Hunter Long Talks 2021 Rookie Minicamp | Miami Dolphins Media Avails – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Caden S

Miami is the best team in football.

    James Matthews

    Brian from Ohio is that you?

    George Arthur


    Sheldon Thomas

    I wish we was but we’re not

    Cody Coppersmith

    Washington has the only Football Team tho

    G. Reid

    Let’s fucking hope so bro

Joze 'Juicy J'

Can we please get fans asking questions? Come on guys the same questions asked differently. Have a representative to take fans questions to ask players.

    Temo Palmer

    These beat writers are idiots. Their main podcast guy Travis is a slice of wonder bread. Straight boring milk toast.

Samuel Rosa

Can’t wait to see the 2 TE set Hunter and Gesicki. (Maybe a repeat of a Gronk Hernandez without the trouble of Hernandez God Bless Hernandez and his family). Hunter just has to learn the playbook and we’ll see his abilities much sooner than later. Welcome to Miami.

Paul G

dolphin reporters are so bad, can we switch up the questions for once? have some pride lol

    Marsalis Temple

    The majority of their questions are obviously unanswerable

    WC M

    Omar is good.

Ownaron Ulteron

This kid knows how to talk to the press already. Very intelligent – I am very interested to see how he does!

    Benjamin Alan

    That’s a “Flores’ guy” for you

    Kevin Clements

    this guy might be the highest IQ on the team…of course Fitz was a certified genius IQ …only guy to finsh 50 of 50 on the Wonderlic test & had almost 4 minutes to spare….

Patrick Azor


Jason Clary

The way he answers questions sound like Tannehill

Lizzy PhinsFan

Shaheen signed an extension last season, so smythe may be the odd man out

    WC M

    He’s the only one who can block though.

    Ted Uppy

    @WC M if you go back and review Gesicki this year his blocking was better than people often make it out to be. Still not where most would want it/ or ought to be. If continues improving this offseason I think he could prove a lot of people worng.

    WC M

    @Ted Uppy to be honest I don’t care if he can block or not. Geseki is a stud from several different spots as a receiver and especially in the red zone. I really hope the plan is not to let him walk.

    Ted Uppy

    @WC M totally he’s a stud. But many seem think he can’t block as you suggest in your comment. So I was trying to point out he still has potential to become that complete TE in 2021.

Kevin Clements

Very businesslike in his demeanor. I love this, and Flo I can imgine loves this too. This guy will be a stud, and the TE room better be prepared this guy is gonna be a force !

James Matthews

If this dude even mildly shows out than Mike really needs to ball out. Or else the Phins will say bye bye in FAgency if the numbers aren’t right. I hope not

Shawn Starks

Now see ladies and gentlemen, he’s gonna be alright. Mature already. Went to BC huh? Looks and answers questions just like another Boston College Grad. Matt Ryan of the Atlanta Falcons. (I use to live in Atlanta, so I know) George Godsey another intelligent dude, played QB at Georgia Tech. My point is, those 2 are gonna get along. Your not gonna have to worry about him getting caught up at Tootsies or in South Beach. He’s gonna be a good pro.

gus gfarcia

Welcome to Miami …

Tony Mactana

He is the definition of nerdy jock.

Nick Kubacki

Already knows to ignore Armando’s nonsense. I love this kid already.

    . Polo

    I can’t stand Armando he reminds me of that character from GTA 5 “Lester”


    Armando is terrible, he’s been a dolphins hater for the longest time.



Stanky Farts

Being from NY seeing actual reporters I swear we have the worst in the NFL🙄

Rusty Miller

Best interview of the rookie class…

Russell Todd

I once heard a comedian say, “You’ll know you’re getting old when professional athletes start looking like kids.”


Andrew Bruticimus

I feel like this guy is all business…hopefully he put up good tape for his resume. Phins up!

Paul Mancini

Wow, Looks like he’s 16 !! Ha!! Hunter Long has a nice productive Career ahead of him and believe he will be a real gem of a Player and Weapon for the Dolphins

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