WR Elijah Moore Media Availability | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Isaak Fetzer


Brendan McCallion

So excited to see this guy on gameday. Probably my fav pick of the Draft πŸ˜€

Ry son

Elijah give fans a Super Bowl πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰

Friggle Dee

Buying his jersey and i know i won’t regret it.

Nicolas Garnica



Stay healthy fellas ! Looking forward to the future highlights

Philip 3rd

This guy is ready to go, you can see the energy and excitement!

ste s


MinePlay 512

Expect Moore to be a great player soon.

J Brumfield

my guy..ats what us jets fans want 2 hear…i too will have this mans jersey..go jets

Jon Woo

β€œReady to watch him look pretty throwing me balls” PAUSEEEE πŸ˜‚ jk




    I died.

Charlie Grant

May God bless you Elijah! Welcome to the Jets!


2:44 tells me everything I need to know about him! We got a special one on our hands!

J Merwede

Wilson + Moore = Pure Electricity

Can’t Wait 2 finally see some Offense!

Is it September yet??

Anthony Anthony

Let’s go New York !!!!!

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