Player’s Lounge: How Disappointing Was This Loss? | Dallas Cowboys 2021 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Player’s Lounge: How Disappointing Was This Loss? | Dallas Cowboys 2021

Danny McCray, Barry Church and Newy Scruggs break down and recap the Dallas Cowboys Wild Card round loss to the San Francisco 49ers and debate how disappointing the season finale was Sunday.

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Ian Good

2018 cowboys that beat Seahawks and lost to Rams in playoffs woulda beat this 2021 team.

Jonny Rotten

im so done with the cowboys its been 26 fing years if it werent for jimmy being there the 1st 5 years we wouldnt have won a SB in 30 years jerry needs to go!

    Andy McDonnell

    I can’t say I don’t blame you. The only thing Jerry Jones is selling is optimism but that’s no longer good enough. As a longtime loyalist, I also know when it’s time to cut my losses and begin following a winner which begins with accountability none of which is prevalent within this organization.

tracy harri

I’m a fan since early 70s and a Lifer ,but its time for tuff love and hopefully Cowboys adopt this and stop over inflating the team !


    Keep the faith everything will be ok, LETS GO COWBOYS 👌🏽


    Personal audio visuals MSSQUEN.MY.ID

    mañas no se la
    Megan: “Hotter”
    Hopi: “Sweeter”
    Joonie: “Cooler”
    Yoongi: “Butter

    Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la lease que escriba bien mamon hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado.por la vida dura que se vive hoy .
    Köz karaş: ”Taŋ kaldım”
    Erinder: ”Sezimdüü”
    Jılmayuu: ”Tattuuraak”
    Dene: ”Muzdak”
    Jizn, kak krasivaya melodiya, tolko pesni pereputalis.
    Aç köz arstan
    Bul ukmuştuuday ısık kün bolçu, jana arstan abdan açka bolgon.

    Uyunan çıgıp, tigi jer-jerdi izdedi. Al kiçinekey koyondu gana taba algan. Al bir az oylonboy koyondu karmadı. ”Bul koyon menin kursagımdı toyguza albayt” dep oylodu arstan.
    Arstan koyondu öltüröyün dep jatkanda, bir kiyik tigi tarapka çurkadı. Arstan aç köz bolup kaldı. Kiçine koyondu emes, çoŋ kiyikti jegen jakşı dep oylodu.#垃圾

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente


    Truth Spreader

    Not happening,this team is a circus….

    bigpoppa 1967

    Doubtful as long as Jerry Jones refuses to fire himself as GM.

Trill by Nature

Physical teams at home equal Ls
So this off-season should be about discipline and physicality


    Will be ok 👌🏽LETS GO COWBOYS

    Erick Mack

    @BenTramer clearly a delusional fan bot


    @BenTramer LETS GO COWBOYS

Deezboyz Justwin

What did y’all expect from a glorified backup quarterback that needs a dominant running game and thinks prefect when count on daks arm cowboys lose with excuses and blame


    Personal audio visuals MSSQUEN.MY.ID

    mañas no se la
    Megan: “Hotter”
    Hopi: “Sweeter”
    Joonie: “Cooler”
    Yoongi: “Butter

    Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la lease que escriba bien mamon hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado.por la vida dura que se vive hoy .
    Köz karaş: ”Taŋ kaldım”
    Erinder: ”Sezimdüü”
    Jılmayuu: ”Tattuuraak”
    Dene: ”Muzdak”
    Jizn, kak krasivaya melodiya, tolko pesni pereputalis.
    Aç köz arstan
    Bul ukmuştuuday ısık kün bolçu, jana arstan abdan açka bolgon.

    Uyunan çıgıp, tigi jer-jerdi izdedi. Al kiçinekey koyondu gana taba algan. Al bir az oylonboy koyondu karmadı. ”Bul koyon menin kursagımdı toyguza albayt” dep oylodu arstan.
    Arstan koyondu öltüröyün dep jatkanda, bir kiyik tigi tarapka çurkadı. Arstan aç köz bolup kaldı. Kiçine koyondu emes, çoŋ kiyikti jegen jakşı dep oylodu.#垃圾

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente


We Dem Boyz

I honestly don’t think we can win a Superbowl with Jerry Jones as involved as he is. We won three Superbowls because of Jimmy Johnson’s decision making. He built that dynasty. Jerry’s ego made him think that he could do it his way. We have bearly made the playoffs doing it his way. He makes it hard for the coaches to run the team because he interferes way too much. That’s why Bill Parcells quit. He’s too involved and it’s hurts the team.


    ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————💜 DATEME.NAME/STARLA/

    Life’s story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
    #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
    #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
    Megan: ”Hotter”
    Hopi: ”Sweeter”
    Joonie: ”Cooler”
    Yoongi: ”Butter”
    Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
    Megan: “Hotter”
    Hopi: “Sweeter”
    Joonie: “Cooler”
    Yoongi: “Butter” .
    ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
    !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`’守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品“

    Rocco Scarano

    I agree with this statement 100%. I’m a long time Cowboy fan born and raised in Toronto Canada. It all starts at the top. He hires HC that are puppets that he can control. Jimmy Johnson rank this team like a drill Sargent. These penalties would not happen under his leadership. Until he gets a real coach and a real GM this cowboys team will never win JACK.

    We Dem Boyz

    @Rocco Scarano Exactly! it starts at the top.

Mark V

This dam game was a. Replay of the Arizona loss & what the hell was Gregory doing yesterday😡🔥


Jerry was more worried to be politically correct in keeping Dak . We could’ve negotiated Russell Wilson instead.


    Personal audio visuals MSSQUEN.MY.ID

    mañas no se la
    Megan: “Hotter”
    Hopi: “Sweeter”
    Joonie: “Cooler”
    Yoongi: “Butter

    Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la lease que escriba bien mamon hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado.por la vida dura que se vive hoy .
    Köz karaş: ”Taŋ kaldım”
    Erinder: ”Sezimdüü”
    Jılmayuu: ”Tattuuraak”
    Dene: ”Muzdak”
    Jizn, kak krasivaya melodiya, tolko pesni pereputalis.
    Aç köz arstan
    Bul ukmuştuuday ısık kün bolçu, jana arstan abdan açka bolgon.

    Uyunan çıgıp, tigi jer-jerdi izdedi. Al kiçinekey koyondu gana taba algan. Al bir az oylonboy koyondu karmadı. ”Bul koyon menin kursagımdı toyguza albayt” dep oylodu arstan.
    Arstan koyondu öltüröyün dep jatkanda, bir kiyik tigi tarapka çurkadı. Arstan aç köz bolup kaldı. Kiçine koyondu emes, çoŋ kiyikti jegen jakşı dep oylodu.#垃圾

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente


Cody Farmer

I hope someone hires kellen. Abandoning the run in the third quarter is inexcusable. I’d take Garrett calling plays any day over kellen. He was exposed by the broncos and couldn’t figure it out after that game.

    Patrick Neal

    Garrett and kellen Moore play calls plays the same way

    Jeovanni Castillo

    Flip Floppers one day they the best the next they the worst!


    You clearly don’t remember Garrett calling plays. Kellen, as bad as he’s been, is WAY better than Garrett. He was THAT bad.

    Cody Farmer

    @BenTramer I do remember Garrett calling plays. Dallas went 13-3 and had the second best offense in football.

    Cody Farmer

    @Patrick Neal  Garrett never abandoned the run in the beginning of the third quarter of a close game where your qb Is getting hit every other play. The way to slow down a pass rush is by running the ball.

cow stars

Dak and Zeke got paid because of 70 ,72 and 77 . Since 72 retired and 77 been hurt Dak and Zeke have struggled .GM Jerry should have addressed it at the trade deadline .

Andy McDonnell

From the moment the Cowboys deferred the coin toss followed by the Niners rolling down the field uncontested without a 3rd down conversion resulting in a score, I sensed a negative vibe for the game and I was right. Out coached, out muscled, an indecisive QB, an inefficient OL, and probably most glaring, 14 freaking penalties. Starts at the top and this is not a disciplined team. Welcome to Cowboys nation where the “status quo” is our mission statement.

David Peaston

Just begin a process of looking at quarterbacks and trying to relieve Dak. There are a lot of issues, but some refuse the obvious….6 years running…

Benjamin Garza

Offensive line got bullied because they had to pass protect most of the game. The scoring drive the Cowboys had they ran the ball 6 times and threw it twice. Then we went back to passing

    Victor Ward

    Run the football, plain and simple.
    Kellen Moore is pass, pass, pass then run the football. A recipe for failure in the NFL


If Jerry was serious about winning he would fire the HC straight away. They accept mediocrity and it shows. They’ve loss their ruthlessness they had when they entered the league.

Victor Ward

This Cowboy team has abandoned the RUN GAME the whole entire season. You win games running the football. I personally would by happy to see Kellen Moore hired as a head coach for another NFL team

    Daniel Gutierrez

    I believe putting leal Collins to LG and keeping Steele RT would have worked.

Joe Juarez

We loyal fans of the Cowboys deserve more than 26 years of failure!

Steven Pringle

It was obvious from year 1 of Moore being OC that he was over his head. The previous year Linehan had this team playing in the divisional round of the playoffs. Moore steps in and the next two years ni post season. Moore will not make the post season if he is here in Dallas next year.

Daniel Yang

this team was basically an all-star team, but had no identity, a huge ego, and no discipline. Their OC is not good, too one dimensional, and refuses to run the ball. The head coach lacks basic management skills. This is the most disappointing loss I have ever seen because of the amount of talent that is on this team. It will be another 2 decades before we will see a roster this loaded.

Reggie Hart

It reminds me of just how our team is…we get one area squared away and then….boom💥 . The main area we think is squared…it falls apart and why don’t we have a scheme like all the contenders have?? Oh well😖


Great breakdown guys. I’m glad someone finally talked about the one drive where they actually ran the ball that resulted in the Amari TD. As disappointing as this game was, they have nobody but themselves to blame. They knew what areas they needed to work on, and they didn’t show any improvement (penalties, run game, focusing on getting first downs early). Like Newy, I’m numb to the pain because I’ve been a fan since the late 70s. Been there, done that.

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