“This Is One Of The Most Improved Position Groups In The NFL” | Wide Receivers | The New York Jets – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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every year i say “this year feels different”, but this year actually does feel different. we got the right people in charge. lets have a knicks-type season, re-energize the fan base, and surprise some people

    Gang Green


Brendy Cherie

Our Wrs group will scare teams this year! This West coast zone-run is going to get those guys open!

NY Man

I agree this is our biggest upgraded postion.

Corey Davis- 1,000 Yards

Denzel Mims-750

Elijah Moore-700.

We now have good depth.

    david jamal

    Dont forget Crowder with at least 700 and change…. If Zach is as good as we think we may have two 1000 yd WRs.

NY Man

Let’s go Jets.


I don’t like Wide Receiver by committee prefer WR1 WR2 etc..

    MacDonald Grazette

    I do…Work for it…Thats the name of the game..Let them help and challenge each other

    david jamal

    Lol where did you get the committee approach from? Most teams play at least 4 or 5 WRs during a game.

clifton cobbin

That’s not saying much considering it’s still one of the worst groups in the league lol

    david jamal

    Our WRs are not even close to “worst” in league….
    Youre either an uninformed or extremely casual football fan.
    Corey Davis, Jamison Crowder, Braxton Berrios, Keelan Cole, Elijah Moore and Denzel Mims are an awesome group…. And may very well rank top 15 depending on the success of Zach Wilson.

    clifton cobbin

    @david jamal name a group that’s worst crowder coo but he a 2, Davis been a disappointment this far why titans let him go, Elijah look nice but rookie…maybe better than the jags pats bears texans group? Still bottom 5 with a rookie QB and HC

    Charlie DiLorenzo

    @clifton cobbin Davis would of had a 1000 yards last season if he didn’t miss 2 games what did you mean a disappointment.


    @clifton cobbin in the context of last year, this group is like 100% better. now in the context of the nfl, i think this group could be ranked a little above mid-tier. that’s enough to make some things happen

Pro Sports Outlook

Very true! Not saying its an Elite group but certainly the most improved from where it was last year! Has a lot of potential!

MacDonald Grazette

This is a dangerous receiving core..



Doug MacRay

If mims does his job your talking about 3 guys over 700

Rafik Baines

Pls stop with the background music. If I clicked the vid, you have my attention. Turn off the music

Danny Sanchez

What do you guys think moores stats will be ?


Don’t forget Braxton Berrios rapport with ZW! They read each others minds!


prediction: two WRs with 1,000 yards or three 700 yard WRs

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