Elandon Roberts Meets With the Media | Miami Dolphins Media Avails – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jake Abjornson

Glad we signed this guy back

Patrick Azor

πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ¬πŸ‘†πŸΎ coach knows how to pick em , I love it πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

Tracy Jones

I love how the Dolphins players give the media nothing to misconstrue & take out of context in their pressers!! 🀣

    EM KA

    I agree. that’s coach Flo all the way. And also the players he brings in all have the same mindset, even looking at all the rookies last couple years I’ve been noticing that. Flo understands the media and he picked up some things from Belichek. Say as little as possible, team first mentality.

Wayne Bender

He has a dry sense of humor. πŸ™‚πŸ‘Œ
Fins Up! πŸŒ΄πŸŠβ˜€οΈπŸ¬

Ryan damon


Fred Rivera

Defense will be improved this year.

Jason Hudson

He was trolling them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

startpups inc

Pound for Pound my favorite LB in the AFC…just my opinion

C.L VerbalWarningshow

A Real Guy!!! Go Phins !!


Anyone in the Dolphins organization when Omar Kelly or Armando Salguero ask a question πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„


Can’t get much out of all the Dolphin players , I love it. Elandon Roberts is an absolute Beast. Him & McKinney are gonna lay down the hammer this year!

    James Vaughn



Reporters again, outside of Travis and maybe Josh, ask such garbage questions (looking at you Omar). Dolphins, please get new journalists/internet content creators/Dolphins Sports Coverage websites/youtubers on that can ask the questions FANS WANT to hear… It’s insanely boring to hear these reporters… I guarantee if you give people like phinsidethenfl or ProfessorKlump, DouglieDoWrong, TDPhinsTalk or writers from PhinPhanatic on the media calls to ask questions, we’d get much better press conferences from now on.

Rusty Miller

Too many concussions, you know , you know , you know , you know , you know , you know , you know ?????

Cory Bundukamara

We got our 4th and short wood layer back… 🦾

# hamdale

‘What you call surgery, I call sprained ankle.’ …. ‘I had surgery.’ πŸ˜†

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