Rashawn Slater Has WHAT As a Pet?!? 🐉👀 | Chargers First Round Draft Pick Answers Fan Questions – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dr Pepper

⚡️Go Chargers ⚡️

Sean OBrien

The Slayyytr has his Dragon 🐲

Leo Garcia

Bolt boyyyyyyy!!!!

Andre Ecija

Bolt Up Man ⚡⚡⚡

Shiba Inu Des

BOLT UP! Welcome Rashawn Slater! Charger fans are so excited for this upcoming season!

Prof Wolf

Whataburger over in n out? He’s a bust 😂


    @Chris Alan dude you must have got a rare bad batch. In n Out fries are the best

    Joel T

    Born and raised in southern CA… In n Out doesn’t even make top 3… Five guys > Shake Shack > Whataburger > In n Out

    ronnny Sosa

    @Joel T you’re not a true Californian than cus in n out beats everyone

    Joel T

    @ronnny Sosa overrated!!!

    Taison Kilgore

    @Joel T as a person from the bay, I completely agree with u

One Love 18

Congrats big man God bless!

Chris Alan

seems like a good guy to have in the locker room, love this kids personality – bolt tf up 619 baby

Kristos Lych


A. Pimentel

no no no waterburger is not even on the same scale! someone get this guy an animal style 4×4 burger and animal style fries w/ strawberry milk shake.

Herrmann Purdon



Someone get this guy some more In N Out , I won’t accept that answer.

    Robert Hennum

    Especially cuz Whataburger is straight garbage, their soda cups are big though

antonio gutierrez canedo

Vamos Chargers ⚡⚡⚡

Greg Sudol

Homie wasn’t expecting Haley to be so fine lmao

    coca pipimonster

    Yup. Homie was like damn…

Iisa Cruz

How can you not love this kid? The front office picked a fine young man with all the intangibles for success. GO BOLTS! I’ll be rooting for ya all the way from east Tennessee.


Slater gonna show her his pet snake

Julian Lopez

He will be a great player

cmask yt

iam a big chargers fan since i was 4

Ryan Holliday

He looks like he’s 18. Knock on wood….stay healthy!!

Rknee Gordon

Welcome to the BoltFam⚡️ “In Telesco We Trust”

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