront. Many players in many different programs and organizations feel the same pressure as AB did and feel like they can’t do anything about it. A program I transferred out of benched players for even attempting to see a trainer. Treatment of players is ridiculous and needs to be addressed.

    RubiconKLBRUTO Rowman

    Above all, HOW MUCH money is worth when you might ended up getting injure permernantly even though it is commonse retorical question? I am for 100 percent stand by Ab’s decision! I ask you to read my commment though it is a bit long, you might find entertaining indeed. Ty


    Why was he jumping around in the end zone if his ankle was hurt?

    S McGowan

    @encycl07pedia how’d he pull off that comeback route? I could buy this injury argument if they had limited him to basically be a decoy with just go routes or a slant. They highlighted that route. He runs, sprints up, cuts at least twice and then stops and pulls the comeback.
    Apparently then on film no one can show he hurts himself

Hoyt Richardson

It sounds like they fired him before he left the field. Also, earlier in the game made a sharp turn on one of his routes. He may have aggravated his ankle on that play. An important thing to note is with an injury like this, you may not feel it right away. It may take 5 to 10 minutes of standing around before the pain really gets to you. Also the stress he put on his ankle leaving the stadium pales to actual game playing stress. I would love to see what an outside doctor has to say after looking at his ankle.

PS: I should note that before hearing this report, I was 1 of those individuals writing this of as Brown being Brown. If he really was injured, I owe him something of a silent apology.

    KEN G

    Yeah he was in so much pain that instead of going to the doctor, he’s spotted walking around at an NBA game on his cell phone the very next day. If they called up plays for AB he would have have played on the ankle to get his bonus money.

    Anthony Fowler

    Thank you for noting the difference between outside doctors versus team doctors…these idiots act like team doctors aren’t biased

    Hoyt Richardson

    @Anthony Fowler Even if they weren’t, you should get a second opinion from someone who won’t be unduly influenced by the first.

    Anthony Fowler

    @Hoyt Richardson right


If this is fact, then I fully support AB. Because it shows that he has recovered and able to think for himself and his own sake.

    James Copp

    That’s a whole lot to take from one incident.

Ned Mononymous

Hmm this definitely complicates things. I can see from the comments that I’m not the only one whos gone from thinking AB was 100% in the wrong to considering if maybe the Bucs are in the wrong, even if AB’s reaction was over the top and juvenile. AB was very close to hitting preformance bonuses in his contract with a few more catches, yards and 1 more TD. So i can’t imagine he’d sit out unless he was actually hurt. But then again the Buccaneers have more information than us regular folks and he’s been on a short leash.


    They wasn’t trying to pay that man 1mil so they had to get rid of him this was there opportunity

    Ian Cox

    Its over the top and juvenile to fire a player on the sidelines during a game

Bill M

Reminds me of Seahawks S Earl Thomas being condemned by fans for flipping off his home field after a devastating injury, to find out his contract woes. There is always so much more to the story than what meets the eyes.


    Actually this clown reporter has already changed his story to say nobody was trying to force him to do anything. He made some pretty serious baseless accusations, and everyone involved said he’s wrong.

    Shakrat Dosunmu

    Usually is…

    Jordan Melby Vlogs

    Correction.. he flipped off Pete carrol

    Gehtdi anschasau

    it also is very easy to add random stupidity to storys, that can’t meet the eyes, because it can’t be prooven wrong without witnesses.

Gary A. James

Yeah his reputation complicates things a bit. When you see actions like this you auto think on the negative side but for this reason I would agree as him being justified. Too many players playing through injuries just to get tossed away once those supposedly healed injuries become serious problems.


I support him 100% on this. In high school this same thing happened to me, with my left knee. Unfortunately I did not have the fortitude Antonio has and caved to the pressure which ended in a career ending left knee ACL, two metal screws in the knee, and 85% of my cartridge removed. Worse, it cost me a great paying job later in life as a utility lineman, when I had to leave, due to knee pain. It pains me even now worse as I am 50 now. Has caused me addiction problems due to the pain. Lost the utility job pension. All because I caved to the pressure of some wanna be tough guy coach. Almost every day it haunts me, my whole life would have been different.


    The major difference is this man is a contracted employee and we only know roughly 20% of the story. Yet, Brown was obviously well enough to throw his on field tantrum. Just saying…

    Lisa A

    I get your point but….that was no way to exit the field period! He’s a clown!


    I am sorry for your loss.

    Bryon Watkins

    @Facetiouslyinsolent One being a contracted employee and throwing their shirt, what do they have to do with one knowing their body better than anyone else?!?!?

    Please, WITHOUT using emotional opinions, fallacies, or subjective statements, articulate what you mean.


    the difference between him and you is you weren’t being paid millions of dollars to play. a career ending injury for him is a financially set retirement. Nfl players are grossly overpaid

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