Browns vs. Packers Week 16 Highlights | NFL 2021 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Browns vs. Packers Week 16 Highlights | NFL 2021

The Cleveland Browns take on the Green Bay Packers during Week 16 of the 2021 NFL season.

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#NFL #Browns #Packers

Jaemz Voss

Browns running game is phenomenal, but they keep throwing at times where they really need to just get that consistent 7 yards a carry from Chubb. This game here tells me he’s a star and with a name like Chubb?? What’s not to like

    Bill chubbler

    @Adam B34 titans run an offense that sets up Derrick Henry better for success with ball the play action and I formation run plays the browns always doing to much with their offense

    Bill chubbler

    @Adam B34 bottom line is baker is just not it bruh. He went first round for his only upsides being tough, and accurate in the midrange. I can name about 50 other qb traits I would rather have than those 2

    Adam B34

    @Bill chubbler you were wrong… let it go.

    Adam B34

    @Bill chubbler I’d love to see literally one sentence where I say he isn’t…


When u watch Mayfield and Rodgers throw the ball….. it’s a world of difference. Baker has a gigantic wind-up…. and Rodgers just flicks his wrist and the ball’s out

    Justin Klinck

    @Dylan I thought my chiefs had the ultimate offense until Tampa pretty much made a damn Dream Team. 😂

    Justin Klinck

    @Tee Lindsay I’m an Oklahoma fan, and I agree. Baker is a cocky D bag. He was also a Coke head in college. I literally saw him doing lines at a college party. I have to admit though, the flag plant on Ohio State’s center field was Savage. 😂😂😂


    this aged like fine wine

Tyler Boyd

As a Packers fan, I have to say despite some controversial calls I did enjoy seeing these two teams fight hard offensively and defensively. Good game, Cleveland Brown fans. Much love.

    Father Abraham

    @Adam B34 yes because no one else is claiming a phantom push off lmaooo

    Adam B34

    @Father Abraham right, because the push off wasn’t phantom, so why anyone claim it was? You’re still the only person left saying there was no push off. Everyone else had accepted that both players committed a penalty on that play and it was nothing more than physical football.

    You realize it’s a penalty for the wide receiver to run directly into the defender’s body right? And Peoples-Jones did that the entire route. It’s also a penalty for a wr to extend his arm while making contact with the defender, which Peoples-Jones definitely did on his inside break.

    Non-biased people readily admit Peoples-Jones did those things. Biased people pretend none of it happened and only Douglas did something wrong. Guess which one you are?

    Father Abraham

    @Adam B34 they were hand fighting which is not a penalty (pls learn football) and DPJ made a great cut in and dougLas held because he couldn’t keep up. You’re the only one claiming a push off simply because it didn’t happen. They replayed it too and no one said a thing about a push off. Just admit you’re wrong. There’s 0 evidence especially in the replay of a “push off”

    Adam B34

    @Father Abraham 1. I never said hand fighting was a penalty, I said the wr using his body to run directly into the defender is a penalty, because it is. You can’t just run directly into the defender as a wr lol. If that was legal wrs would do it on every route but since it’s not they don’t.

    2. The jersey tug didn’t even disrupt the route lol. Douglas was right there, there was no such thing as him being beat.

    3. Arm extended while making contact, that’s literally the definition of a push off. The wr doesn’t have to shove the defender to the ground lol, he just had to make contact with the defender while extending his arm. And that’s 100% exactly what Peoples-Jones did. It wasn’t the worst push off in history but it was a push off by the very definition of push off. He pushed off enough to make Douglas fall back a step.

    So… a wr running into the body of the defender, penalty. A wr extending his arm while making contact, penalty. A defender grabbing the jersey, penalty. These are all the penalties that occurred on that play. If you deny any of them, you’re not being honest.

    Simon Mell

    Good game

Max Murphy

I wanted the browns to win but then Mayfield showed up.
That did it for me, luckily my blood pressure and my heart medications were close by.

    Naru 'Sanav

    @MrTerrell1223 They weren’t excuses. They were observations – like, did you not watch? Are you blind? Are your eyes just for decoration? Have you considered a career as an NFL referee?

    WDB Sports & Entertainment Network

    Oh please it’s not like Case Keenum or Nick Mullins would’ve done a better job 🤦🏼‍♂️

    Jared Dudley the Goat

    @WDB Sports & Entertainment Network fr Baker hate is so stupid he’s literally playing with a billion injuries

    Literally Who

    @sSylver last one was a tipped pass which erases any holding penalty. As both teams can do whatever they need to do in order to get the ball.

    Coaster Expert

    Its gonna be so much better watching watson this season.


This was an amazing game. Both teams with amazing running backs just dueling it out. RBs don’t get enough love.

    michael weyenberg

    The line need credit too. How they perform determines everything. Good coaching on both sides as well. Mayfield is the problem. Horrible throws


    @General Nukes every game this season so far have been completely random. Good teams losing and bad teams winning etc. Either way they’ve all been extremely entertaining so far. I’m loving this crazy competitiveness this year


    @michael weyenberg for sure. Both teams played great

    Adam B34

    @General Nukes what would like him to say exactly? He could post 500 stats proving you wrong and you’d just say “Packers are overrated” anyway. You’re just trying to bait people into an argument so you can just repeatedly say “they are overrated” over and over.


Kudos to the Browns for keeping up with a great team in Green Bay.





Mr. Treinen

Joe Buck is really in love with the packers, wow, you can tell how excited he gets when he calls their plays.

    Bobby Turner

    and Aikman hates their guts

    Caleb Haverberg

    Lmao trust me we Packer fans hate Joe Buck too

Ahmad Fox

That one handed catch by Lazard & his celebration was 🥶

    D Yates

    I agree. What I didn’t get was why didn’t he get up and run instead of celebrating? He wasn’t touched AFTER he caught the ball.

    Samuel Smith

    It was a beauty

    Neil Briggs

    @D Yates There was plenty of contact during the catch though and the rule for a guy being down by contact is an extremely liberal definition of “contact”.

Jack Wallis

I never thought Rodgers would find someone that could rival his connection with Jordy Nelson but Davante Adams has done just that. Pretty impressive on both sides. Truly dominant.

    Pete Dog

    @Adam B34 Rodgers throws more to Adams bc he has fewer talented receivers to distribute the ball to. Everyone knows he is going to Adams, and they still can’t stop it. Ii is simple, yet you yammer on. You have way too much time on your hands.

    Adam B34

    @Pete Dog lol… you just can’t help yourself can you? Let’s just recap this discussion shall we?…

    1. Your opinion: You said Rodgers threw more passes when he had Jordy which is why Jordy had such elite receiving numbers.

    – Actual Fact: Rodgers has thrown MORE PASSES with Adams than he did with Jordy… you were wrong.

    2. Your opinion: You said Jordy played in a different era than Adams.

    – Actual Fact: They played in the exact same era and were teammates for 3 years… you were wrong.

    3. Your opinion: You said Adams plays in the “era of back shoulder passes”.

    – Actual Fact: Jordy is the one who made the back shoulder pass popular. He and Rodgers made that throw famous… you were wrong.

    4. Your Opinion: You said Adams “never gets hurt”.

    – Actual Fact: Adams gets hurt almost every year. He’s missed 13 games since 2015 including 7 games the last 3 years… you were wrong.

    5. Your Opinion: You said Jordy was a shell of himself after his injury.

    – Actual Fact: Jordy had 1,257 yards and led the league with 14 tds the year after his injury… you were wrong.

    6. Your Opinion: You said Jordy didn’t even play 10 years in the nfl.

    – Actual Fact: Jordy played from 2008-2018, that’s 11 years but he missed 2015 so he actually played 10 seasons… you were wrong.

    7. Your Opinion: You said Jordy played in an era when qbs threw 50 passes per game.

    – Actual Fact: There is no era in nfl history where even one single qb threw 50 passes per game… you were wrong.

    – 2nd Actual Fact: in 2021 there are currently 15 qbs throwing at least 35 passes per game. In Jordy’s rookie year in 2008 there were only 5. In 2011 there were 13. In 2014 there were 15. In 2017 there were 15. Qbs throw as much or more now than they did when Jordy played… you were wrong.

    8. Your Opinion: You said Rodgers “only averages 250 pass yards per game” this year.

    – Actual Fact: He averages 263 pass yards per game this year. Just 11 yards less than the 274 yards per game he averaged with Jordy before Adams arrived… you were wrong.

    – 2nd Actual Fact: Rodgers averaged 274 pass yards per game with Jordy before Adams arrived. He has averaged 261 pass yards per game since Adams arrived… you were wrong.

    You can pretend you’re right all you want. You can insult me 500 times. You can make as many false claims as your little heart desires… but none of that will make anything you’ve said here correct.

    Brandon Reichart

    @Adam B34 Dont waste your time, although I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Jordy might be the best WR to ever play, but its okay. If you know, you know.

    Keehnan Johnson

    @Dylan B nelson wasn’t faster

    Dylan B

    @Keehnan Johnson nelson ran a 4.51 and adams runs 4.56. In game nelson was way faster since he was taller.

Animal Channel

I like Mayfield, he’s got good energy and a drive to win. However he is not elite, not in the relm of Brady, Rodgers or Mahoms and thats what ultimately keeps the Browns an average team.

    Stephen Nevels

    100% correct

    Stephen Nevels

    @Prestin Hurshberry I don’t think it’s fake it can be manipulated I believe

    Stephen Nevels

    People always say Bakers shoulder is banged up
    But that doing have anything to do with bad reads and throwing into double coverage so just stop with that.

    Donald Donald

    @Kelmo excuses excuses. He was trash last year, give it a rest.

    Scruff D0g

    WHAT!!! Baker should never be in the same sentence as those guys. More Like Jimmy G, and Tannehill

Swapnil Ingale

Damn man the packers have some great receivers……on the defense😂

Jose Gomez

This game shows just how talented the browns are even with bakers 4 interceptions they only lost by two if the browns would get a legitimate qb they would be dangerous

    jordan norman

    @Wade Kemmsies I agree


    They need Watson ‼️

    Adam B34

    @Lars Wagner he definitely wasn’t

    Robert W. Rogers

    At some point they gotta accept that their main guy is not bringing them to the end and they’re gonna have to swap him for a player that’s not only strong and healthy but who also has strong passion for Cleveland and the fans. Baker has a lot of passion but he’s been terribly injured and he’s just falling short even when he’s healthy. With all the other great players they’ve got and many who have passion, if they would just get a strong quarterback in there then they would have it but they kept repeating the same mistake game after game by holding baker and did not learn what the problem was OR failed to have alternatives in place and ready to step up. Either way, as usual Cleveland came up short again. They seem to always manage new ways of not pulling through.

    Adam B34

    @Robert W. Rogers he’s so “terribly injured” that he’s only missed ONE GAME in 4 years. Enough of the injury nonsense already. Players who are “terribly injured” can’t play. Players who are banged up can play. He’s banged up, he’s not injured… just like most players.

    But I agree with most of what you said outside of the injury stuff.

Gary Gagnon

Congratulations to Rodgers for his 443 TD pass, tops in Greenbay Packer`s History.

    Adam B34

    @blingman78 what’s your point exactly lol?

    – Peyton Manning
    186-79 regular season
    14-13 playoffs

    – Drew Brees
    172-114 regular season
    9-9 playoffs

    – Ben Roethlisberger
    163-81-1 regular season
    13-9 playoffs

    – Dan Marino
    147-93 regular season
    8-10 playoffs

    -Russell Wilson
    102-53-1 regular season
    9-7 playoffs

    – Steve Young
    94-49 regular season
    8-6 playoffs

    – Jim Kelly
    101-59 regular season
    9-8 playoffs


    @Adam B34 My point was he’s a choker? Just like my numbers tell you

    Adam B34

    @blingman78 but the numbers don’t tell me that. They tell he wins in the playoffs as much or more than most hall of fame qbs.

    I know you’re just trolling and you’re an Aaron Rodgers hater but at least be accurate with your trolling.


    @Adam B34 Yea, you pretend to be a numbers guy, but when shown the numbers that count, which is playoff wins and losses, suddenly you don’t believe them.

    And the numbers show that Rodgers does well in the regular season and chokes in the playoffs.

    Adam B34

    @blingman78 what numbers don’t I believe exactly? Rodgers is in fact 11-9 in the playoffs, that’s a good playoff record that is in line with most hall of fame qbs.

    I mean, you obviously didn’t read the numbers I provided so until you do this conversation is no longer productive. It’s just you ignoring what I say and repeating your personal opinion to me over and over. Look at the numbers I provided, it’s not that difficult.

Wichita Disciple

The Browns should have just ran it on almost every play… the Packers had no answer.

    Adam B34

    @Jezal everything you’re saying is the opposite of reality actually and it’s become abundantly clear that your actual point is that you’re a Packers hater lol. Injuries are relevant, for 100% of teams. You pretending they aren’t does not change that fact.

    Also, Packers definitely don’t have a bad defense. They are 13th in points allowed and 11th in yards allowed. They’ve held their opponents to 21 points or less 7 times this year. They are giving up 21.6 ppg this year, just 1.3 points away from being the 4th ranked defense on the nfl.

    In short, they are basically an extra point per game away from being a top 5 defense. If you think that’s bad, then your opinion is the only thing that’s irrelevant here.


    ​@Adam B34 Still missing my point, mate. Injuries are relevant to a team’s success, yes. But when it comes to the topic of whether this team can win a Super Bowl, the answer boils down to yes or no. Pointing out they have injuries doesn’t change the reality that this team has issues on defense in the present and future.

    It’s more important to look at defense stats in the past two months rather than season long, as their more recent games are a more accurate representation of how their defense is playing now and will play in the coming weeks. Their run defense is atrocious, and they’re giving up like 30 PPG since the Vikings game.

    Adam B34

    @Jezal lol… you can’t say injuries are relevant to a team’s success then immediately say injuries are irrelevant to the Packers’ success. That’s as contradictory as it gets.

    Also, their defense isn’t actually giving up 30 since the Vikings game, that’s a mirage you’ve failed to look at the context of.

    – They stoomped the Bears 45-30, they only put up 30 because of garbage time scores and a 97 yard punt return td. But the defense played very well that game and forced 2 ints and 2 fumbles.

    – They also haven’t really been getting run on other than the Browns game. Most of the rushing yards they gave up the last 3 games have been qb rushing yards… Fields had 74 rush yards for Chicago and Huntley had 73 rush yards for Baltimore.

    – However, they held Dalvin Cook to 3.8 yards per carry. They held the Rams to 3.4 yards per carry and they held David Montgomery to 4.2 yards carry. That’s an average of 3.8 yards per carry by running backs in those 3 games. That’s not only not bad, it’s actually really good.

    Ernest Gomez

    Packers run d is horrible


    @Ernest Gomez wouldnt surprise me if niners blew the packers out

Shane Dougherty

Never would of expected Browns to throw 4 interceptions and only lose by 2 points against Green Bay.


    That defense handled it’s business 😑👍🏿💯💯💯💯💯

MarMax Gaming

Man, the way the browns ran through the packers has me pretty concerned for post season. If we give up 7-8 yards per carry, yikes…

    Quiet Englishman

    @INEZ CHATO AGUILAR JR’S CHANNEL I don’t know about “constantly” but I’ve no idea how the refs missed that pass interference call which led to the fourth interception.

    Mick Crocodile Dundee

    Yes. GB needs to fix the run D and offense on 3rd down. Packers should have blown them out with 4 INTs. Cuz it sure looks like Dallas will be in GB and run us right over. And that would be bad. Can’t let Mike win in GB

    K. YZ

    @Quiet Englishman same way they missed it on that deep one hand catch by Lazard. That was only one-handed cuz dude had his whole other arm lol the refs weren’t calling PI the whole game

    Adam B34

    @Quiet Englishman you realize Peoples-Jones pushed off Douglas which is what caused Douglas to grab the jersey right? There was offensive p.i BEFORE defensive p.i on that play.

    Quiet Englishman

    @Adam B34 True but refs are way less likely to call offensive pass interference than defensive. I guess the refs were just allowing them to fight it out between them. I quite like that.

Frank Phillips

The Browns were well on their way to losing when Mayfield accidentally threw an interception to one of his own players resulting in a touchdown that brought them tragically close to a win.


    Underrated comment


    @Hai Voai I don’t speak that language


Of course I’m ALWAYS for the Packers
👍 🏈 🧀 #GoPackGo
I will say, I’ve NOTHING but respect for that Browns’ running game… Absolute BEAST in Chubb #24

Rapture Bound

Been watching football for several decades now and just about every time you see a team score first and miss the extra point its a bad omen for how the game will go for that team. Sorry Cleveland.

Rama Lama Ding Dong

Mayfield = 4 ints in ONE game
Rodgers = 4 ints ALL season

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